Prices of stamps for postcards in all countries/territories (wiki)

Feel free to edit this wiki with the current stamp prices for postcards in your country/territory, in their different categories (economy/priority, domestic/international, etc), in your local currency. If there’s a page with prices list, add the link to it too. Please try to be as succinct as possible.

Åland Islands :aland_islands:

Economy Priority
Domestic 2,40 € 2,80 €
Finland - 2,90 €
Nordic countries/Europe 2,80 € 3,20 €
Other 2,80 € 3,40 €

Albania :albania:

Surface Air
Domestic 20 L -
Kosovo, North Macedonia 30 L 70 L
Greece, Montenegro - 70 L
Europe - 90 L
Rest of the World - 100 L

Argentina :argentina:

  • Domestic: $1400
  • International:
    • Bordering Countries: $6200
    • Rest of South America: $6500
    • Rest of the Americas: $6800
    • Europe: $7800
    • Rest of the World: $8300

Armenia :armenia:

  • Domestic: 320 ֏
  • International: 400 ֏

Australia :australia:

  • Domestic: Regular $1.50 Priority $2.20 Concession holder .60c
  • New Zealand: $2.70
  • Asia Pacific: $3.00
  • US & Canada $3.00
  • UK & Europe $3.00
  • Rest of the World: $3.00

Austria :austria:

economy priority
Domestic €0,95 €1,20
Europe €1,20 €1,40
Rest of the world €1,90 €2,10
Attention :point_right: Appendix A.

Bahamas :bahamas:

  • All destinations: B$0.65

Bahrain :bahrain:

  • Europe: 510 Fils (= 0.51 BHD)
  • Americas, Asia and Oceania: 610 Fils (= 0.61 BHD)
    see :point_right: Appendix A.

Bangladesh :bangladesh:

  • SAARC: 20 Tk + 5 Tk* = 25 Tk
  • Rest of Asia: 30 Tk + 7 Tk* = 37 tK
  • Oceania & Australia: 40 Tk + 15 Tk* = 55 Tk
  • Africa & Europe: 50 Tk + 15 Tk* = 65 Tk
  • North & South America: 60 Tk + 20 Tk* = 80 Tk
    (*) air surcharge

Belarus :belarus:

  • Domestic: 0,70 BYN or “A” stamp
  • International:
    • 2,16 BYN or “N” stamp (Economy)
    • 2,34 BYN or “M” stamp (Priority)

Belgium :belgium:

Economy Priority
Domestic 1,39 € ¹ 2,17 € ²
Europe 2,65 € ³
Other 2,87 € ⁴
discounts :point_right: Appendix A.

Belize :belize:

From mainland:

  • Europe: 0.40 BZD
  • Asia, Russia: 0.60 BZD

From islands:

  • All destinations: 1.00 BZD

Benin :benin:

  • Domestic: 350 FCFA
  • Niger, Nigeria, Togo & Burkina Faso: 450 FCFA
  • West Africa: 650 FCFA
  • Europe & Rest of Africa: 850 FCFA
  • Other: 1100 FCFA

Bermuda :bermuda:

  • Domestic: BD$0.40
  • International
    • North America, Central America, Caribbean, Colombia, Venezuela: BD$1.00
    • Europe (incl. Russia): BD$1.20
    • Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay: BD$1.20
    • Asia, Australia, Oceania: BD$1.40

Bhutan :bhutan:

  • Domestic Nu. 15
  • Neighbours (IN, NP, BD) Nu. 25
  • International Nu. 30

Bosnia & Herzegovina :bosnia_herzegovina:

From Pošte Srpske offices:

From BH Pošta offices:

  • Domestic: 1.10 KM
  • International: 1.50 KM

From Hrvatska pošta Mostar offices:

  • Domestic: 0.80 KM
  • International: 1.50 KM

Brazil :brazil:

  • Domestic: R$ 2.55
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay: R$ 4.30
  • Other South American countries: R$ 4.50
  • Central & North America: R$ 4.95
  • Europe: R$ 5.90
  • Asia, Africa, Oceania: R$ 6.30

British Antarctic Territory

  • Standard: £0.70

Brunei :brunei:

  • Domestic: B$0.10
  • Zone 1: B$0.20
  • Zone 2: B$0.35
  • Zone 3: B$0.50
  • Zone 4: B$0.50
  • Zone 5: B$0.60

Map of Zones

Bulgaria :bulgaria:

Economy Priority
Domestic 0.50 lv. 0.80 lv.
Greece, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia & Turkey 1.65 lv. 2.25 lv.
Europe 1.90 lv. 2.70 lv.
World 2.50 lv. 3.00 lv.

Cambodia :cambodia:

International: between 1400 and 3800 KHR, it depends on the country, but mostly 3000 KHR (0,75$) for a postcard.

Canada :canada:

Tax on postage and P stamps :point_right: Appendix A

  • Domestic: $1.15 CAD (single stamp) or $0.99/stamp (in a booklet)
  • USA: $1.40 CAD
  • World: $2.92 CAD

Chile :chile:

  • Domestic: $370 CLP
  • Americas: $840 CLP
  • Rest of the World: $880 CLP

China :cn:

  • Domestic: ¥0.8 CNY
  • Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan: Air Mail ¥4 RMB, Surface Mail ¥3.5 CNY
  • Others (except HK, MO, TW): Air Mail: ¥5 CNY
  • Surface Mail: ¥3.5 CNY
  • SAL: ¥4.5 CNY only to these places :point_right: Appendix A

Colombia :colombia:

  • Zone 1: Ecuador, Panama, Peru & Venezuela $10000
  • Zone 2: Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico & Puerto Rico $10000
  • Zone 3: United States $10000
  • Zone 4: Rest of the Americas $10000
  • Zone 5: Western Europe $10000
  • Zone 6: Eastern Europe & Asia-Pacific $10500
  • Zone 7: Rest of the world $10500

Source: 4-72 User Guide, p. 78

Costa Rica :costa_rica:

  • Central America 445₡
  • Rest of America 665₡
  • Europe 665₡
  • Rest of the World 775₡

Croatia :croatia:

  • Domestic: 0,58 €
  • International: 1,70 €

Cuba :cuba:

  • Domestic: 1.90 CUP
  • United States: 20.35 CUP
  • Europe:24.30 CUP
  • Rest of the World: 31.65 CUP

Cyprus :cyprus:

From Cyprus Post offices:

1st Priority 2nd Priority
Domestic €0,41 €0,34
Zone 1 (EU, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Andorra, San Marino, the Vatican, Liechtenstein, Monaco) €0,64 €0,60
Zone 2 (Other European countries and rest of the world) €0,75 €0,68

From KKTC Posta Dairesi offices:

Surface Air
Domestic ₺1.25 -
Turkey ₺2.50 ₺2.75
Zone 1* ₺4.00 ₺4.50
Zone 2* ₺4.00 ₺4.75
Zone 3* ₺4.00 ₺5.00

*Information on the zones (p. 8); prices in TRY

Czechia :czech_republic:

  • Domestic: 27 Kč (economy, stamp B) and 34 Kč (priority, stamp A)
  • Europe (incl. Russia and Turkey): 44 Kč (always priority), stamp E
  • Rest of the World: 50 Kč (always priority), stamp Z

Denmark :denmark:

Ecuador :ecuador:

  • Domestic: n/a
  • International:
    • Zone 1 (South America): $2.10
    • Zone 2 (USA, Mexico): $2.30
    • Zone 3 (Canada, Central America): $2.60
    • Zone 4 (Europe): $2.80
    • Zone 5 (Israel): $3.10
    • Zone 6 (no countries yet): $3.50

Egypt :egypt:

  • International: 85 EGP

Note: price may be different in each post office!

Estonia :estonia:

  • Domestic: 1,30 €
  • International: 2,60 €

Falkland Islands :falkland_islands:

  • Standard: £0.70

Faroe Islands :faroe_islands:

  • Domestic: 23,00 kr
  • Europe: 33,00 kr
  • International: 33,00 kr

Finland :finland:

Economy Priority
Domestic (including Åland) - 2,50 €
International 2,50 € 2,75 €

Forever stamps :point_right: Appendix A

France :fr: (+ Monaco :monaco:, French post in Andorra :andorra:)

  • Domestic (+ Monaco, Andorra, overseas territories): lettre verte (non-priority): 1.29 €
  • International: 1.96 €

Discounts :point_right: Appendix A.

French Polynesia :french_polynesia:

  • Domestic, France and French overseas territories : 170 XPF
  • Rest of the world : 250 XPF

Gambia :gambia:

  • All destinations: D50

Georgia :georgia:

Germany :de:

Normal postcards Squared postcards Envelopes*
Domestic 0,70 € 1,60 € 0,85 €
International 0,95 € 3,70 € 1,10 €
  • Shaped postcards can only be sent in an envelope.

Gibraltar :gibraltar:

  • Local: £0.30
  • Spain: £0.60
  • UK: £0.90
  • Europe: £1.00
  • Rest of world: £1.15

Greece :greece:

  • All destinations: 2,00 €

Greenland :greenland:

  • Domestic
    • “A” Prioritaire: kr. 22,00
    • “B” Économique: kr. 16,00
  • International (only “A” Prioritaire)
    • Europe: kr. 25,00
    • Other: kr. 34,00

Guam :guam:

(see USA)

Guatemala :guatemala:

  • Domestic: 1 quetzal
  • International:
    • Central America + Panama: 11 Q.
    • Caribbean + Rest of the Americas: 14 Q.
    • Rest of the world: 17 Q.

Guernsey :guernsey:

  • Bailiwick of Guernsey / Alderney: £0.56
  • UK / Isle of Man / Jersey: £0.87
  • Europe: £1.21
  • Rest of the World: £1.50

Honduras :honduras:

  • Domestic: 5 Lempiras (urban) / 10 L. (rest of the country)
  • International:
    • Group 1 (Central America): 10 L.
    • Group 2 (North America): 15 L.
    • Group 3 (Caribbean + South America): 20 L.
    • Group 4 (Europe): 25 L.
    • Group 5 (rest of the world): 30 L.

Hong Kong :hong_kong:

  • Domestic (up to 30g): 2.2 HKD
    [Overseas Letter Mail Zoning]
  • International — Surface (up to 20g):
    • CN, MO, TW: 2.8 HKD
    • Zone 1: 3.5 HKD
    • Zone 2: 5.0 HKD
    • Zone 3: 5.3 HKD
  • International — Air (up to 20g):
    • CN, TW: 3.7 HKD
    • Zone 1: 4.0 HKD
    • Zone 2: 5.4 HKD
    • Zone 3: 5.5 HKD


Economy Priority
Domestic 230 Ft 330 Ft
European countries 845 Ft 1055 Ft
Other 975 Ft 1155 Ft

Iceland :iceland:

India :india:

  • Domestic: ₹6
  • International (Surface):
    • BD, BT, NP, PK: ₹8
    • APPU countries except for the above countries: ₹10
    • Other countries: ₹12
  • International (Airmail):
    • BD, BT, NP, PK: ₹10
    • Other countries: ₹15

Indonesia :indonesia:

For Indonesia, please see :point_right: Appendix A.

Iran :iran:

  • Within the province: 21,600ريال
  • Neighboring province: ريال33,600
  • Other provinces: 36,000ريال
  • International: 117,000ريال

Ireland :ireland:

  • Domestic: €1.40
  • International: €2.20

Isle of Man :isle_of_man:

  • Local/UK/Channel Islands: £0.85
  • Europe: £1.28
  • Australasia: £2.32
  • USA: £2.72
  • Other: £2.31

Israel :israel:

Surface Air
Domestic ₪2.50 -
World ₪3.20 -
Group 1 - ₪8.30
Group 2 - ₪9.00
Group 3 - ₪7.40
Group 4 - ₪6.50
Group 5 - ₪8.30
Group 6 - ₪7.00

Italy :it: (same for San Marino :san_marino: and the Vatican :vatican_city:)

Non-priority (“B” fare)
Italy, San Marino, Vatican: € 1.25
Zone 1 = Europe + Mediterranean countries: € 1.30
Zone 2 = Rest of Asia and Africa + Americas: € 2.45
Zone 3 = Oceania: € 3.20

Jamaica :jamaica:

  • Domestic: 50 JMD
  • Overseas: 100 JMD

Japan :jp:

Jersey :jersey:

  • Local: £0.60
  • UK/Isle of Man/Channel Islands: £0.98
  • Europe: £2.15
  • Other: £2.95

Jordan :jordan:

  • Domestic: 0.20 JOD
  • Europe, Asia and Africa: 0.90 JOD
  • Americas: 1.10 JOD

Kazakhstan :kazakhstan:

  • Domestic: 35 ₸
  • Worldwide: Priority 330 ₸, Economy 260 ₸ or N stamp

Kenya :kenya:

Surface Air SAL
Domestic 40 KES - -
East Africa 50 KES 65 KES 55 KES
Rest of Africa 65 KES 75 KES 70 KES
Europe, Middle &Near East 70 KES 90 KES 85 KES
Rest of the World 110 KES 110 KES 105 KES

Korea (South) :kr:

  • International postcard
    • Air Mail: ₩430
    • Surface Mail: ₩310

Kosovo :kosovo:

Laos :laos:

  • Domestic: 5000 kip
  • International: 40000 kip

Latvia :latvia:

  • Domestic: 1,00 €
  • International: Use Calculator

Liechtenstein :liechtenstein:

( see Switzerland )

Lithuania :lithuania:

Luxembourg :luxembourg:

  • Domestic: 1,00 €
  • Europe: 1,40 €
  • Other: 1,75 €

Macau :macau:

Surface Air
Domestic 2.5 MOP
Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan 4 MOP
Mainland China 4.5 MOP
Taiwan 5 MOP
Zone I 4.5 MOP 4 MOP
Zone II 5 MOP 4.5 MOP
Zone III 6 MOP
Zones details
  • Zone I: India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Zone II: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France (including Andorra, Monaco, Corsica), Germany, Holland, Italy (including S.Marino), Japan, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA.
  • Zone III: All other countries and regions except Mainland China.

Madagascar :madagascar:

International 8800 Ariary

Malaysia :malaysia:

Maldives :maldives:

  • Domestic: 11 MVR
  • International: 15 MVR

Malta :malta:

Mauritius :mauritius:

  • Domestic: 10 Rs
  • International: 32 Rs

Mexico :mexico:

  • Domestic $7.00
  • North/Central America & Caribbean $11.50
  • Europe & South America $13.50
  • Other $15.00

Moldova :moldova:

  • Domestic: 5 MDL
  • International:
    • Zone A (most of Europe and former USSR): 12 MDL
    • Zone B (other): 14 MDL

Mongolia :mongolia:

Montenegro :montenegro:

  • Domestic: 0.30€
  • International:
    • Economy: 0.80€
    • Airmail:
      • Neighbors except Italy: 0.90€
      • Rest of Europe: 0.95€
      • USA/Canada: 1.00€
      • Other: 1.05€

Morocco :morocco:

  • Domestic: 4.10 MAD
  • International
    • Europe: 9.80 MAD
    • Arab Countries: 14.50 MAD
    • Africa: 15.10 MAD
    • Americas: 16.30 MAD
    • Asia, Australia, Oceania: 18.10 MAD

Myanmar :myanmar:

  • Domestic: 200 MMK
  • International: 1000 MMK

Nauru :nauru:

  • International
    • Selected Pacific Islands (excl. USA Territories): $1.00 AUD
    • Australia and New Zealand: $1.00 AUD
    • Asia, North America, and Canada: $1.50 AUD
    • Europe, UK/Ireland and ROTW: $1.50 AUD

Nepal :nepal:

  • Domestic: 5 NPR
  • International
    • India, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: 20 NPR
    • China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Southeast Asia: 25 NPR
    • Iran, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen: 25 NPR
    • Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea: 35 NPR
    • Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria: 35 NPR
    • Africa: 35 NPR
    • Europe, incl. Russia: 35 NPR
    • Americas, Australia, New Zealand: 40 NPR

Netherlands :netherlands:

  • Domestic: €1.14
  • International: €1.80

From the 14th of November until the 6th of January. Has written ‘December’ instead of the value of the stamp on it.

  • Domestic: €0.96
  • International: 2x€0.96

New Caledonia :new_caledonia:

Postage increase each year on the 1st of May.
370F CFP (year 2024)
400F CFP (year 2025)

New Zealand :new_zealand:

North Macedonia :macedonia:

Northern Mariana Islands :northern_mariana_islands:

(see USA)

Norway :norway:

  • Domestic: 23 NOK (or Innland)
  • Europe (includes Russia & Turkey): 31 NOK (or Europa)
  • Other: 37 NOK (or Verden/Verda)

Oman :oman:

  • International: 500 Baisa (= 0.5 OMR)

Palestine :palestinian_territories:

  • International: 500 Mils / ₪3

Panama :panama:

Domestic: .20

Group 1: Central America, USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador. .35
Group 2: Rest of South America, Canada, Bermuda .40
Group 3: Europe .40
Group 4: Rest of the World .45

Paraguay :paraguay:

North America: 15,000 ₲
Germany and Spain: 18,000
Rest of Europe: 19,000
Asia: 20,000

Peru :peru:

  • All destinations: PEN 10.20

Philippines :philippines:

  • Domestic:
    • Interprovince: ₱16
    • Interland: ₱18
    • Interisland: ₱21
  • International: ₱15

Poland :poland:

  • Domestic
    • Economy: 3.90 zł
    • Priority: 4.80 zł (indicated with PRIORYTET or blue sticker)
  • International - prices updated 01.01.2024
    • Europe (including Cyprus, Israel and Russia): 10 zł
    • Africa, North America: 11 zł
    • Asia, Central and South America: 12 zł
    • Australia and Oceania: 13 zł

Portugal :portugal:

  • Domestic: €0,65
  • Europe (including Russia): €1,20
  • Rest of the world: €1,30

Puerto Rico :puerto_rico:

(see USA)

Qatar :qatar:

Romania :romania:

Economy Priority
Domestic 4,00 lei 5,80 lei
International 10,00 lei 13,00 lei

For some countries, priority mail is mandatory (DA = allows surface mail; NU = airmail/priority only)

Russia :ru:

Economy Priority
Domestic 22₽
Kazakhstan & Belarus 70₽ 90₽
International 90₽ 100₽

Samoa :samoa:

  • Zone 1 – New Zealand, Australia and Nearby Pacific Islands: $2.40
  • Zone 2 – Asia, USA, Honolulu, North America, PNG, Vanuatu, N.Caledonia, Solomon Island: $3.30
  • Zone 3 – Europe, Middle East, South America: $3.60
  • Zone 4 – Africa and the ROW: $4.70

San Marino :san_marino:

(See Italy)

Serbia :serbia:

  • Domestic: 38 RSD
  • International
    • Surface: 100 RSD
    • Airmail: check here, but in general:
      • Europe: 110 RSD
      • Asia & Africa: 112 RSD
      • Americas, Australia & Oceania: 116 RSD

Singapore :singapore:

  • Domestic
    • Standard (162mm x 240mm x 6mm): S$0.52
    • Standard Large (229mm x 324mm x 14mm): S$0.80
  • International Airmail
    • Zone 1 - Malaysia & Brunei: S$0.75
    • Zone 2 - Countries in Asia & the Pacific (except Australia, Japan, and New Zealand): S$0.85
    • Zone 3 - Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and Rest of the World: S$0.85
  • International Surface Postcard Mail (except Malaysia and Brunei): S$0.30

Slovakia :slovakia:

  • Domestic
    • standard: 0.90€
    • priority: 1.20€
  • Czechia: 1.20€
  • Europe: 1.50€
  • World: 1.60€

Slovenia :slovenia:

South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands :south_georgia_south_sandwich_islands:

  • Standard: £0.70

South Africa :south_africa:

Economy/Surface Priority/Air mail
Domestic R6.30 R10.20
International R7.75 R12.75

Spain :es:

  • Domestic: 0.82 € (“A” stamps) (includes Andorra, Spanish Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)
  • International
    • Europe* & Greenland: €1.70 (“B” stamps)
      (*) except for: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Georgia, Malta, Moldavia & Russia
    • Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, USA: €2.10 (“D" stamps”)
    • Other: €1.75 (“C ” stamps). This includes the countries in the exception (*) above.

Sri Lanka :sri_lanka:

Sweden :sweden:

Switzerland :switzerland: ( same for Liechtenstein :liechtenstein: )

Priority “A” Economy “B”
Domestic (Switzerland and Liechtenstein) 1.20 CHF 1.00 CHF
Europe 1.90 CHF -
World 2.50 CHF -

Taiwan :taiwan:

  • Domestic: NT$5
  • Mainland China (Surface): NT$5
  • Mainland China, HongKong, Macau (Air): NT$6
  • Rest of Asia Pacific: NT$10
  • USA, Canada: NT$11
  • Rest of the world: NT$12

Tanzania :tanzania:

  • Domestic: 900 TSh (economy), 1,700 TSh (priority)
  • International
    • East Africa: 1,700 TSh
    • Rest of Africa: 2,000 TSh
    • Europe & Middle East: 2,300 TSh
    • America & Far East: 2,600 TSh

Thailand :thailand:

  • Domestic: ฿3
  • International:
    • up to 105x148 mm (± 2 mm): ฿35
    • over 105x148 mm up to 130x180 mm (± 2 mm): ฿40

Timor-Leste :timor_leste:

  • Domestic: 0.25 US$
  • International:
    • Asia & Oceanica: 0.50 US$
    • Europe: 0.75 US$
    • America & Africa (RoW): 1 US$

Tunisia :tunisia:

  • Domestic: 0.750 DT
  • UMA (Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Mauretania): 1.200 DT
  • Arabic Countries: 1.200 DT
  • Rest of the World: 1.500 DT

Türkiye (Turkey) :tr:

  • Domestic: ₺15
  • International: ₺30

Ukraine :ukraine:

  • Domestic: 12₴ (non-priority), 15₴ (priority)
  • International: 1 USD

United Nations :united_nations:

From New York (UN Headquarters)

  • USA: 56¢ for postcards (73¢ for oversize postcards)
  • Other: $1.65

From Geneva (Palais des Nations)

  • Switzerland: CHF 1.20
  • Europe: CHF 1.90
  • Other: CHF 2.50

From Vienna (International Centre)

  • Austria: € 1.00
  • Europe: € 1.20
  • Other: € 1.90

United Arab Emirates :united_arab_emirates:

  • Domestic: 2.25 AED
  • International: 3.00 AED

United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland :uk:

  • Domestic
    • First class: £1.35
    • Second class: £0.85
  • International
    • Standard: £2.50
    • Economy: £2.20 (non-Europe destinations)

United States of America :us: (incl. AS, PR, USVI)

  • Domestic Postcards (up to 6 x 4.5 inches): 56¢ (Postcard)
  • Domestic Oversized cards: 73¢ (Forever)
  • International: $1.65 (Global Forever)

Uruguay :uruguay:

  • Domestic : $35
  • International : $90

Vanuatu :vanuatu:

  • International: 200 Vatu.

Vatican City :vatican_city:

(See Italy)

Vietnam :vietnam:

see :point_right: Appendix A.


APPENDIX A (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Indonesia, Switzerland & Vietnam)

Australia :australia:

Australia Post sells postcards & maxicards that include international postage, usually below the cost of a stamp.

Austria :austria:

Attention: Mailboxes can only be used for economy rate! If you want to use priority rate with shorter transit times you need to hand the postcards in directly at a post office during opening hours. A priority sticker might be applied to your postcard at the counter (leave some free space if you don’t want to risk anything getting covered up).
Maximum dimensions: L 235 x B 162 x H 5 mm, 20g
Source (in German, p. 9&19)

Bahrain :bahrain:

NOTE: No postage calculator available online - only at post office counter. Above rates were applicable in December 2023

Belgium :belgium:

Stamp discounts
1,39 € (1,36 € if you buy 10)
2,17 € (2,14 € if you buy 5 or 10)
2,65 € (2,53 € if you buy 5)
2,87 € (2,75 € if you buy 5)

Canada :canada:

  • There’s a PERMANENT stamp, identified with the letter P in place of a value that is always accepted at the current domestic postage.
  • Prices are before tax.

China :cn:

Price List

  • SAL can only sent to following countries:
    South Korea, Japan;Cyprus;Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Albania, Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Gibraltar, United Kingdom, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Ukraine , Vatican City, Montenegro, USA, Canada, Australia;Comoros, Azores and Madeira Islands, Lesotho, Sao Tome and Principe, Anguilla, Asuncion, Bolivia, Brazil, Greenland, Bermuda, Saint-Pierre And Miquelon, Tristan da Cunha, U.S. Virgin Islands, Paraguay, Puerto Rico

Finland :finland:

  • Most of the stamps sold in Finland now are forever stamps. Map of Finland indicates a domestic forever stamp. Old 1 lk and 2 lk forever stamps have the same value as a domestic forever stamp. All these can be used for international mailing as well (one stamp is currently enough for the international economy rate). International forever stamps are priority rate stamps and have a small globe on them.

France :fr:

  • Stamps bought online and printed from home are a bit cheaper (lettre verte: €1.26; international €1.90). These stamps can only be used for mail sent from France, not Monaco or Andorra.

Indonesia :indonesia:

Updated July 1st 2022, the postage rates are based on Kepmen Nomor 222 Tahun 2022

List of countries by Region and the postage fee

South East Asia (ASEAN)
  • Rp 5000 : Brunei, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Singapore, Vietnam
  • Rp 6000 : Cambodia
Asia, Oceania & The Pacific
  • Rp 6000 : Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Langka, Taiwan
  • Rp 7000 : Afghanistan, Fiji, Kiribati, Iran, Jordan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Lebanon, Maldives, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Island, Tonga, Tokelau, Turkey, Tuvalu, UAE, Vanuatu
  • Rp 8000 : Bahrain, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Israel, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Palau, Pitcairn Islands , Syria, Wallis & Futuna, West Samoa, Yemen
  • Rp 9000 : Macao, Micronesia , Palestine , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan,
  • Rp 10.000 : Iraq
  • Rp 11.000 : Mariana Islands
  • Rp 12.000 : Mayotte
  • Rp 15.000 : Guam
Africa & The Atlantic
  • Rp 8000 : Ascension Island, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Swaziland
  • Rp 9000 : Algeria, Benin, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somaliland, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda
  • Rp 10.000 : Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo (Dem Rep), Congo (Rep), Djibouti, Eritrea, Gabon, Gambia, Seychelles, Tanzania, Zambia
  • Rp 11.000 : Equatorial Guinea, Sudan
  • Rp 12.000 : Burkina Faso
  • Rp 8000 : Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey
  • Rp 9000 : Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain (UK), Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Vatican
  • Rp 10.000 : Czech Republic , Iceland, Finland, Norway
  • Rp 11.000 : Liechtenstein
  • Rp 12.000 : Andorra, San Marino
  • Rp 13.000 : Faroe Islands
  • Rp 15.000 : Greenland
The Americas
  • Rp 8000 : Nicaragua, US Virgin Islands
  • Rp 9000 : French Guiana, Guadeloupe , St Helena, St Pierre & Miquelon , Trinidad and Tobago
  • Rp 10.000 : Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda Bolivia, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St Kiss & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & Grenadines, Suriname, USA, Uruguay, Venezuela, British Virgin Islands
  • Rp 11.000 : Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Curacao, Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten,
  • Rp 12.000 : Martinique, Montserrat, Turks & Caicos Islands

Vietnam :vietnam:

Domestic: webpage no longer available: 3,000 VNĐ (May not be accurate)

International: (Prices were as of 1/1/2023. webpage no longer available)

  • All Europe, including Georgia (except Belarus, Croatia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine): 31,700 VNĐ
  • Belarus, Croatia, Lithuania, and Russia: 33,000 VNĐ
  • Turkey: 33,000 VNĐ
  • Ukraine: 34,400 VNĐ
The Americas
  • Mexico: 31,700 VNĐ
  • Canada & USA: 33,000 VNĐ
  • Brazil: 34,400 VNĐ
Middle East
  • Bahrain, UAE: 30,400 VNĐ
  • Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia: 31,700 VNĐ
  • Israel: 33,000 VNĐ
  • Australia: 31,700 VNĐ
  • New Zealand: 31,700 VNĐ
  • Southeast Asia (ASEAN): 23,800 VNĐ
  • Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, Japan, Pakistan: 31,700 VNĐ
  • Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Taiwan: 30,400 VNĐ
  • Kazakhstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan: 33,000 VNĐ
  • Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan: 34,400 VNĐ
  • Algeria, Djibouti, D.R. Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda, Tunisia, South Africa: 34,400 VNĐ
  • Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda: 33,000 VNĐ
  • Jordan, Madagascar, Mauritania: 31,700 VNĐ

first 85p
second 66p

international £1.70 up to 20g

price increase 1/1/2021

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Updated for the UK. Took me a while to figure out how!

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Updated Sweden’s this years postages, but they haven’t updated the English version of their site yet, so the link is currently showing incorrect information.

Updated for Belgium. The raises this year are too high in my opinion. €0,30 more for both European and World stamps whereas in other countries such as the Netherlands, it’s only €0,05 more.

Yes, I thought it was just a repeat. Interesting. I wonder what we can add for our extra ten grams?

sending a postcard (or letter up to 20 grams) in méxico (in pesos):
méxico $7.00
north/central america y caribean $11.50
europe y south america $13.50
rest of world $15.00

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Now where are our resident numismatists at???

I’m curious who has the most expensive international rate if they were all converted to the same currency…

From a quick browse of the list, it seems like Italy has a very high cost when comparing the currencies I am familiar with… But I’m wondering if anyone on the forum as a better knowledge of world currencies?

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Denmark has definitely one of the most expensive international rates: It’s 33 DKK = 5,45 USD.


Oh wow!

That is expensive! :money_with_wings::sob:
If I lived in Copenhagen, I think I would be calculating the cost of train to Malmo once per weekend, and just send all my postcards from there for the better rate. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gosh! It’s a wonder that there are still some danish postcrossers remaining! :raised_hands:t2:


I’d probably consider travelling to Germany instead!


True! I guess it depends on which part of Denmark you live… I have only been to Copenhagen and remembered telling people that I “went to Sweden for a quick lunch” because it did seem very easy and quick for me as a tourist. :joy:

Sending cards from Sweden is still expensive. It’s 24 SEK = 2,93 USD. And the train between Copenhagen and Malmö is around 30 USD for a return ticket.


I just got two postcards from Belarus – one with a single “M” stamp and one with a single “P” Stamp.

Can anyone tell me what these mean (and could they please add this info to the Wiki?)

Latvia offers Postage Calculator but to give you an idea:

Domestic: €1
Group 1 (Neighboring Countries - Lithuania and Estonia) up to 20g: €1.29
Group 2 (for example: Germany, China and Ukraine) up to 20g: €1.35
Group 3 (for example: Russia, UK and USA) up to 20g: €1.42
Group 4 (for example: Norway, Korea and Uganda) up to 20g: €1.54

Is there a page on Latvia’s Post website with the countries of each group?

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I hope this helps.


I found a page on Latvia’s Post website with the countries of each group.

This is the link to the Book of Postal Service Rates. It opens a PDF document, where on pages 6, 7 and 8 one can find all the information about Cross-Border letter correspondence in English.
I made two screenshots for you to see what it looks like.
