[In English] -- Visitor's Corner

Welcome to the Indonesian Community section! :smile:

This thread is for visitors who does not know Indonesian language.
Please write here in English if you have questions, needs help from the Indonesian community, or just want to discuss something!

Requests for swap, offer, or RAS could be posted here in English as well from now on.

ā€” Postal & Mail Informations ā€”



maybe you can help me.
I got a wonderful SW card yesterday from Indonesia but I couldnā€™t say thank you to the person because the card has no ID and it was send at the 29th of August 2021! My request for help finding the ID here at PC takes not result, so maybe the adress was taken longer than a year ago.
I only know that the person is from Bandar Lampung.
Thanks for your help.
Pai Sen

When itā€™s not right here, feel free to delite it.

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On August 2021, Indonesia couldnā€™t request and send offical card to Germany. Thereā€™s no ID maybe because itā€™s not official card

Perhaps from tag / RR / direct swap?

With help of local group chat, the card is from @sacvevo , @PaiSen :blush:


Thanks for that answer, but I didnā€™t make swaps or RRS , sorry that I forgot to write that

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Thank you <3

Iā€™m 70% sure thatā€™s from mee! I only have to see the handwriting :grinning::grinning:

Itā€™s yours.
Thank you so much. Thatā€™s such a great card :slight_smile: <3

Thank you all for the help :slight_smile:


Youā€™re welcomeā¤ļø

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Hello All,

Me and another postcrosser Jo (@juytters ) Will visit Bali in the second half of January. Someone wants to meet us or have suggestions to what we need to visit. Let us know!

Is it easy to find lots of stamps there too and cards?

We look to visit this wonderfull island!


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@postcrossingbali lives in Bali, perhaps she knows better about it

January will be the peak of rainy season :laughing: , donā€™t forget raincoat or umbrella :open_umbrella:

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yes, we have been in touch, looking forward to meet @Mamiielariie and @juytters :blush:


It can be Closed this one

We had a great time with great people in Bali

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Just wanted to put out a general thank you to all who contribute to this part of the forum. Iā€™m visiting Bali this week and am grateful for the postal info! :slight_smile:

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Welcome and I hope you will have a great trip and get many wonderful memories in Bali, Melissa! :blush:

Hello dear postcrossers from the beautiful Indonesia!
I spent the last two months in your country, mostly in Lombok and Java. I did send some cards, i did plan on sending even more but i failed! I bought beautiful cards, wrote them, stamped themā€¦ and then it was weekend and then I left the country:( I forgot/planned badly and didnt manage to send my cards.
They are already stamped with indonesian stamp, its about 5 cards.
Iā€™m looking for someone i could send the card to and they would send the card for me, from Indonesia, so that it arrives back to Czechia the proper way.
Is there anyone who would be willing to help me?:slight_smile:
I can add some cards or something else youā€™d like to the envelope.
Thank you soooo much!!! Terima kasiiiih, tamanku!
Forgetful Zuzana (now known also as bule goreng, from my sasak friends - easy to get sunburnā€¦:))


I hope that you can find someone to help you. :heartpulse:

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@Suzanka93 Please let me know if you havenā€™t found someone

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Hello dear postcrossers from Indonesia!

Iā€™ve got a question - is this a genuine stamp from your country? Maybe some of you would like to swap a postcard with me usung this particular stamp?

Btw., I love how our flags are total opposite :wink:

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