Indonesia - Where to get postcards

Hello fellow postcrossers,

I live in Jakarta, and I’ve been keeping a look-out for places that sell postcards in Indonesia. I only find some shops that sell postcard (Periplus, Kinokuniya, and some bookshops at the airport), but the selection is very limited. I also knew some online shops at Shopee and Tokopedia that sell postcards.

Do you know of other places in Indonesia that sell postcards? Places like post office, bookshop, stationery shop, and even online shop is fine. Please let me know, so I can make a list in here. I hope you and I can add to each other’s knowledge. I also hope this thread can help Indonesian postcrossers and postcrossers who are visiting Indonesia to find postcards.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

This is a list of physical stores and locations in Indonesia to get postcards, organized by region and city (including online shops and Indonesian postcards from outside the country). Please message me if you want to recommend a store (or online shop) in your city that sell postcards, so I can add it here. Thank you!

Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi)


  • Kinokuniya Grand Indonesia (Grand Indonesia West Mall, LG Floor, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310). ±Rp 10k-20k each. Sell view cards and illustrated cards.
  • Gramedia Bookstore. Mostly view cards. Available in some stores.
  • Sarinah mall (Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.11, Jakarta). Reasonable price, Rp 5k each.
  • Filateli Corner in Central Post Office Pasar Baru, Jakarta. Rp 3k each.
  • Pasaraya Department Store, on souvenir floor. ±Rp 20k each, unreasonable price but some cards have real batik cloth.
  • Periplus. ±Rp 10k each. Available in some stores.
  • Scoop and Scoop Ideas. Sell art cards. Available in some stores.


  • Pos Indonesia (Jl. Asia Afrika No. 49). Rp 3k each.
  • Filateli Corner (Graha Pos Jl. Banda No. 30). Rp 3k each.
  • Periplus (Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 42). Rp 7k each, mostly tourist cards.
  • Books & Beyond (Bandung Indah Plaza 1st Floor, Jl. Merdeka No. 56). ±Rp 10k each, mostly illustrated map cards from lestari_id.
  • Omuniuum (Jl. Ciumbuleuit No. 151B 2nd Floor). ±Rp 10k each, usually small art cards probably from postcard box.
  • Kineruku (Jl. Hegarmanah No. 52). ±Rp 12k each, usually art cards from various local artists.
  • Tobucil & Klabs (Jl. Aceh No. 56). Rp 5k-12k each, usually art cards from various local artists. (Permanently closed per 1 January 2023)


Kantor Pos Besar Yogyakarta (Central Post Office)

  • Loket Filateli / Philatelic counter
    Open: Mon-Sat 08.00-14.30
    Selling official postcards from Pos Indonesia, but sometimes not available
    Price: Rp 3,000
  • Koperasi Kantor Pos Yogyakarta (north entrance of the building)
    Touristic postcards,Batik postcards
    Price: Rp 5,000
  • Some street vendors on the west of the post office are also selling postcard.

Around Malioboro

  • The Lucky Boomerang Bookshop (Sosrowijayan Wetan Gang 1)
    Touristic, black & white, real batik postcards
    Price: Rp 5,000
  • Sari Ilmu Bookstore (opposite to Mall Malioboro)
    Touristic (Yogyakarta), there are some old ones
    Price: Rp 3,000
  • Hamzah Batik
    Touristic (Indonesia), vintage ad postcards
    Price: Rp 6,500
  • Prapanca (near Museum Sonobudoyo)
    Touristic, black & white
    Price: Rp 6,000
  • Toko Kembang Gulo

Other Places in Yogyakarta

  • Togamas Bookstore (in Kotabaru & Jalan Affandi)
    Touristic, black & white, illustration postcards
    Price: Rp 5,000
  • Yogyatourium Dagadu Djokdja
    Historic transportation series postcards; great illustrations but on thin paper
    Price: Rp 10,000
  • Museum Affandi
    Affandi paintings
    Price: Rp 5,000
  • Artlinx Store
    Illustration postcards

Note: places and prices in Yogyakarta was updated in February 2020. For more information, you can visit this blog.


  • Tourist shops in Sanur, Bali.


  • Street-vendors right outside the post office in Jl. Selamet Riyadi No.10 (selling view cards).
  • Bookstore at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG).

Online Shops

Local Shops

Online Printing

Indonesian Postcards from Outside the Country


Unexpected Postcards


  • Comic Frontier or Comifuro, typically held on Saturday and Sunday, bi-annually each year. Some local artists/illustrators sell their illustrated postcards in this event.

NEWRecently added
(!)This store has been inactive in the past 30 days or temporarily closed

Last updated: 16 August 2023


When I was in Makassar pre-covid there were some street-vendors right outside the post office in Jl. Selamet Riyadi No.10 selling viewcards.

In Denpasar there were loads of tourist shops in Sanur, which also sold postcards.

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In Jakarta

  • Sarinah mall, they have reasonable price (Rp 5k each)
  • Filateli Corner in Central Post Office Pasar Baru (Rp 3k each)
  • Pasaraya Department Store, on souvenir floor (± 20k each, unreasonable price but some cards have real batik cloth)

Obviously, these places have limited cards :sweat_smile:

As for online shop (shopee & tokopedia) there are some stores, :mag: postcard / postcrossing, lot of variety and style will pop up. Range from 3500 to 9000 , depends on the store. Usually a store has same price for many different styles

Stationery like Gramedia, Kinokuniya, and grocery store like Super Indo sometimes sell them. But this depends where :sweat_smile: . Grand Indonesia mall might be a good place to see

Some Cafés in old town quarter has reportedly sold some cards, but I’ve never seen them

The varieties of cards sold in offline stores are sad, unfortunately. Few art shop sometimes sell them too but they can be thin and expensive, but the theme usually has nothing to do with Indonesia (just cute illustrations)

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Oh, I thought postcard in Sarinah mall were expensive (like, Rp 10k-15k each). I only buy stamps at Filateli Corner Pasar Baru and didn’t know that they also sell postcards. :sweat_smile:

Grand Indonesia is indeed a good place to find postcard. I’ve bought some nice viewcards and illustration postcards at Gramedia and Kinokuniya Grand Indonesia circa 2018-2019.

Thank you for your recommendations, @catchycat! :slight_smile:

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In Bandung City :

  • Pos Indonesia (Jl.Asia Afrika No.49), Rp 3k each
  • Filateli Corner (Graha Pos Jl.Banda No.30), Rp 3k each
  • Periplus (Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No.42), Rp 7k each, mostly tourist cards
  • Books & Beyond (Bandung Indah Plaza 1st Floor Jl.Merdeka No.56), ±Rp 10k each, mostly illustrated map cards from lestari_id
  • Omuniuum (Jl.Ciumbuleuit No.151B 2nd Floor), ±Rp 10k each, usually small art cards probably from postcard box
  • Kineruku (Jl.Hegarmanah No.52), ±Rp 12k each, usually art cards from various local artists
  • Tobucil & Klabs (Jl.Aceh No.56), Rp 5k-12k each, usually art cards from various local artists

There are probably more but I think some have already closed or not selling postcards anymore…

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I would like to add more online shops :

BToQo Postcards (Shopee)
kotak.pos (Shopee)
medanstamps (Shopee)
namonzone (Shopee)
PATW (Instagram)
Posnesia (Shopee)

Thank you, @hikii :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the recommendations, @Larch :grin:

hiI! I don’t know if it’s still relevant or not (because I haven’t been to Yogyakarta again for a few years), but in some souvenir shops in Malioboro, they also sell some postcards. But we need to check again whether it’s still available or not. And also, Gramedia Malioboro had a lot of pretty vintage postcards before, but still it needs to be re-checked :slight_smile:



Actually I am also selling postcard. I live in Jakarta. And I might be contacted @medyloekito.

The design of my postcards are taken from my daughter’s painting, my father’s painting, my son’s underwater photo, and my poetry. So they’re certainly original and special design.

Thank you.


I found another local shop: Boxlibby (Shopee). If you want to add it here @hikii.

Or perhaps for “Local Shops” you can just put a link to here or here instead?
Having the same link lists in separate threads can cause confusion, and in case those online shops are not active, the list in the other thread(s) is a wiki so it can be updated easily by other Indonesian users. So in here, you can focus on the offline shops and international shops. If you want, of course. :wink:

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Permanently closed per 1 January 2023


Oh, no. So sad… They had other craft things too other than postcards. Shops like that are like gems nowadays… :slightly_frowning_face: Thanks for the info!

Hello:))) does anyone know about where to buy postcard with tourists topic in Yogyakarta and around (now I’m in Prambanan, maybe Solo, Surakarta…:slight_smile: thank yooou!:)))

It’s easier to find postcards in Yogyakarta instead of the capital city Jakarta.
Unfortunately I don’t live there :smile:
I don’t know any forum member from Yogyakarta since only few of Indonesian postcrossers join this forum.

Siapa yang tahu ya @IndonesiaRaya ?

hi @suzanka93 , @yudi
@aletterbox answer is the best solution in Jogja, please check & find out :+1:

btw freesia in toped & shopee (in main thread) is my shop :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
please stop by :blush:


Looks like I missed this topic, I’m sorry :cry:

I actually have written about places to buy postcards in Yogyakarta in my personal blog here

However, it was last updated on February 2020, before I moved to my hometown.
And I haven’t visited Yogyakarta again.

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The Winner of 2023 World Postcard Day design Contest, lisasaputra, also has postcard shops. :slight_smile:Shopee | Tokopedia | ko-fi

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Just added it. Thank you, @Larch ! :smiley:

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Hello Indonesian friends, I will go to Yogyakarta soon! I hope to find postcards. I see there are places in this thread that I can check for postcards. I wonder if they all survived the pandemic. It looks like no one here has the most updated information. But at least it’s helpful to know where to search. I will try and update when I come back, for the next travellers!


Any shops in Kuta ? Guidance pls.

Thanks :pray: