Need help translating a postcard you've received?

This is a topic where you can request help from other postcrossers to translate something you cannot read on a postcard you have received.

You can post a photo of your postcard text here, and someone will hopefully see your request and reply with a translation soon. Please make sure you hide any identifying details from the image, such as names or Postcard IDs.

Keep in mind that you can use tools like Google Translate, DeepL, Yandex Translate for a quicker result.

Note: The purpose of this topic is to help translate text that is unintelligible, and posts on the topic are regularly deleted, so that postcard messages don’t stay here for too long. The Community Guidelines still apply otherwise, both in other part of the forum as well as outside of it, so please don’t share the written side of postcards elsewhere.


I believe this is Braille, which is amazing, but I’ve tried to translate it via various websites and can’t make much of it, can anyone help? It is from China if that helps.

I can read and write with Braille letters in Finnish. With eyes, not with my fingers.
Your picture is rotated to the right and a bit hard to read because of that. There are also some “ghost dots”, lightly printed dots on the paper, and I’m not sure if they are mistakes.
I see there the letters (or marks)
B (or < ) E G
It doesn’t make sense for me.


Yes I think that’s similar to what I got - it didn’t make any sense to me so I assumed I has done it wrong! Maybe it means something in Mandarin?