[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner

Thank you! I appreciate your bringing this to the attention of people who live there.

The fact that he was Willy Weber is one of the reasons I hadn’t tried to find him before now. But looking over his letters yesterday, I realized that I have both his 1948 address and the birth date of his daughter, which should make it easier to find them.

The Weber in the story cannot be my man, because mine was not in Germany during the last year of the war. But it’s a very interesting story.


Every year, 2nd weekend in July, I visit the town of Bitburg for the European Folklore Festival. I have included a picture of some of the events/scheduling from last year.
It is not all folk music - there are small artists there too and dancing; pipe bands, accordion bands, brass bands, wind bands - and it’s always a wonderful event.

This year’s dates are Friday 12th - Monday 15th July.

Obviously it’s not postcrossing related, but I wondered if anyone would be interested in arranging a postcrossing meet up during the event? I cannot do this myself as I don’t yet know the schedule and when I’ll be busy, but there will be representation from a number of countries there, and I wonder how diverse the group could be!

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Hello! Is this where I ask for help with translation? I received a card with a short message only written in Germany. Since it is cursive / script, and not printed in block letters, it is also difficult to read some of the letters. Thank you!


Yes you can do a picture and we all help to translate or write a PN.

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Well, you might when it is some printed information, but if it’s a written message then this is not the right place. Showing (part of) the backside is against the forum rules. The only exception is this topic where all posts are being deleted after a while: Need help translating a postcard you've received?


Thank you!

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I appreciate it. I knew there is a special place in the forum for translation help but I couldn’t find it. Thank you.

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I would like to swap to receive either or both of these stamps issued by Deutsche Post :de::

Deutsche Post Katze
Deutsche Post Time Travel

I am open to swapping full sheet or several singles (not previously used). I can offer most 2023-2024 US stamps in swap. :us:

Please PM me to suggest a trade. Thank you for the consideration. :blush:

Hello! I’m looking for Das Futterhaus postcards, I’ve received two so far, and I would love to expand into a whole collection!
Here’s what I have to offer for a swap!
Shaun the Sheep postcards, Natural History Museum, Roald Dahl postcards, Women In Art postcards! Let me know!!
Drop me a message! Thanks!


pm sent

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Are you only looking for guinea pigs from Futterhaus or also with other animals?

I have some, and I’m sure I’ll get more.
For example:

“Merry Meow-mas!”:

“Get ready for the cookie, go!”

“Who is breathing in, needs to breath out,
who is falling asleep, needs to sleep until waking up”

And currently I have also a lama saying “you can’t spit at everybody”
(sorry, no picture yet)


I have these to offer, just drop me a pm if interested. Would love to swap for Shaun!


Hello!! I’d love to swap! I didn’t realise until a bit of research that there were more!! Very exciting!

I’d love to swap for any! I’ve only received guinea-pig ones so far, but my goodness the whole collection are amazing!! Let me know what you’d like to swap for! Thanks

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I have this one to offer. If you are interested, just drop a pm to me :slightly_smiling_face:

“My name is No, but they often call me Comeback, too”


We are planning a trip to Munich in December that will take us to Dolomites for a week of Christmas skiing and then back to Munich.
Please share any and all recommendations for Munich and Dolomites:
Places to stay
Places that eat
Postcard shopping
Best skiing area for beginners at Dolomites (I’m not very brave and my son is only 6 and learning, I’m planning this part for my husband who is a great skiier.)
And anything else you can think of in the way of travel advice!
I haven’t been to Italy in over 20 years and he’s never been. :scream:

I have flagged the topic so that a mod can move it


Oh dear. I can’t seem to move it, maybe a moderator can help me. :woman_facepalming:t2: I’ll have better luck translating it first. Thank you for trying to help me.

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Hello! I’m visiting Berlin currently and I have a question that I can’t find an answer to here or anywhere online. Perhaps I’m not asking the right question.

I understand that international postage is 0.95 euros (wow…) and that there is a stamp for that, with that amount. I asked for the pretty stamps and the staff just said there was the 0.85 ones, for domestic. I asked if there were top up stamps, say a 10cent one to make up the cost, as we get in the uk and he said there wasn’t. Is that right? Is there variety in the 0.95 ones and I should look more at that?

Thanks for any help you can give