[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner


is there a German postcrosser who could send me a postcard with the new German stamp with sign languages?

It was issued last week.

In exchange I will try to send you a card which would match your wishlist.

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I would also love this stamp, if anyone has two! I’m also happy to send you a postcard (with good stamps) of your choice

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Good evening, @Furciferka and @daviscalgirl ,

I ordered this new stamp yesterday and have already received shpping confirmation. I am happy to send you both a card with the stamp if you let me know your addresses in a private message each. :slight_smile:

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Dear Germany,

It is a well known feature of Postcrossing that because there are so many active German users we send many cards to Germany. But today I wrote six cards none of which are going to Germany. Indeed, of the 27 cards I have that are en voyage at the moment only TWO are going to germany.

Have you all been eaten by zombies?


And I just noticed that my cards traveling to Germany are taking much longer than the usual 5-8 days. More than two weeks, even.
Maybe German Postcrossers are resting after the excellent fundraising efforts for literacy, via postcards?


The countries that cannot send cards to Russia are taking up some of those German possibilities, I believe.

My recent German cards have averaged roughly 10 (calendar) days.


Hi guys,

good news - we are still alive!

Bad news - we are on strike! Usually the French are on strike, but this time it’s us. Since weeks there are strikes concerning trains, planes and community work. People don’t know how to get to work, who looks after their children, they are stuck in home office, aso.

Perhaps this is why you lost contact…:grin:

Greetings from Germany, Sue - I’m on strike today!


But the workers of Deutsche Post AG are not on strike. The strike of the railroad workers affects mainly Deutsche Bahn AG, the biggest railroad company, but not the only one and it will start on Thursday, so it is not yet effecive. And the airline strike affects Deutsche Lufthansa AG only. So the strikes do not affect everything yet and I register cards from the USA regularly, the latest one yesterday after 13 days of travel, while my average travel time for cardy from tje USA is 14 days.


I would like to underline this here!!

While at the moment I’m inactive on Postcrossing I get a lot of mail (letters and also postcards) via private swaps or from my pen pals and don’t see an increase in travel time compared to the last few weeks or months.
Infact, mail from countries like the USA or Canada is now reaching me faster again.

So like Ralf said: The strikes in Germany (which are really not a lot, it sounds definitely more than it is) are not effecting what we are mainly talking about at Postcrossing.


No, but maybe many of us set their profile to inactive after the December insanity, while others pull fewer addresses.
Others may be eaten by bearded Brits… :wink:


Hello everyone :wave:

I was wondering if anyone has this postcard? I only have this one left to collect them all.
PM me if you have it and are willing to swap!!

Best wishes,
Chia-Cheng :black_heart: :white_heart:


Hello :blush: yesterday I saw a lottery post by @Toggi wgere she very kindly gives away one of these cards every week! Perhaps she might have one to swap x


I’m sorry, but Berlin is the only one I didn’t have any more :face_exhaling:


I still have the Berlin card and could swap. I‘ll send you a PM later today :wink:


@EmmaG I knew that lottery,thanks for the reply :blush:
@Toggi Thank you very much for helping me collect other Tilly cards :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great!! :smiley:


I am looking for a family named Weber who lived in Chemnitz in the 1940s.

My grandfather (US) got to know a man called Willy Weber during WWII. After the war, they corresponded until mail was no longer delivered to East Germany.

I have letters that Weber wrote to our family, including one in which he mentions that he had just had a daughter, Nov 27, 1947.

I would love to locate this family and tell them the stories I know about this man.

I have the address where he was living after the war, several letters he wrote, and a picture he drew.

I wanted to post this in the German section, but although I do read German, I am ill and do not have the energy to read enough to figure out whether this is permitted—nor the energy to write this out in German.

Thank you for any pointers anyone might be able to give me.


We have an English thread: “In English - visitors corner” in the German subforum, where posting in English is allowed. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

@Bille : maybe you also can help and copy this post. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Good luck for your search. :four_leaf_clover::mushroom::+1:


Perhaps the DRK Tracing Service can help you.
The site is also available in English.

DRK Suchdienst


Thanks for the suggestion!

As far as I can tell, though, their services are only for reuniting families, and I’m not related to them.

I just really want to be connected to these people! My grandfather spoke so highly of this man, who saved my grandfather’s life at great risk to himself.