Need help from Russian users? Ask here!

Any questions to Russian speaking members? Be sure you’ll get answers here!

Edited by moderator:
Please don’t publish backsides of cards.
The only place where this is allowed is this topic :arrow_right: Need help translating a postcard you've received? where all post are removerd after 14 days.


Hello dear friends.
Today I received a postcard from Moscow with a great modernism design from the 1920s that I really like.
May I ask you for translating me the picture and tell me what it is about?


Hello, Claas!

Translation is:
Better nipple
was not and no.
Ready to suck until old age.
Sold everywhere.
Rezinotrest (manufacturer)

This is a poster soviet advertising rubber baby pacifiers.
Poems by Mayakovsky on the poster, drawing by Rodchenko.

More examples can be found for example here

People usually think that only rubbish should be advertised - a good thing and so it goes. This is the most incorrect opinion, - wrote the poet, actor and illustrator Vladimir Mayakovsky in 1923. - Advertising is the name of a thing. As a good artist creates a name for himself, so he creates a name and a thing for himself. Advertising should remind endlessly of every, even wonderful thing.


Wonderful, thank you very much @Mapks for your translation and the splendid explanations! :slight_smile: :+1:



Could somebody send me this magazine please Imgur: The magic of the Internet Big please :slight_smile:
In return I can send something you like from Estonia.

Dear Marju,
Please tell me if you need printed version of this magazine?
If yes, please write me your postal address and I will do my best to find this issue and send it to you.
Best regards,
Boris Petrov aka bobdog, the brave postcrosser)))



I’m looking through my postcards, as I love to do from time to time, and I found this one. Can anyone tell me what it says and/or what the story behind the picture is? I think it’s a myth or a legend of some sort



This is a fragment from the famous Russian fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin “The Golden Cockerel”. I can translate it this way: “Plant this bird, - he said to the king, - on a needle; My golden cockerel. Your faithful watchman will be ".
Needle in the meaning of a spire. Cockerel as a weather vane.


I was the host of the Russian countdown in the old forum.

Now the countdowns only can be opend in the language section of the new forum.
Is there someone who wants to overtake the countdown?

Is it English? Is it Russian? I can’t read it at all. Help me.


It’s Russian.

“Здравствуй, Макико!
Поздравляю тебя с Новым годом! Желаю тебе исполнения заветных желаний и искреннего счастья!
С наилучшими пожеланиями. Даша.”

Hello Makiko!
Happy New Year to you! I wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires and sincere happiness!
Regards. Dasha.


thank you!!


I am looking for music by

Is there a Russian website to order CD?

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This is a very little known group. I heard about it for the first time and googled what it is. CD can hardly be bought. Rather, you will find them on YouTube or another similar service.

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Hi :slight_smile: I am looking for this Moomin card :slight_smile: does any of You have this for swapping?

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Hello you who speaks Russian!
Could you translate the text of this card to me, please?

Best wishes from Finland, Merja / kotona

Oh, we have a tale for kids in Russia, “Doctor Aibolit”, the doctor’s name is translated like “Oh, it hurts”. And it is the rephrased final poem from this tale: "Everybody will be cured by kind doctor AiCOVID " (not Aibolit, but AiCOVID, play on words).

By the way, “Doctor Aibolit” is an russian adaptation (in the form of a poem) of “Doctor Doolitle”. It’s quite short poem, not so long as “Doctor Doolitle”. The poem was created by Chukovsky, and, well, It’s a trilogy: “Barmaley” (the gangster :-)), “Aibolit”, and “Defeat the Barmaley!”. All those poems was created in early 19xx, like 1925-1942.


Thank you for this information, StaC. I see the play with words and changed letters.
I’m not sure if I understand it right: is the text in the card as translated: “Everybody will be cured by doctor AiCOVID” ?

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