:postcard: Mail Suspension Alerts

The Information to update Postal Monitor will be posted in this topic.
Please see what kind of update(s) to post.
Everything else - questions, discussions and comments - please use other topics.

Refer to Postal Monitor for the individual lists of suspended destinations.
If you do not see your country on the list, it’s because they have
*No suspensions (you can send mail to all areas in the world) or
*No information (your postal system does not provide current information to the public) or
*No members (we do not have active members in the country)

The main purpose of Postal Monitor (and this alert topic) is to avoid postcards to be rejected or returned by post offices, and to prevent members from receiving unexpected surcharges or higher postal rates.

'Postal Monitor will be updated based on these factors:

1. Official Info
In this topic we monitor only official routes (We don’t cover “via another country” routes).
For the better accuracy, we do not update Postal Monitor based on a few samples from individual experience.

Some mail are lucky to “hitchhike” and get to suspended destinations, but they are exceptions. There’s no guarantee that other postcards will be treated in the same way. The route has to be open from all parts of the sending country, for anyone, at any time, consistently

Our top priority is to “protect” everyone’s postcards from being rejected, returned, stuck for months, or lost.
Therefore, we like to remove a suspended country usually when an official announcement has been made by the postal agency. Anyone can contact their postal agency to have them publish or update the list of suspended destinations.

2. Statistical Data
In addition to official announcements from postal agencies, our 'Postal monitor incorporates the actual statistics on missing/stranded/returned postcards sent for the official site.
e.g. Japan (surface only = suspended), South Korea (surface only = suspended, except S.Korea-> Japan), Tajikistan (same availability as Russia)

3. Preventive Measures
We occasionally add a route to 'Postal Monitor as a preventive measure when situations are uncertain, considering the number of affected active members.

:pushpin: Please post updates regarding

  1. Regular letter post (=Not EMS/urgent/express/registered/parcels/packages).
    We usually do not add a country to 'Postal Monitor, if one of the services (airmail, surface mail, sea mail, non-priority mail) is still active.

  2. Long-term suspensions (= Not delays. Not strikes. Only when your post office does not accept mail to a certain country.)

  3. Outbound (=Sending. Not receiving)
    Please note that international postal routes are NOT interchangeable: “Country A can send to Country B” does not mean “County B can send to Country A”

  4. Mid to Long-term ISO 3166-1 “Country-to-country” suspensions (not provincial/local. Ukraine is the only exception that we manage regionally.)

  5. Reliable source of the information
    Official announcement from a postal agency/government and its URL (link to the webpage, image, PDF, etc.) . For a captured image, please let us know where it is from (Social media, email, flyer posted at a post office, etc.). We need it for records and future monitoring.
    If possible, we appreciate English translation for the announcement made in a non-English language or if you could tell us what had changed in the update.
    You do not need to copy & paste the entire list, as it could change since the time you had posted. We always try to check the original list directly.

Click the blue reply box test at the bottom to post your message.
We appreciate your contributions to the list.
Thank you!


:us: To the Postcrossers in the USA
Where to find suspended destinations on the USPS website.

You need to click “View the Suspensions”

Then you’ll see the list of countries USA cannot send to.
Please note that we are looking at suspensions for First-Class Mail International® (FCMI) only, which is airmail letters & postcards.


Thank you, I fixed it.

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I saw this one for Bhutan


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@Tutubi, I have added Bhutan. Great find!

Poland update 13.11.

We can again send to: Egypt

Source: https://www.poczta-polska.pl/poczta-polska-ponownie-rozszerza-mozliwosc-wysylania-przesylek-zagranicznych/


:white_check_mark: updated!

Macedonian Post has temporarily suspended mail delivery to the following countries:

  • Belarus
  • South Africa
  • Malta
  • Moldova
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • Ukraine

the updated list is in the excel file linked in this page


Turkey Update
:heavy_check_mark: Yes we can send there
:heavy_multiplication_x:No we can’t send here
:question:No idea

Source : https://www.ptt.gov.tr/Sayfalar/Gonderi/Gonderi.aspx#
https://www.ptt.gov.tr/Sayfalar/EN/Homepage.aspx (This is English website)
There isn’t a full list so I have to check by one by.I marked on the pictures

International postal mail is restored in #Cuba


I’m receiving this message from Kazpost shop. Maybe it’s time to update Kazakhstan?


@bayankod: We have been trying to get an update for Turkey for quite a while now.

That link seems to be to the postage calculator. Are you sure that if it works in the calculator that the route is working?

And are you just checking if the destination is on the dropdown, or if the country doesn’t work for both surface and airmail options?

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I’m just checked that our postal service can send which countries.In that page you can choose where you can send postcards.I made that list by looking that page.For a better list I’ll contact with our postal service and I’ll update my list after that.And thanks for Postcrossing :innocent: :innocent:


Are there any countries on that postage calculator page that clearly return a message that the route is not available when you try to calculate?

In any case, the ideal would be to get a list of suspended routes from PTT itself. If you are able to get that, it would be great as the current list we have is probably not up to date since it’s already from April.


There is a link to the newest postal information on Finland (updated 27 Oct. 2020, a downloadable PDF).

The Postal Monitor and the first post on this thread already link to that page. Unfortunately, the URL of the PDF changes every time Posti updates the file (and the previous stops working), so we link to that page instead.

Curiosity: they are the only postal operator that generates PDFs that can’t be parsed — just try copy&pasting something from it. :man_shrugging:

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None of them seem to return a message like “not able to send” (actually by the end of this post I discovered one that does), although some of them instead of estimating the length of time to arrive, just have a dash in that field.

For example, if you put in the US, it returns “10-14” in the number of days field. If you put in (Western) Samoa, it returns “undefined.” American Samoa returns “-”.

Of the countries marked with question marks in @bayankod’s post, (North) Macedonia says 7-10 days, Mauritania says “-”, Cayman Islands says “-”, Georgia says “yok” (which means no - so apparently I’ve just discovered a definite negative), and Yemen is not even on the list (sounds like a nope).


I will post it when I have an answer from our postal service :innocent:


I notice there’s no Vietnam here


Here’s the official list from our postal service.It’s in Turkish but Google Chrome can translate it to English.
I couldn’t find the English version of this but I’ll ad translated versions as a screenshot.