DIRECTORY Handmade Cards & Mail Art

Added [SWAP] Feb.28 Postcrossing Meetup cards


Looking for signed meetup cards or maxicards

Melbourne meet up cards for swap

[Swap]Guangzhou March meet up Postcard

Added [OFFER] Online Meetup Cards!

Added Trying to find a user

Added What do you make handmade cards out of?

Added Question for food box card collectors

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Free Online Class on Making Handmade Postcards
Glue & adhesives for mailart
Laminated cards
[SWAP] Mar.21 Postcrossing Meetup cards


Where to buy handmade cards
Irish or creative penpal wanted
German language category: [LOTTERIE] Harry Potter Handmade

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Added Received a Postcard made from cardboard box


German language category: [TAG] Themen-Tag - Alles erlaubt!
My first lottery: Watercolor Postcards
[offer] meet up cards in Hangzhou(China) on March 21
Swap, different house cards


Handmade Postcards For Swap
Photo prints / snapshot trade?

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Cards made out of grocery lists / receipts / coupons: Food & Drink RR
Handmade food & drink cards: Food & Drink RR
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Does anyone want to exchange his/her handmade cards (drawings or paintings) for other cards?

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Thank you!

You’re welcome!

Added I want DINOSAURS :t_rex:

Added Online Meet-up card Lottery


Greeting Cards into Postcards?
I Just bought 50 cards on Zazzle so you don’t have to!
Postcards on Zazzle
Handmade cards and decorated envelopes
German language category: [LOTTERIE] Handmade XXL Karte


Handmade Offer Tag
[QUESTION] The rule of the usage of word “Postcrossing”

I played around with the structure and format of the lists. But I fear I improved it for the worse. :sweat_smile: What do you think? Is it clearer now or did I do too much?

Added Postcard, with silver pendant trade


Up-cycling postcards
STREET ART. Take a look around you and grab your camera! Since there aren’t so much postcards representing street art around the world, handmade cards are accepted. *art rr*
[OFFER] Kunshan March Meet-up Cards
[SWAP] spring Postcrossing Meetup cards cherry bloom, Easter