German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

:pushpin:   MEETUP PLACE: Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (Leipziger Straße 16, 10117 Berlin-Mitte)
:calendar:   DATE: 7 October 2022
:alarm_clock:   TIME: 12:30pm - 4:30pm
:page_facing_up:   MEETUP PLAN: Celebrate the launch of the new Postcrossing stamp in Germany

Hi everyone! :wave:

You may have heard that a Postcrossing-themed stamp will be launched in Germany in 2022! This is a super exciting event for the whole community, but especially for the German postcrossers, who have asked for this stamp for so long. So naturally, there will be a special launch meetup event!

The Museum for Communications in Berlin has very kindly made their Lichthof (aka, the central atrium) available for this meeting, as a way to support and celebrate the launch of the launch of the Postcrossing stamp. Hurray! We’re really thankful for their generosity in welcoming the Postcrossing community on this special day.


There will be some tables and chairs, as well as a temporary post office from Deutsche Post, where you can get some stamps and postmark them with a special cancellation mark.

Note that the post stand can only make payments in cash (not debit or credit cards).

Note that entry in the museum has a cost of €6, and gives you access to the whole museum. If you’re interested in a tour of the museum as well (a few hours before the meeting), please check this post.

For those who would like to order meetup cards with the image of the stamp, you can do so by sending a private message to @kroete68, letting her know how many you’d like. The final price will depend on the number of cards we’ll have to order, but will not be more than €0.30 per postcard. She will calculate the final price with shipping, and reply back so that you can pay. All postcards will be mailed out to you during September.

In order to give everyone time to be social and enjoy the museum, the number of postcards each participant can pass around to sign will be limited to 20. Each person will receive an envelope where they will put their name and postcards. Even with this limit, please don’t expect your postcards to be signed by everyone there, as that would be an impossible task for the limited time available… You can still send other postcards of course (and Deutsche Post will be there to put the special cancellation marks on them) — just not signed by meetup attendants. Let’s make it a priority to have a good time together, and not stress about signatures! :slight_smile:

Let us know if you’re planning to come to the meeting (by leaving a reply on this topic), and we’ll add you to the list of participants below. This will help us get a better idea of how many people are coming, so that we can plan accordingly.

We’ll post more information here as we go along, and you can watch or track this topic to be notified of any updates.

We’re really happy about it, and look forward to the launch of this much awaited stamp! :tada:


Participants (provisory list)

Unless pandemic restrictions change at the last moment, there will not be a limit to the number of participants in this meetup. Nonetheless, we are keeping a list of those that plan to attend the event, just to help us plan things and better accommodate everyone. :slight_smile:

  1. @reiselustig
  2. @tetsuko
  3. @Jess-Cee
  4. @MagicMarie
  5. @elfelina
  6. @packrat
  7. @sthiede68
  8. @PasoDoble
  9. @dackelerna
  10. @AnKaBeGu
  11. @fullmoon
  12. @Miss_Amy
  13. @Lesende
  14. @TOM336
  15. @letjhanna
  16. @carrolvir
  17. @Planetenbummler
  18. @bambiix3
  19. @Herkenbe
  20. @Ich_bin_Berliner
  21. @zijiekarsten
  22. @Daggimaus
  23. @wandafan
  24. @Geminiscp
  25. @Meowpurr
  26. @Nicaulie
  27. @Wolfgang_Russ
  28. @ctr
  29. @Lotty
  30. @lauranalanthalasa
  31. @paradonym
  32. @Lilou_lavande
  33. @Brilly
  34. @Karlotti
  35. @xanafg
  36. @VintageMila
  37. @nanda0560
  38. @teamug
  39. @miferkolb
  40. @mariescards
  41. @Cassiopheia
  42. @Tini2018
  43. @Cassisia
  44. @Antjelino
  45. @manuchka
  46. @Maikind16
  47. @SylviaAugustin
  48. @frewen
  49. @stancy_starlight
  50. @Katrin1778
  51. @Namibia13
  52. @BFabian
  53. @soehler-chebbi
  54. @kiddy67
  55. @Mattin62
  56. @sunylovemusic
  57. @Feuerstuhl
  58. @mihneaR
  59. @Bluriel
  60. @chrisskywalker
  61. @brillen-bubi
  62. @Lilou_lavande
  63. @jofemapa
  64. @annibaer
  65. @Herkules
  66. @Heidruni
  67. @Pigglet
  68. @Annerie
  69. @Kaydee
  70. @manencov
  71. @Rita25
  72. @AntjeB
  73. @SuMi25
  74. @GirlFromBerlin
  75. @Catlady
  76. @mapcardcollector
  77. @Anirod
  78. @AnniBu
  79. @GermanInArabia
  80. @emmamorris
  81. @BrokkoliKatze
  82. @niederschoenhauser
  83. @Steffi67
  84. @turtlegami
  85. @Katzrin
  86. @stickerhappy
  87. @StaniZae
  88. @shark
  89. @AlexGeo
  90. @thepoetryofwaves
  91. @Pafel
  92. @MiddLin
  93. @Griseknoen
  94. @batzi
  95. @mantonio
  96. @Taranov
  97. @farrir
  98. @Marilena
  99. @Eis
  100. @heusba7
  101. @gharbeia
  102. @mb91
  103. @wintermoor
  104. @natalyesaurus
  105. @Katerina1611
  106. @Gorex +wife
  107. @emeralddurra
  108. @Janex
  109. @markusvolker
  110. @Wayfare
  111. @FrauCoronato
  112. @Pel_in
  113. @doro-in-berlin
  114. @Global_Rudi
  115. @stine78my +1
  116. @Sant1
  117. @Postillion-Ramona
  118. @Britannia
  119. @meiadeleite
  120. @Paulo
  121. @kroete68
  122. @mondkind
  123. @reisegern
  124. @Speicher3


@anon59195640 + child

For keeping track - logistics for the team:

Additions and cancellations after the "Umlaufzettel" were printed:

new participants:

@anon59195640 + child → moved to Maybe-List
@Jetske + friend


Wow that sound great - just like reiselustig - count me in when I’m available that day. Hope Corona will be gone until that date too.!

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I can’t wait for the date, I’ll probably go no matter what! Please put me on the list, when the date is set. Yes, I’m in the Netherlands, but I’m German and have been bugging the postal services in Germany for a postcrossing-stamp just as much :relaxed:


That’s so awesome!! :heart_eyes: :partying_face:
So great news! Finally!
Of course I’m in too!
And I will immediately start so safe enough money to get stuffed with maaaany, many stamps! :wink:

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oh that sounds so wonderfull :wink:


nice, if you start a list, count me in!

Oh yes! That’s nearly a must have for participating because it’s in my ‘hometown’ to boot.
I will be there!

Great news indeed! :slight_smile:

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Sounds great and I want to participate if I have the chance.

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Perfect, please count me in for this event. I keep an eye on it, its not far away from home.

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I would be pleased to join this meetup. Please count me in.

This might be silly but do we have some kind of idea what the stamp will look like?

We’ve been waiting for this for years - I definitely want to be there if I can somehow arrange it :smiley:

I live in Berlin and surly I will join the meeting!

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The design will only be made public 6 weeks before the issue date. I know this doesn’t help much because the issue date hasn’t been announced yet, but soon! :slight_smile:


If you need help to find a room or something else, please contact me.

Maybe we can use the room (for up to 40 people), which we use weekly for Board Game Nights (if that is possible again at some point and when it isn’t booked for the date). (its a parish hall with toilets and kitchen)


Sounds great and I am looking forward to the German Postcrossing stamp. :slight_smile: If you start a list, please count me in.

I guess there will be more participants than 40?
I will try to take a day off or two to come to Berlin for that event (hopefully we will not be on holiday - it is a pity that we do not know the date so far!)

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I think we will definitely be more than 40, if the pandemic allows. :slight_smile:

@AnKaBeGu thank you for the offer though, we appreciate it! We have a location in mind that can accommodate a large group — let’s see if it is available, when we receive a confirmation of the dates.