Forum update (Discourse 3.0)

I’m afraid there’s no updates from the Discourse team on the bookmarks issue other than that they admit there’s a bug, that they have it on their radar and that they have a way to reproduce it… But they didn’t provide any guarantee about when (or if) they will address it.

I suspect they may be prioritizing fixing up the limitations of the profile bookmarks section so that it can maybe replace the /bookmarks, but that’s my personal guess.

When we updated to Discourse 3.0, we postponed a significant change that it introduced: new navigation/menu:

At the time, there was still the option of keeping the previous navigation (renamed to Legacy), so everything stayed the same: our goal was to not change too much at the same time. This option won’t be available on the next Discourse update, so it can’t be avoided.

Thus, it’s time to introduce the new navigation/menu changes. This will bring two main updates:

Sidebar navigation

For those browsing the forum on Desktop, the main navigation will move from the top right Hamburger menu into a left Sidebar that looks like this:

This Sidebar brings some news, with the main one being the possibility of personalizing the categories/tags it lists, so that the most often visited ones can be quickly jumped into. It also shows a quick link to the private messages.

On the top left there’s still an hamburger menu icon, so it’s possible to open/close this sidebar on demand.

For those in mobile, the Sidebar will behave not too differently from how it behaves now, as it will continue to open on click and slideout. Its content however will be the new one (with personalizable categories/tags).

Personal menu

The other change is on the user menu which changes from this:

To this:

It’s not just the layout though: notice that the notifications are now more organized: in addition to the 4 existing tabs (Notifications, Bookmarks, Messages, Preferences), there’s 3 new ones: Replies, Likes and Other notifications. So Likes go into one place, Replies into another — more tidy! For anyone who is quite active on the forum, having the notifications more neatly organized may be quite helpful.

We plan to introduce this in a few days, so this is a little heads up about what’s coming. Layout changes always take a little while to get used to (which is why we postponed these changes to to do them separately from the update) —, so please be patient. Soon enough you’ll get used to where things are.


As it’s probably obvious now (at least on non-mobile devices), we have switched the forum to the new navigation/user menu.

As as reminder, you can personalize the categories and tags linked on the new sidebar on your preferences.

As the notifications menu is now different, I think this bug is now fixed as I believe it was related only to the use of the Legacy navigation.


I love this update! 4 flags in 1 screenshot!

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It would be good if the sidebar preferences included a way to remove it. I find it very annoying.


The new layout Side-bar can be hidden by clicking the “3 lines” located on the Top-Left-Corner.


Thank you!

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The 3.1 update seriously crippled my forum usability experience on mobile. Most checked pages for me is ‘New’ and ‘Unread’, which were before on top panel and now I can’t find them at all on mobile version! Same with quite functional ‘Tracked topics’/‘Watched topics’ - before they were available in avatar right menu - now only after three clicks in left panel =(


Hai friends, I logged into postcrossing and saw the forum has changed (atleast on my laptop) there is now a menu on the left side. As I was looking at the features, accidentally I clicked on ‘‘enter mobile mode’’ and now i’m stuck in the mobile version on the laptop which is a bit annoying… and as i’m not the most technical one I have no idea how to get back to pc mode! If anyone knows how, I would really appreciate :smile: thank you!!

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I’m on mobile, so maybe it’s a bit different on desktop.

If you go to the hamburger menu, there is a Computer-screen icon at the bottom right corner. That will bring back desktop mode :slight_smile:

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Thanks everyone @linos203 and @jarana it was indeed on the vertical lines/hamburger thing now i’m back to the normal mode :bouncing:


I am a bit confused about finding tags in the new update version.I can find them, but it takes more steps and time to come where I want to come. Is there a quicker way I don’t know yet or maybe it’s just getting used to the new system overall.

Thanks for the update and explanation!
It seems like it will take some time to get used to the new changes.
Is there something lost due to the updates mentioned by the members?
I’ll check it out now.
I think it’s fun to add that new little custom status :blush:
I added it too.
But I couldn’t add it.
The one I chose doesn’t seem to be an illustration.
Is it a problem on my mobile side? or are there some illustrations that are not supported?

Everytime I want to post something, this occurs:

Well, obviously not all of the time, but often :see_no_evil:

I have the impression that since the update the forum is responding quite a bit slower than before. Anyone else having this impression? At first I thought it was due to using my smartphone (alternating between LTE and WiFi from open access points), but it’s the same at home… so it’s not due to the internet speed :no_mouth:

And another thing I noticed is with the new notification system. It doesn’t work too well if one works with multiple open tabs. E.g. I tend to open a new tab for new notifications most of the times. Closing that tab after seeing what the notification was about, doesn’t dismiss it on the intial tab (even after refreshing) most of the times. I know there is a dismiss button, but I don’t want to dismiss all notifications (most often I still have unread PMs I want to read later).


It definitely is!

Whether at home or on mobile (btw. I have a real fast Internet connection, both at home and on mobile but now sometimes it feels that the forum is kicked back to UMTS times or even slower :sweat_smile:).



I also always have several tabs open and have also noticed that the same notifications keep appearing in all tabs, even if I have already opened the topic in question in one tab.

And I miss in the sidebar menü "New"and “Unread” - while in the past you could get there immediately via the hamburger menu, you now have to take a detour e.g. via “Watched”, “Tracked” or “All Categories”.

And I noticed that there are small problems when you want to access “Latest”.

From a post or topic, you can normally reach it via “Everything”.
But if you have previously selected “Watched” or “Tracked”, for example, then “Everything” only takes you back to “Latest” when you refresh the page.

So my opinion is that “Latest” actually also belongs in the sidebar menu under “More”.

I don’t know if I have explained this clearly, but I hope so.


I definitely agree. It had been substantially slower to a frustrating degree.