Questions about the forum

I cant send you message. The message button is missing when I click your profile.

Well that is this question answered

As tested by @VeraJunior, previous PMs are not affected by checking the box!

I just tried this experiment, and it seemed like I could send a message in an existing PM thread!

However, I can’t start a new PM. The message button shows on your profile and I can start a draft, but when I click send I get an error “Sorry, Seracker is not accepting messages at the moment”

I like how we are finding out about the limits of the forum together :relaxed:

In summary:

If one has not been in contact before: there is no message button

If one has been in contact before: the previous PM thread is unaffected. However a new PM thread cannot be started


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Forum update (Discourse 3.0)

Several Forum members have a second icon that appears between their user name and national flag icon. I remember reading something about how you do that, but, try as I may, I can’t find the instructions again. Can someone point me in the right direction, please?
… and Thanks!

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Here’s step by step screenshots to how to set a custom status, if you want that.


THANKS SO MUCH! I finally got it!



Thanks for asking @TurtlePoint. I’m gonna try it too!

Love this but it won’t let me add the emoji without filling out the “ what are you doing” part. What am I doing wrong?

Yes, it’s correct that you have to write a text in addition to choosing the emoji. The text can be anything, as long as its appropriate. I haven’t tested, but it might work with just a space.

Such a good explanation! Thank you!

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I’ve seen some just repeat the emoji in the text part, so that obviously works too.

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I’m not sure where to write this about question/problem. I checked my forum badges today, and I noticed that I don’t have Nice topic badge. I have 5 topics with more than 10 likes. I don’t understand why I haven’t reach this badge so far. Is it a bag or I misunderstood something about this badge?

I think it is possible that lotteries are not considered for the nice topic badge

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As far as I know, (some) badges are not available for topics that are in a closed category - i.e. topics with a :lock:


Thank you!

What do I have to do to be able to create a topic in #trades-requests-offers and others with a lock symbol on it? I couldn’t find anything helpful about that myself…