Questions about the forum

Welcome to the forum!

To get started, we recommend checking out the User Guide and doing the Postbot tutorial (you’ll find it on your messages).

If you still have questions, feel free to ask them on this topic!


um sorry to disturb you
But is there no dark mode in this forum?


Yes, there is. You need to click on your avatar icon in the top right corner, then on your username > Preferences > Interface (in the drop-down menu where you see “Account”) > Theme > Postcrossing (darker)

I hope this helps!


How do I start the advanced tutorial?

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How can you create a post that everyone can edit.

I saw this in a post.
This is a wiki. Everybody can edit this post. You can show us the cards that you received in this RR here.

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Just send a message to the postbot with the words

start advanced tutorial


Flag :triangular_flag_on_post: the post you’d like to turn it a wiki as “Something Else” and let the moderators know you’d like it to be transformed into a wiki! :slight_smile:


Hi! You need to have a “regular” status to create a wiki yourself. But you can create a topic and ask moderators to change it into a wiki, if needed.


Is there a way to add links to the little blurb in your usercard? I know some people used their signature in the old forum as a way to link to albums of their collections/favorites/offers, but there are no signatures in this forum. when I update my usercard blurb in my preferences, it shows that I have added the links properly, but when I click into my usercard from an actual forum post, it’s just text with no hyperlink.

Edit to add: Nevermind, disregard this question! Looks like it’s showing up as a link now. Maybe the forum just needed some time to catch up :joy:


Okay, wait, now I have a new question. It looks like there is a character limit for what actually shows in the usercard. If you have more text than what can fit in that limit, is there a way to see the rest if you click through to the person’s profile? I don’t see any of my ‘about me’ text on my forum profile.

Indeed — the bio can be quite long so it would quickly turn the usercard into a user page :sweat_smile:

The usercard is a neat quick way to view some details. To learn more, there’s your profile page where the full bio shows. Easiest way to get there? Instead of clicking once on an avatar to see the usercard, click twice! :slight_smile:


When I click your avatar or name on your usercard, I get to see the whole text and more info about you.

That makes sense, I didn’t expect all of the text to show on the card itself, I just wasn’t able to see it at all if I clicked through to my profile… But maybe that’s because I was looking at my own profile. :sweat_smile: Thanks for clarifying that other users will be able to see it if they click through!

Thank you so much

Do we have a place for the country countdowns yet? I wanted to move the ones I run on the old forum but I can’t seem to find where to put them here.

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We do not have a place for Countdowns on this forum. That part of the old forum was slowly losing momentum and increasingly, topics about countdowns were being run the Language communities.

In this forum, we suggest that these topics are all run in the respective Language and Geographical Communities sections of each country. In the future, we’ll have tags (little labels that categorize topics) enabled in this forum, so we can use them to quickly find all the countdown topics.


Is there a delay getting First Share badge? Or maybe I have understood that wrong… I used share button at topic Forum User Guide and chose Facebook group. This was 45 minutes ago.

Edit: First Link badge came right away after this post and so did the other badges.

Sometimes it takes a few hours… some of these processes only run once/day, so that the server is not too overwhelmed. :sweat_smile: Seems to be working though!


And now I got that :smiley:


Will new sytem admin migrate old topics from old forum to here, including all the replies of the topic?

If not, how can I as an ambassador do that? I do have some topic from old forum want to save to here.