[TESTSTATION] Playground - Test all functions of the forum

To test the functions of @ postbot please use this topic:

For all other questions besides of the functions please use

Here you can try out all the functions of the forum extensively and without restraint.
If you don’t know how to use one of the functions, please ask here for help.

Please don’t delete your post after testing so that other users can learn from it.
Thank you.

in German - Deutsch : [TESTSTATION] Spielplatz - Teste alle Funktionen des Forums


Good day…

Not sure where to find— how to add a quote from a response to a recipient….

I have seen many of them, just not sure how to do it myself… it will come in a box, a portion of what you would want to answer…

How do I do that?

Thanks peeps


Just select the text that you want to quote.


Just select the text that you want to quote.

Copy and paste…like this

Blockquote Just select the text that you want to quote.

Ok not that…. …so do I click on the quotes on menu bar first then choose what I want to copy and paste…sorry not getting this…lol


No, not copy and paste.
You have to mark the text you want to quote and then click on “quote” above the marking.

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[quote=“Bille, post:756, topic:133”]
You have to mark the text you want to quote and then click on “quote” above the marking.
[/quote] Just select the text that you want to quote.

[quote=“Bille, post:756, topic:133”]
[/quote] and it should show up here ;). Nope that did not work…. When I get it I get it,i am not getting it :slight_smile:

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Please do not write anything directly behind [/quote] .
Everything you want to quote goes in front of it.
And everything else you have to write in a new line.

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Tada,Bille comes to my rescue …thanks again



Just doing it one more time


Great thread thank you!


It would be better if you don’t delete your post so that other users can learn from it.

I used private pictures, therefore I deleted the post. Next time I won’t. :raising_hand_woman:t2:

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Is there a way I can show pictures next to one another and not just below?

It would be great if I can learn how to put an official postcard from Postcrossing into the thread Hurrah I received an postcard from Forum Member, I tried today, but I still don’t know. Another lovely forum member did it for me. Of course I can ask my daughter one day, but it would be nice if I can learn it here. I don’t understand just link or just copy, but how?

Like this?

I took this from @JOSEMARIE’s Received Wall of cards - clicked on the card’s identifying number so that it popped up, then copied the website address of the card at the top and pasted it into this Reply.

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@LisaMonsterken - try using the Gallery icon in the middle of the menu bar in the Reply box. That allows tiles of pictures to be in a grid view.

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I tried it too.

Thanks for the help, I didn’t know how to do it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I have another question, how do I link to something, for example, to favorites in my profile?