Copenhagen meet-up on February 24th, 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Copenhagen, Denmark
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Gudrun’s Goodies
:calendar: DATE: February 24th 2024, a Saturday
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14 o’clock
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Drink tea/coffee/chocolate/etc., eat food if you like, and write postcards.

The meet-up card:

There will be a postcrossing meet-up on February 24th 2024, a Saturday, in Copenhagen, and you’re more than welcome to join, or to request swaps with one of the participants (just write below, and hopefully a participant will answer you). If you wish to join, feel free to write below and I’ll get in touch, or you can write directly to me.

Our next step is to design a beautiful postcard, which I’ll share here when it’s done. I’ll be ordering postcards a month or so in advance, and will write out to all attendees for how many they want.

Currently attending (we have a max of 20, so if you don’t know if you can attend, consider signing up as a maybe):

  1. @VilhelmR
  2. @marit_la
  3. @NOE6ACV
  4. @KAS
  5. @Katrin1778
  6. @allwinnsomestamps
  7. @Tanumine
  8. @gforp
  9. @sjo
  10. @ahmetone
  11. @Inger71
  12. @mapcardcollector
  13. @MP26
  14. @LeishaCamden
  15. @kroete68
  16. @Burak01
  17. @schneggisabrina
  18. @mishka_skriver
  19. @chrisskywalker
  20. @turtle65

Waiting list:

  1. @Dina2006
  2. @HanPlans

Also, if you’re not aware, it’s worth keeping in mind that sending a postcard from Denmark is 50 DKK a piece (€6,71). Remember that it’s not against the rules to send your postcards from elsewhere, I send mine from Germany.

Original message:

We had a lot of fun at the meet-up last year, and I’d like to see if there’s interest in repeating the success, maybe with even more participants.

Please let me know below if you’d genuinely be interested to attend for an afternoon of postcard cosiness (the date is because I have to set one). Asking around a bit, I’ve learned that a Saturday in 2024 would be preferable to a lot of people. So here’s a non-binding poll:

Meet-up date
  • January 6th, Saturday
  • January 13th, Saturday
  • January 20th, Saturday
  • January 27th, Saturday
  • February 3rd, Saturday
  • February 10th, Saturday
  • February 17th, Saturday
  • February 24th, Saturday
  • March 2nd, Saturday
  • March 9th, Saturday
0 voters


I am totally interested in meeting again. Last year was so much fun, let’s do that again. I’m in. :wave::+1:


I enjoyed the last meetup and I am in for another meetup in Copenhagen again.

(Have posted this on FB - Postcrossing Norge and Postcrossing Norden).


I’m definitely interested! But it would have to be a Saturday. First half of January, second half of February or first half of March would suit me well :blush:


Definitely interested, up for it if the timing is right! Agree with @Tanumine that it would have to be a Saturday. I can do same as Tanumine; early January, late February or maybe even early March. :grinning:


I am interesed as I wanted to visit copenhagen for quite some time now…
However I cannot plan that far ahead because of work


February or March would great


I am interested but can’t say yet if I am able to come.

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Interested :slight_smile:
For me, February sounds a viable option at the moment

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Great idea! All things being equal I would be pleased to participate in a meetup in Copenhagen in January or February '24.


I’m interested to join.


Sounds interesting, might travel in some of February, but otherwise could be fun to meet up - however a lot will depend of the new postal law comming into force January, that might kill the joy of Postcrossing here in Denmark :cry:

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The new rules won’t apply to international letters, that will continue to be the monopoly of Postnord (or so I read on Politiken, but I can’t find the source right now). Given the current prices of sending international postcards, I don’t see any joy either way :sweat_smile:.

Update: In this article, Det kommer postaftalen til at betyde for dig -, the following is written:

Af aftalen fremgår det dog, at det fortsat vil være staten, der gennem udbud sikrer en løsning på tre forskellige opgaver: Betjening af ø-samfund, blindepost og udlandspost.

Automated translation: It appears from the agreement, however, that it will continue to be the state that secures a solution to three different tasks through tendering: Service of island communities, blind mail and international mail.

So it would seem that international mail is still a PostNord monopoly.

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Ready for a new meeting. Any day at any time - flexibility of a retired guy :slight_smile:


I am interested to join.
Anders Sjölin

Address removed by the Administrator. Please use the private email system to exchange addresses.

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When you add your address, do you mean that you’d like to join as a recipient of postcards? Because here we’re organising who will show up to the meeting :slight_smile:.

I want to join the meeting.

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I would like to show up at the meeting.
Anders Sjölin

I would love to join also. No matter when, but it must be on a weekend because of travelling.

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@marit_la @NOE6ACV @KAS @Hotaru @PasoDoble @Katrin1778 @allwinnsomestamps @Tanumine @gforp @sjo @ahmetone

The poll is closed, and the winning date is February 24th. I’ll invite you to a whatsapp group, and anyone who wants to join, that didn’t participate in the poll, or who can also join on the 24th, can write to me for an invite to the group.

Next step is designing a beautiful postcard, which we’ll use the whatsapp group for.

Thank you,