Welcome to the Forum!

Hello! I’m from Singapore. I used to be on postcrossing about 10 years ago, but decided to take a very long break because of school work. Now I’m happy to be back (can’t find my old account anymore though)!


So many new faces :woman_red_haired::man_curly_haired::woman_white_haired::blonde_man:‍♂:bearded_person::man_bald::frowning_man::older_woman::woman_curly_haired::man_curly_haired::pouting_man::man_white_haired:🧑‍🦰:blonde_man:

How WONDERFUL :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

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Hello there my name is kitten…… I am married to my love of my life someone from Japan, a long distance marriage, hence the Mitsubishi on my name. I like Halloween :jack_o_lantern:, Quentin Tarantino movies :movie_camera:, anime, and reading, I also like to writing and I am a signed author. I am hoping to make friends and penpals, my favorite constellation is the Big Dipper.


Hello everyone! I am so excited to have found this place. My name is Gabriella and I’m from the US east coast. My first five postcards going to Russia, France, Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany were picked up yesterday! I am glad I can only send a few at a time right now because I have spent way too much time finding cute cards, stickers and stamps to spend my money on. :slight_smile:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 新人求助帖

2 posts were split to a new topic: Starting Postcrossing

hi there,

I am a newbie here. wanted some recommendations and suggestions.
hope this forum will help


Hi John_B_ :wave:

I recall when I first discovered The Forum (Oh! Happy Day :musical_note:). After reading about the “Welcome to the Forum!” and learning HOW THIS FORUM WORKS, I found myself drawn to the TAGS. Explanations are given under every new topic as to how they work.

Look around! See what catches your :eyes:! There is something for everyone!!

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Hi everyone… :wave: Hope all of you are doing fine and happy.
I’ve just join to this Postcrossing Community, I look forward to having great and amazing information, knowledge, and friendship from this forum.
Have a nice day :sunflower:


Hello everyone! I’m Sel from the USA in Texas, just sent my first 5 cards today and can’t wait to see how the Postcrossing experience is! Any tips or suggestions would be amazing and will be seeing you all around!


Welcome! Cards to Russia and particularly China can take long, even more than four weeks, so you need patience. But Germany is quick and you will have a lot of German addresses, for they are very active.


I do so :heart: when I get to send an official postcard to :de: :hugs:


Hello everyone! I’m Ruan from China,I sent my 5 cards yesterday ,hope I can find more interesting things in the forum.
Have a nice day!


Hello everyone, I’m new to this site, wow amazing site. I have written 5 cards but couldn’t post any of them yet because of the current lockdown in our country. And also I found hundreds of people who are already Postcrossing from my country. I would also like to join a meetup or organize one but I don’t know-how

Be safe friends.


Hi My Name is Lisa and I live in Australia, and this is my first visit here Looking forward to the whole experience.
I enjoy traveling which is new to me but hope to do more.
Love walking, the gym and old movies.
Enjoy your day and stay safe


Hello! I have posted on the old forum before but not on this new one.

My name is Tiffany and I’m a university student from Canada. Recently, I’ve really been enjoying reading, diamond painting, and listening to podcasts!


Hi, I’m Karin from Germany.
I’m not a postcard collector, but I’d like sending an receiving cards and letter.


How wonderful to “see” so many new faces here on Postcrossing!
A BIG welcome to @kaotto @simplyrubies @lgrant and @wenyang_Ruan :bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang:

Just in time too for our upcoming :love_letter:WORLD POSTCARD DAY :tada: on October 1st :writing_hand:

@Dhanu4860 you expressed an interest in MEETUPS. Why don’t you search the word and explore what comes up? You can see what others have done to organize one by reading their posts. As well, you can always private message the individuals who started the topic and ask away!


Hi i’m Christine from Belgium i love postcrossing, , and the stamps and are beautiful , i love to penpaling, but also one with postcard penpals mail
Have a nice postcrossing day


Hi everyone!

I am Anita, greetings from the Netherlands!
Germany and Belgium are not too far away here.

Love postcards, they let me see nice new places. My list of holiday destinations is getting longer and longer, so hopefully I win the lottery :smile:

Nice to meet you all!