Reuse an old postcard

Hi folks firstly I want to apologise if this has been asked before so I hope you put up with me asking…Also this is my first topic I have started :grimacing:

What are you guys and galls feeling about reasuing an old postcard?

I have in my collection of postcards that I have bought in a 2nd hand shop many years ago postcards which were used when I purchased them. (I purchased them because I liked the picture on them) they have stamps and frank marks and have been written on but I think since I recently started postcrossing someone would enjoy these cards too

Is it OK in your mind to replace the back of the card and send it ether postcrossing or swap with the new backing on them or is it not the done thing?

So folks think it’s a cheap thing to do because it’s not a new card? ( that’s my worry as I don’t want someone to feel that oh he’s just put a back on it typical scotsman saving pennies :rofl:)

I wouldn’t count the card as handmade as its not, the card is just being recycled because its a nice card in my mind and again in my mind I think someone would like to receive it

So I would love to hear your views

Many thank best wishes to all From Scotland

Craig / jaggy

Ps here is link to the card I’m talking about if you want to take a look


No, it is not. See the FAQ:

Yes, you may do it. But please clearly state that it has been previously used and if you will cover the original writing or whatever your plans are :slight_smile: So everybody knows what to expect.


Hi Craig!

It is not allowed to reuse postcards on the official postcrossing website, see Community Guidelines:

Don’t re-use/recycle already used postcards to send in Postcrossing.

However, in the forum, some of us love to recycle, too! We have a few forum games that you can participate in if you want to.

There is the :recycle: Environmentally Friendly Tag where these cards can be sent.

And we have Round Robin groups here:
Recycling: Socially Good Cards RR :dove:
Reused cards (several groups): Scandinavia x Other Countries RR

Here is explained How do Tags work? and How do Round Robins work?


As others have pointed out, it wouldn’t be allowed for “official” Postcrossing (meaning the random addresses you receive through the main site) because even if you put a new backing on it, it’s still a reused card, and reusing postcards isn’t allowed.

For a swap, that would be up to the person you’re swapping with. I do think you should mention ahead of time that the card is a used one, though, so they know what to expect.

Personally, I think it is a shame to obscure the original postal history of a previously sent card by gluing a new backing over it. If I were going to swap for such a card, I would like to get it sent in an envelope, as is, and the sender could maybe write me a note on a separate piece of paper to go along with it. But that’s just my opinion because I like old things. At the end of the day it’s an inanimate object you own and can do with as you please, so if pasting a new back on it makes you and the person you’re swapping with happy, there’s nothing actually “wrong” with doing so. And of course recycling old cards is better for the environment than buying new ones.


Thank you all being relatively new at postcrossing I wasn’t sure. So like always when I’m unsure I ask. I will definitely take a look at the forum and round Robins @Feuerstuhl
Following the IED, my rehab had a class that made greeting cards which I thoroughly enjoyed once I came out military I continued to do that but got scunnered (that’s a good Scottish word for being fed up) making the same card over and over again so I gave selling cards but I continued to collect postcards, read the writing, enjoy the story and stamp so yes I will definitely take a look at the other forums and where allowd in the postcrossing sphere do some crafting and regenerating some old cards that I think someone will like to swap

Thank again everyone who answered

Craig / jaggy


No do not do it. Surprised that you would even ask this question. There are tons of postcards available from the UK that makes it unnecessary to do this. Sending such a postcard to another member would imply you are a cheapskate. I am sure that you don’t want to convey that impression.

This is my pov as a non collector. Probably will be less popular opinion.

Imo, you do what you want to do. But as many have stated above, such cards aren’t allowed for “official Postcrossing” card (you send from drawing addresses on the main site). But there are many forum activities that allows you to send such cards (tags and RR)

Regarding cheap or not that’s relative . You’ve mentioned that you’ve bought the cards so what’s cheap about that? A lot of old vintage used cards are more expensive than unused ones. And you’ve mentioned that you actually bought them because you love the pictures and want to repurpose it. As someone who values messages written on the back of the card rather than the card itself I’m completely fine with it. It can be cheap or it can be not, depends on how you make it and depends on what kind of postcrosser is the receiver :slight_smile:

Have fun! Nothing should stop you


Thanks for your reply and I’m sure you would agree that when you don’t know the answer or the correct protocol you ask those that do. And yes there plenty of postcards here and I have very many new unused postcards I am able to send but I came across some ones that I though hmm I know someone would like that card but putty it’s been used… Hence the question and I did say in my post

[quote=“JaggyThistle, post:1, topic:302771”]
( that’s my worry as I don’t want someone to feel that oh he’s just put a back on it typical scotsman saving pennies :rofl:)

But thank you for sharing your opinion and taking time to reply to my first ever topic post

Thank you sir for your kind words and yes as a collector the card is worth a bit more than a run of the mill postcard and with a commemorative stamp on the back I would look to devise a way that stamp can be easily accessed again if the person who I sent it too collects stamps

The process in my noob brain was not just to glue a new backing on the postcard but to include the commemorative stamp as part of the rejuvenated card

I appreciate your support and kind words and I wish you happy postcrossing and enjoyment with your cards

Craig / jaggy


I don’t mind I love used cards but some people might not like them. But if they are nice and have a new back I see no problem. I really don’t mind the cards just as they are. May be also you could post them for swap on the forums


I have received a reused card once and it was very dissapointing to me. The back was torn off and there was only ID and Happy postcrossing. I felt like the person saw me as a trash can for his unwanted postcards instead of a human. I also find it disrespectful to the original sender to remove their message and send the postcard on.


Here is a discussion about whether to cover the back (private information!) or not which might be interesting for you:


@Feuerstuhl thanks for that link I find it fascinating how people see diffrent things in a card some people it’s a image, some it’s the handwriting others it’s the stamp . Some (like myself) if a card is sent to. Me it’s the whole package. Some treat the card as if it has a soul and you know what all of these things are perfectly fine and if you don’t have the same feelings as others have about a used, Vintage, antique written and posted scars that’s perfectly fine too no one can say to you your wrong or its not the right way. It may not be the right way for them but it doesn’t make it that way for everyone

I have taken alot of information from. This and the other thread and I thank all who have contributed to it and for just one wee moment I’d like to ask you to think of. This scenario

in these times when the cost of everything is going up and income seems to neve go as far s it did just a short time ago there will be folks out there who love postcrossing but can find cards because not as many shops stole them now like they use to. They can’t afford to order cards in because every penny counts. The may have a choice between heating and eating (which is a real thing and in the past have been in that situation) . They may be only able to scrape the price of a international stamp every now and then but they have a old card and paper in the house and they decide to make a card and post it even though its against the rules. I would be honoured to revieve that card and I won’t think it is cheap as we just don’t know what someone else’s circumstances are

And if anyone who reads this finds themselves in that situation message me your addess and I will gladly post you a few new unused cards to use in a hobby / pastime you love

Thanks again

Craig / jaggy


Hi, thinking here outside the box, if you have relatives in Education, the postcards can be reused as hall pass. Monitor pass?
For me, i wouldn’t erase the writing on the back because it means erasing the person who wrote the words. But i would, using a Sharpie/washi tape, write my name across and laminate them. Or maybe donating them for the elderly and Special needs students. Or make a picture book, for a baby/toddler.
Im sure you’ll find a positive use!


:Blockquote: “in these times when the cost of everything is going up and income seems to neve go as far s it did just a short time ago there will be folks out there who love postcrossing but can find cards because not as many shops stole them now like they use to. They can’t afford to order cards in because every penny counts. The may have a choice between heating and eating (which is a real thing and in the past have been in that situation) . They may be only able to scrape the price of a international stamp every now and then but they have a old card and paper in the house and they decide to make a card and post it even though its against the rules. I would be honoured to revieve that card and I won’t think it is cheap as we just don’t know what someone else’s circumstances are”> :Blockquote:

I just wanted to point out that handmade cards are allowed on official Postcrossing, so someone in that situation can always cut a postcard sized piece out of something free like an empty cereal box, decorate it, and send that as a postcard, without breaking the rules.


There’s also this tag: You choose: Used cards tag

And more discussions about the topic:


vintage used cards I have saved in a spot and when i see someone likes them I toss 5 or so in an envelope and send them to them, but not as an official. People that like them, like to see the vintage markings and original message. I also will use the previously used postcards in my media art and postal art projects for swapping in other groups.


I collect vintage cards, so I have had someone through the official swaps include a used card as an extra! They also included their new, written one. It’s a nice way to make someones day!


Monday, May 20, 2024 - 10:18 (UTC -5)

Glad to find this Topic as I have recently purchased a couple of boxes of postcards from a professional postcard dealer and a small number of those cards were “used”. I understand the Postcrossing proscription against sending used cards; them’s the rules and we should follow them until they’re changed.

However, the Postcrossing prohibition is simple. It doesn’t say why. It just says it’s so.

My take on this is that the front of the card is paramount. There are many cards whose front images are rare/unique/irreplaceable. And everybody’s Profiles are full of mentions/requests of the kinds of postcards they’d like to have if you’ve got them. They’re all talking about the front. Nobody mentions the back.

So if somebody’s Profile explicitly says they don’t care if the back has been used if the front image is what they really want, then I’d consider sending it to them.

And happy to know that there are “unofficial” opportunities to send used postcards available on the Forum.

Does anyone have a recommendation about how to reuse a postcard? I was thinking about getting an Avery label and laying the postcard down on that and then trimming with scissors or a trimming knife/blade. What else have you tried that works well?



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That is not really true. Many state that they like to hear from you. What are you interests? What have you today?

Some blatently state that the message is the most important thing.