I’m new and lost

Hi everyone :wave:t3: I’m new am trying to figure everything out …I don’t even know if this where I’m supposed to post this :hushed:


There is a Help section Erica, but do you have any specific questions I can help you with now?

The Forum user guide is a good thing to walk through to get oriented:

You can offer for direct swaps(one on one exchanges) or find offers of swaps from others here:

You can join lotteries where people offer free cards here:

And there are all kinds of tag games here - where you tag someone or someone tags you & you send them a card or they send you one in all kinds of subjects:


Hi @e_mello_823 , welcome to the forum! :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a bit overwhelming at first, but you’ll quickly feel comfortable browsing the site.

There’s a topic by @jewelldelis with additional tips and tricks:

If you wanted to say hello, you can do so in the welcome topic:

And as a member with just five sent cards, you should look out for the “newbies lotteries” in the lottery section! :smiley:



Welcome to this wonderful community!

I just joined a few months ago myself and it can be overwhelming!

I started with the regular swaps, but after sending out my first 5 cards, was waiting and waiting for some to arrive in my own mailbox. So I started venturing out - first to enjoy the Gallery where there is a constant new supply of beautiful cards to enjoy looking at (try the Slideshow feature! and sit back to enjoy the latest 16 cards received by Postcrossers). Then I noticed you could click on the postcard number and when it pops up bigger, you can “heart” it. And that’s how you get stuff on your own Favorites wall. So that was fun.

You can also do that with cards that come to you when you register them as received. If you heart them, they also go on your Favorites wall, and that makes the sender and you both feel good.

The next step was to venture into the Forum. You can click on the New button and just see the newest postings. Sometimes they are fun to respond to - Lotteries, for example. Sometimes you may not care, so skip them.

Then step after that - which many people never do, but it’s how to get more cards sent to you - is to venture out into the Tags or the Round Robins or both. Tags are simpler - you tag someone and arrange to receive what they offer, and then a short while later someone else tags you and you will send them what you offered that they accepted. Round Robins can be more complicated and have a longer lead time to get what you’re looking for - each one has its rules and you can read those at the top of each Round Robin.

I haven’t gone much beyond that, but that should be a lot to get started with.



You’re in the right place. What do you need help with?


Welcome to Postcrossing and to the forum! Have you already requested an official address, or not yet? Please let us know how we can help :blush:

Thank you so much for the info, that was so nice of you to take the time to break it down for me :heart:

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Hi, how do I request an official address? I’m not sure what that means lol

Hi @e_mello_823 , in the official Postcrossing website (not the forum), to send and receive postcards there. I just saw that indeed you have already sent and received a few :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m confused and can’t find the spot where to put my question down.
When I started Postcrossing I pointed out to get and send postcard ALL OVER THE WORLD.
I want to change that into Europe only. But where can I do that?
Please he,kp me out


Hi Helen,
it is not possible to send postcards to Europe only.
Postcrossing will always provide you with worldwide addresses.
The thing you can choose is, whether you want to send and receive postcards within your own country as well.


Hi everyone! I’m new here…I’m a little but lose… I hope lear more and be more participate. Thabks for your pacient :sweat_smile:


Hi Laura,
Sorry to hear you are lost. I’ve been a member since Dec. 2020 and I still feel Lost! There is a tab on the forum that says HELP. You can get your questions answered there.

Also, you can ask post crossers questions by language.

  1. Click HOME
  2. Click FORUM
  3. Click Languages and Geographical communities
    Then select Spanish. Everyone is helpful.

For fun things to do while waiting weeks is Games and Lotteries. It is on the FORUM tab.
You can find lotteries. Not much for you to do but add your name for a chance at a free postcard.
There are other games you can try.

For a quick way to go to categories

  1. Click on the three lines next to your picture. I think it is called :hamburger or hotdogs. Sorry I can’t remember the exact name.
    So click on the hamburger/hotdog, you’ll see the categories.

Many people have been here longer and probably know more. So try going to HELP first.

Hope this helps!


I can’t seem to find where to click to start a new topic - wanting to write one in the general thread but can’t find the option. I’m not new to message forums lol so this is odd I can’t locate it, even in the how to navigate the forum page.


Thanks so much,
Anne (AnneFaye)

Welcome to the forum, @AnneFaye!

You can’t find how to create a new topic because you are too new at the moment :slight_smile: Spend some time here, read some threads and then your Trust Level on the forum will rise and you will be able to do more things.


Okay, that makes sense! I’ve been a member of Postcrossing for many years, but new to the forum so, I can live with that, ha ha.

Thanks so much,


I moved this thread to the help section, as it makes more sense to ask for help there. And if others wonder about the same, they’re probably more likely to see the questions and answers there.


Welcome Laura, Don’t be shy asking questions, people are pretty friendly & helpful here & participating on the Forum is a lot of fun.!

Thank you so much!! You are so great! :blush::two_hearts:

There is one topic where new stamp releases of 2021 are announced (I think I saw those there)
And there is a topic where we all share what we acquired for postcrossing (stamps, postcards, stickers, everything) you’re welcome to share there your pictures :wink:

And welcome to the forum :smiley::smiley::smiley:

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