I’m new and lost

A post was merged into an existing topic: 答疑解惑互助专区/ Questions and Answers

Thanks for your explanation, but I do not understand what I have to do next to enjoy being on the forum. I understand that there are nice thins to enjoy. I’m gonna give it a change, but when you here someone yelling: “Help”. Hello, it’s me your looking for! ( Lionel Richie)

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You can go in so many different directions- just choose something that sounds like fun and try it! Most of them have instructions at the very top of the thread so read them first. And you can scroll down and read how other people are participating, which should give you more guidance. If you make a mistake, don’t worry! People are forgiving here and we’ve all been new at some point in the past!

It really depends / is linked to your interests. If you like to talk in your mother tongue, head over to the #communities and see what people organise there (the language subforums are all different. Some are frequent posters, others are not).

If you like to send / receive more cards look into #games-activities or #trades-requests-offers

As I have read that you like to being creative, you might want to have a look here: DIRECTORY Handmade Cards & Mail Art
It lists all (or most) topics about handmade cards / mail art through all the different categories.

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Welcome @AsterArt :slightly_smiling_face:

As @Cassiopheia already mentioned you can talk in your mother tongue in the #communities
Because there is no Belgium one people from your country are often active in #communities:dutch .
They have there a lot of talk topics, RRs and tags.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [FRAGEN und ANTWORTEN] und [HILFE]