What did you acquire for postcrossing?

Woops. My orders arrived today 🤷

I especially like the world card showing it day and night depending on how you hold it…and the map ones…and…all of them! :grin:

I also missed that a few were A4 size…Ah well, someone will get a looong message


I would love to know where you purchased the night/day world postcard. That is amazing!

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I bought it in an online store in Sweden called www.kartbutiken.se


Do I have too much washi?..yes
Did I buy more?..yes
Do I have a problem?..yes…no… maybe? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Um…we went out of town today to a lovely thrift store. Very hippie-like with beautiful things…and of course cards. :smirk: I officially have a problem. I bought 70! Here is just a little peek of some of them.


@Loqi we would love to see your whole washi collection over here!


Well, I guess a lot of us here have a problem. Or was it a passion? Sounds much nicer…

I bought postcard calendars for 2022, pens, rubber stamps, washi tape, washi stickers and postcards. Just a few postcards – I did not count them, I don‘t like buyers remorse. They fit in the new box I bought last week – I hoped it would take me less than a couple of days to fill it, but one can‘t have everything, right?

How about „I won‘t buy any new postcard calendars until 2023?“


Be still my heart :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What a wonderful haul :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Anytime I go anywhere now, I come home with Too Many Postcards :rofl:

My little weekend trip netted me these:

When I was purchasing some of them in a small bookstore, the girl at the counter asked who I was sending them to, so I told her about Postcrossing. She seemed delighted by the concept and was looking it up as we left, so I hope she joined! :smiley:


This is what my mother tells me from time to time! :joy:
I am looking forward to receiving an online order I placed recently.
I haven’t been able to “physically” buy any postcards in the last month and a half, so I hope I will be able to visit a city in my area soon to buy a few local tourist cards!


So here is a snapshot of the postcrossing gear I’ve gotten for this hobby. Not pictured are the 100 DC Comic postcards box i have. I absolutely will refuse to buy any more postcards once my box is full and I’m done with getting pens for a while too.

I ordered 10 of the Rosie the Riveter postcards because I kept seeing postcards of women in profiles when I first joined and was browsing postcards, and haven’t had a request for anyone requesting postcards with women on them.


Well I certainly would love to receive a postcard of Rosie! :grin:

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Not sure if making things counts, but I made some new please deliver to labels. Also made a detour to a craft store today to get supplies for handmade collage cards.


I started Postcrossing two months after I started penpalling so there are many things I buy and use for both of these hobbies, as well as for journaling that I was already doing anyway: washi, stickers. For Postcrossing specifically I bought (and keep buying) lots and lots of postcards, most of them country-specific and 1€ self-adhesive stamps (it costs 1 € to send a postcard anywhere in the world from Greece), but also some Postcrossing specific accessories like this ID stamp I bought recently from papersisters.de. I also keep renewing my stock of Stabilo Point 88 fineliners (since these are the only ones I use for writing on postcards). Since I started penpalling I have also started renting a PO Box and I have not regretted it!


Ah, I also rented a PO box a while back but I didn’t think to include it in my “what did you acquire for Postcrossing” list - how clever of you, AureliaGould, to mention it! Also, love the picture! Very artistic!


thank you for your nice words!!

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I had a rubber stamp made for Greek air mail, based upon a 1930s air mail label, for my upcoming holiday in Greece.

For source: International Airmail And Priority Mail Labels: Greece: Airmail labels


My best store just restocked cards and has new designs as well, this is my favorite of today’s purchase. I have a house at the bottom of Lake Michigan and one on the SW corner of Erie


Beautiful card!
Brings back memories from a long time ago…
When I was living in Canada and worked on the shore of lake Ontario.
And we made a beautiful trip trough Michigan and visit all the great lakes!
Thanks for sharing!