What did you acquire for postcrossing?

I started Postcrossing two months after I started penpalling so there are many things I buy and use for both of these hobbies, as well as for journaling that I was already doing anyway: washi, stickers. For Postcrossing specifically I bought (and keep buying) lots and lots of postcards, most of them country-specific and 1€ self-adhesive stamps (it costs 1 € to send a postcard anywhere in the world from Greece), but also some Postcrossing specific accessories like this ID stamp I bought recently from papersisters.de. I also keep renewing my stock of Stabilo Point 88 fineliners (since these are the only ones I use for writing on postcards). Since I started penpalling I have also started renting a PO Box and I have not regretted it!


Ah, I also rented a PO box a while back but I didn’t think to include it in my “what did you acquire for Postcrossing” list - how clever of you, AureliaGould, to mention it! Also, love the picture! Very artistic!


thank you for your nice words!!

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I had a rubber stamp made for Greek air mail, based upon a 1930s air mail label, for my upcoming holiday in Greece.

For source: International Airmail And Priority Mail Labels: Greece: Airmail labels


My best store just restocked cards and has new designs as well, this is my favorite of today’s purchase. I have a house at the bottom of Lake Michigan and one on the SW corner of Erie


Beautiful card!
Brings back memories from a long time ago…
When I was living in Canada and worked on the shore of lake Ontario.
And we made a beautiful trip trough Michigan and visit all the great lakes!
Thanks for sharing!

Postage stamps! (They were a gift this time)


I got several postcards, letter papers, stamps, stickers and envelopes

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I just decorated these stickers for the postcards.They contain my username. For the temperature, its about 30 plus degrees right now, so I’ll only add it when the time is right. As for the second sheet, I designed many hairstyles for myself!


These are the stamps I bought recently. Mostly for postcards to Europe (zone 1) but also some beautiful ones for Italy that I can combine to send postcards overseas. :heart_eyes:


Ordered some postcards. A lot of Christmas and New Year ones!


A couple of new cards :blush:


I am not sure how your wallet feels about the content of the picture and anything else that may have escaped the camera but I for one am in awe!
It’s so inspiring and pleasing to the eye that I am immediately eager to send lots of wonderful postal greetings all over the world! And I absolutely have to get a similarly nice set up! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Ups… I wasn’t supposed to be posting here for a while. Yet, here I am! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My brothers collect coins, so I went with them to an “antiques and old stuff fair”. As I wandered around, something caught my eye, so I had to ask the price… 5 for 1€! So I chose 10 and the lady said “pick a couple more”. So, 13 unwritten cards for 2€! It was too tempting, right? Not fair game…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I bought this machine to make postcard id labels. Labels are embossed on a special tape.
Also I had an idea to shift this machine into an automatic label maker that can be controller from a computer, however I lost interest in that idea.

Warning: practice shows that such labels tend to unglue when glued with a typical glue stick. Lots of my postcards were received without ID on them. I suggest avoiding using such labels or using a stronger glue.


Where can I purchase these lovely rubber stamps ?

I might have just acquired some new washi tapes….because I love decorating the backs of my sent postcards!


The keys are great. Don’t be afraid to send what someone may not have thought of

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I bought a lot of them at https://www.posthumuswinkel.nl/ (look under hobby stamps).

They also have a lovely shop in Amsterdam.


That shop looks so charming :heart_eyes:!! You are so lucky. Thank you for the link!