[TAG] British Isles “I Spy” Tag

[TAG] British Isles “I Spy” Tag

Our very own @EmmaG has noticed the demand for sending cards within the British Isles and thought it might be fun to have some extra ways to swap at much more reasonable prices! Keep your eyes peeled for some new ideas!!

I’ve offered to host an “I Spy” tag - those of you who go on the international tags may be aware of it - it runs like a normal tag (i.e. you tag the person above you and send them a card, you are then tagged by the person below you). Please read on for more details!

• Tag participation criteria

This Tag is open to all Postcrossers living in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands i.e. the British Isles.

• How to play

You say “I Spy…” and name an item you’d like to receive on a postcard.

Someone who has a card with that theme / item tags you and sends you that card. When they tag you, they also say “I Spy…” and state what they would like to receive from the next tagger.

So for example, I (jobloggs), say “I Spy a beach”. EmmaG (for example) finds a beach card in her collection, so she tags me and in the same message says “I Spy a rabbit”, then sends me the beach card. Someone else tags Emma, sends her a rabbit card and makes their own “I Spy” request… and on and on!

• Additional Information

Please try to keep your “I Spy…” request quite broad - you’re much more likely to be tagged for a postcard if you ask for (for example) a cat, a train, a rainbow, a mountain etc than if you ask for a card from a specific artist or collection.

If no one tags you within 7 days, please add another “I Spy…” request to get the tag moving again.

If you don’t have the address of the person you have tagged, please send them a private message.

Please keep the Tag thread for Tags only. This is to ensure clarity as to who is the last Postcrosser to have tagged another, and who in turn should be tagged next.

Thank yous & chat can take place on the British Isles Tag - Thank You Thread

(British Isles Tag - Thank You Thread )

If you have any questions or concerns please contact @EmmaG or @jobloggs :blush:


I Spy… a cat! :cat:


Tag @jobloggs with cat :cat2:

I spy a Sunflower :sunflower: x


tag @EmmaG with sunflower.

I spy a lighthouse


Tag @Natea (with lighthouse)

I spy… a cute animal illustration :rabbit::hamster::mouse::dog: x

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Tag @EmmaG ( with an animal illustration)

I spy a postbox !:postbox:


Tag @MartynHst43277 with a postbox!

I spy a beach :beach_umbrella:


Tag @jobloggs. I have your address
I spy …a cat :heart_eyes_cat:


tag @JoF with a cat

I spy… cows!


Tag @MoominMog with cows :cow: :cow2:

I spy… water

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Tag @jobloggs with water :droplet:

I spy… The Queen (Elizabeth II or Camilla) :crown: x

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Tag @EmmaG

I spy a tourist view

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Tag @JoF with a tourist view- i have your address

I spy any card related to books / reading

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Tag @jobloggs with books :books:

I spy the night sky

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Tag @BriJN with night sky

I spy… a bridge


Tag @MartynHst43277 with bridge

And as it’s the first anniversary today I spy… The Coronation :crown:


Tag @EmmaG with the Coronation

I spy… the seaside

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Tag @jobloggs I have your address :slightly_smiling_face:

I spy … flowers

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Tag @JoF with flowers :bouquet:

I spy… a rabbit :rabbit:

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