[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

:star2: Calling anyone who wants to swap more cards within the British Isles! :star2:

There seems to be demand, especially since the latest price increases, for sending more cards within the British Isles and it might be fun to have some extra ways to swap at much more reasonable prices! :money_mouth_face:

Introducing 3 new fun ways this evening:

@EmmaG has started the British Isles Word Chain reverse tag:

I’ve started the British Isles β€œI Spy” tag:

And @Natea has started the British Isles chain lottery:

Thank you ladies! If you live in the British Isles, come and join the fun! :blush: :heart: :star_struck:

And if anyone else has any bright ideas to keep things on the British Isles fresh, go for it! Anyone can contribute! :partying_face:

Moderators please could you β€œpin” these 3 new threads? Thank you! :heart_eyes_cat: