Stamps and Special Postmarks about Postcrossing

As it is popular among postcrossers to collect stamps about Postcrossing, here is a list about all the official ones. Also here is a list about special postmarks that are connected to Postcrossing. Both lists are continued from the old forum.

The Lists:

The List of "official" Postcrossing Stamps

“Official” means it is approved by Postcrossing and issued by postal/government bureau.

:netherlands: October 14 PostNL (The Netherlands) image

:finland: September 9 Posti (Finland) image

:belarus: January 2 Belpochta (Belarus) image
:guernsey: May 28 Guernsey Post (Guernsey) image

:ru: January 25 Russian Post (Russia) image
:slovenia: May 29 Pošta Slovenije (Slovenia) image
:czech_republic: September 2 Česká Pošta (Czech) image
:ukraine: October 9 Ukrposhta (Ukraine) image

:netherlands: March 29 PostNL (The Netherlands) image
:austria: May 21 Austrian Post (Austria) image
:poland: July 14 Polish Post (Poland) image
:guernsey: July 14 Guernsey Post (Guernsey) image

:belarus: January 3 Belpochta (Belarus) image
:romania: February 24 Romania Post (Romania) image
:indonesia: July 14 Indonesia Post (Indonesia) image
:switzerland: September 7 Swiss Post (Switzerland) image
:ireland: October 4 An Post (Ireland) image

:hungary: February 2 Magyar Posta (Hungary) image
:moldova: June 23 Poșta Moldovei (Moldova) image

:aland_islands: June 7th Åland (Åland) image

:brazil: July 14th Correios (Brazil) image

:guernsey: June 10th Guernsey Post (Guernsey) image
:belarus: July 10th Belpochta (Belarus) image
:austria: July 14th Austrian Post (Austria) image

:luxembourg: September 13th Post Luxembourg (Luxembourg) image
:estonia: October 1st Eesti Post (Estonia) image
:de: October 6th Deutsche Post (Germany) image

Stamps issued by an postal administration, but not approved by Postcrossing: Bulgaria 2015, Donetsk Peoples’ Republic 2021, Kazakhstan 2015 and 2020, Lithuania 2013, Malaysia 2017 and 2019 (Pos Silang), Russia 2016

The List of Special Postmarks

All of these are independent ones, so they are not associated to any Postcrossing stamp.

Taiwan: Taipei Meet-up

Taiwan: Taipei Meet-up

Czech Republic: Prague Meet-up (second picture, apparently it was used on multiple days of the Sberatel Stamp Fair)
Poland: Warsaw Meet-up

Germany: 10 years Postcrossing
Indonesia: Medan Meet-up

China: Wuxi Meet-up
Czech Republic: Prague Meet-up
Finland: Helsinki Meet-up
Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur Meet-up
Poland: Wroclaw Meet-up
Russia: Postcard Exhibition in Perm
Taiwan: Taipei Meet-up
USA: 1st SW Meet-up

Åland: Mariehamn Meet-up
Czech Republic: Prague Meet-up
Malaysia: Kota Kinabalu Meet-up (image needed!), Kuala Lumpur Meet-up
Moldova: Chisinau Meet-up
Poland: Wroclaw Meet-up, Frankfurt - Słubice Meet-up
Switzerland: Stamp Exhibition in Sindelfingen
Taiwan: Taipei Meet-up
USA: 2nd SW Meet-up

Åland: Mariehamn Meet-up
Azores: Angra do Heroísmo Meet-up (better image needed!)
India: Bengaluru Meet-up
Indonesia: Denpasar Meet-up (image needed!)
Moldova: Chișinău Meet-up
Poland: Wrocław Meet-up, Katowice Meet-up, Poznań Meet-up in September, Poznań Meet-up in October, Bydgoszcz Meet-up
Portugal: Lisbon Meet-up
Singapore: Meet-up
Taiwan: Taipei Meet-up
USA: 3rd SW Meet-up

Åland: Mariehamn Meet-up
India: Coimbatore Meet-up (Postmark 1, Postmark 2)
Indonesia: Denpasar Meet-up (image needed!)
Moldova: Year-long Postmark in Chișinău
Poland: Poznań Meet-up in May, Krakow Meet-up, Lodz Meet-up, Torun Meet-up, Zielona Góra Meet-up, Elblag Meet-up, Poznań Meet-up in September, Wroclaw Meet-up, Krakow Meet-up
Taiwan: Taipei Meet-up
USA: 4th SW Meet-up

Åland: Mariehamn Meet-up (Meet-up postponed, postmark was reworked, first version)
Austria: Hirtenberg Meet-up (Meet-up cancelled, but the postmark was available from the postmarking centre)
Mexico: Mexico City Meet-up
Poland: Oleśnica Meet-up (Meet-up cancelled, but the postmark was available at the local post office), Wrocław Meet-up
Taiwan: Taipei Meet-up
USA: 5th SW Meet-up (meet-up was postponed, but the postmark was used anyway)

Poland: Two Year-long Postmarks in Wrocław, Wrocław Meet-up
Taiwan: Year of the Ox Meet-up in Taipei
USA: 6th SW Meet-up

India: Bengaluru Meet-up (image needed!)
Italy: World Postcard Day Meet-up in Camerata Cornello
Luxembourg: Luxembourg Meet-up

Used for longer than a Year:
Belarus (available in 18 post offices, complete list posted below)
Russia: Common Motive 1 (Cheboksary, Gelendzhik, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Oryol, Samara, Sochi, Sterlitamak, Tyumen, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Use began in 2015 or 2016, Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Use began in 2018), Common Motive 2 (Michurinsk, Tambov, Use began in 2018, Belgorod, Use began in 2019),Moscow (Use began in 2015), Kirov (Use began in 2016), Arkhangelsk (Use began in 2017), Chelyabinsk (Use began in 2017), Izhevsk (Use began in 2017), Kaluga (Use began in 2018)

More Information needed
Belarus: Two postmarks from Minsk (Were similar postmarks used in other cities? Are they still in use or permanent? Did they replace the other postmark?)
Ukraine: Chernivtsi (any information needed! Permanent? Still in use?), Kiev (Is it permanent or was it used for an event?), Vinnytsia (second Picture, did was definitely used for more than a year, but when did it start and if yet when did it stop?)


Back on the old forum @ch_nz posted these two pictures of new Postcrossing postmarks from Belarus. Someone on Instagram had earlier already shared the third picture with me and told me that they will be permanent. Maybe someone from Belarus has more information?

My contact on Instagram also shared this postmark from Ukraine. Again any information is welcome.

And new postmarks from Poland will also be used next year. These two motives will be used in Wrocław for tve whole year.


I am glad to have finally obtained the 2014 Czech postmark. However it is a variation of the one in our archive, it has a different date. I suppose it was used with a different date during the whole stamp fair.




With regard to the older Belarus postmarks here are the list of post offices.
I have the following ones (can provide photos if someone is interested):
o Minsk-1 (Минск-1)
o Minsk-Poschtampt (Минск-почтамт)
o № 15 Минск (Minsk-15)
o № 8 Баранович Брестской обл (Baranovich)
o № 10 Бреста (Brest-10)
o № 25 Гродно (Hrodna-25)
o № 27 Гродно (Hrodna-27)
o № 30 Могилева (Mahilyow-30)

I am missing:
o № 2 Дзержинска
o № 15 Пинска Брестской обл
o № 48 Гомеля
o № 17 Гомеля
o № 15 Витебска
o № 11 Лиды Гродненской обл
o № 2 Сморгони Гродненской обл
o № 9 Слонима Гродненской обл
o № 4 Новогрудка Гродненской обл
o № 6 Волковыска Гродненской обл

Any help with getting the missing ones would be greatly appreciated. (Would also pay.)


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Republic of China (Taiwan) Taiwan Postcrossing Ox Year Meetup postmark,
2021-01-23 at Taipei Postal Museum


Here is another older special postmark from the Ukraine.
I don’t know for how long it was used. I don’t read cyrillic letters, I think the town is Chernivtsi.



That is an awesome discovery @ch_nz! And Thanks also for your other contributions! They are always very helpful! I wonder how many Postcrossing postmarks are out there that we are still not aware of. Especially from Ukraine there some to be quite a few. Maybe there is a Ukrainian member here in the forum who has more information? I think I will put all three Ukrainian postmarks together as “more information needed”.

Thank You also @Gulfmann for sharing the new Taiwanese postmark! It is a very nice one.

As there still seems to be no topic for Postcrossing Stamps, I share here the new one from Kazakhstan. It was issued on 30th December and so far I have seen no real picture of the stamp, but just this one from their philatelic website. I suppose it was issued without the knowledge of Postcrossing.


The List is updated. :smiley:

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Are we collecting images of the various Belarus postmarks (the 18 earlier ones)? Anyway here is the one from Lida (ΛIДA), which I have just received in a transaction:


Since we didn’t have a good image of the recent Kazakhstan stamp. I scanned the sheet (just arrived today):



Have a good day!
If You need, I can send to You this stamp of postcrossing.


I have not seen any new Postcrossing postmarks recently. Probably due to Covid-19 many Meet-ups can not take place…

However there are some new about Postcrossing Stamps. The issue planned by Finland next month will not happen, but Austria, Belarus and Guernsey all announced stamps for this year.

Here is already an image of the Austrian stamp.


Very good news about the new releases!
Here is an older postmark from Archangelsk, Russia that I have recently found.


Just saw it on Twitter:

And here is already an entire topic about it on the Forum:

@ch_nz At first I was shocked that there might be an older Russian postmark unlisted, but luckily it is already on the list. Good however to see a real used version of the postmark. For many Russian postmarks I wonder whether they were ever really used or not.


Here is an image of a postmark that we have known about from Yekaterinburg. It has been applied to postal stationary:



Guernsey Post revealed the images of its Postcrossing stamps planned for June:

You can see larger images on their website, but unfortunately I can not download the larger to upload them here.

If you enlarge the images you can see that the postcards on the stamps are addressed to @meiadeleite, @paulo and two other members in Australia and the United Kingdom. If I look right not all of these addresses are post boxes, so I hope that these are not real addresses or that the users know about it…


The other two are @shanaqui and @Mundoo :smiley:
Incredible detail. I guess they surely asked for permission first.


Lucky me- I’ve never heard about special PC cancellation before. And look what arrived today:


Yay, The stamps are of some of the Team members of Postcrossing.
We were all asked and gave permission. This is such an honour

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :hearts:


To add, mine is not a real address, but it is one I chose which is personal and meaningful! Which is also a really lovely touch. Like @Mundoo, I’m really honoured by it! Thank you, Guernsey Post! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: