Help us get OUR Canadian Postcrossing Stamp

Hello fellows Postcrossers,

Requesting your help in order to get OUR Canadian official Postcrossing stamp.

For the last seven (7) years some of us Canadian members have been asking Canada Post to issue a Postcrossing stamp. The suggestion has been under consideration by the Committee for a while but with no success this far. I’ve been writing them, once or twice a year, and as I’m about to send yet another request, I thought you could help our request, if you also asked on our behalf.

Please send a postcard (or letter) requesting a Postcrossing stamp for Canada, showing our interest and engagement in Canada’s stamp program. You can mention:

  • how many Canadian members are on Postcrossing,
  • along with how many cards have been sent from Canada,
  • your personal ‘rank’,
  • how many cards you’ve sent,
  • write about the benefits of Postcrossing and why it is stamp worthy,
  • how a stamp would advertise writing more and would also increase Canada Post’s sales,
  • how Postcrossing helps Canadian members to reunite, either IRL or via the web, and make the distance separating us seem not that big
  • etc.

If you’re up for sending an extra card, please help us, Canadian Postcrossing members, to get OUR official stamp by writing to:

Ms. Bronwyn Graves, Director
Stamp Services
Canada Post Corporation
2701 Riverside Drive Suite N0870
Ottawa, ON K1A 0B1

Every request counts, and thanking you in advance for your help in this.

If you want, you could also update your profile to invite all readers of your profile to also write the Stamp Services Director, requesting a stamp for us!

List of existing Official Postcrossing Stamps: Stamps and Special Postmarks about Postcrossing


Hi Josée, I think it would have a much greater impact if we spread the word for 4 to 6 weeks amongst Canadian Postcrossers & picked a date where we all mail our cards or letters at once.

Having a 100 arrive in a week sends a stronger message than 1 or 2 arriving trickling in.


@LC-Canada Lynn, I’ve done that 2 years in a row (2017 & 2018) and last time we sent 231 cards at once, and still… Last year the Director mentioned in his answer to my letter (may 2021) that he had sent replies to several people requesting a stamp.

It they are reminded ‘daily’ for a while that might trigger something. Nothing is preventing us to organize something like you suggested… as long as the requests are getting to them, they might believe we really want a stamp!


Wonderful nudge, i have a card ready to be mailed in am….how can they resist this……

We will wait patiently for an answer :slight_smile:


Four years is a long time in Canada Post’s memory & we now have a new director.

We have had 1,834 active Canadian Postcrossers in the last 3 months &
3,536 active in the last year.

If we could get 2-300 people to send in cards around the same time frame, I think that would have an impact.

One of the problems I suspect from Canada Post’s end is that we aren’t a specific registered organization like the Red Cross or some other registered community group.

I know community organizations, businesses, individuals, historic dates have gotten stamps. It would be interesting to see what are all the categories of groups have gotten stamps in the last 20 years or so.


So cute!
I dare to ask. Self portrait? :camera:

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I will send a letter now and will be happy to send a card when a group effort is organized.


There is certainly a resemblance wink…

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I am sending a cute cat postcard, maybe if the person likes cats they won’t be able to resist. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I will set me a reminder. German postcrossers also waited years for an official stamp. Not me in fact as I started just a few month ago. In October the stamp will be sold. So I will send your director a nice card with the German Postcrossing stamp.


thank you @Shana_Leja that is much appreciated!!

Excellent! Count me in too!

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Thank you @stinkypaw for organizing this! I want this to happen so very much. I’m in💌



Please help us by mailing in a postcard📮

Count me in! I will be thrilled if we can get a Postcrossing stamp one day :slight_smile:

Wondering if I should just throw few numbers in just show them how impactful we are - like how many cards have we sent out over the past month/year, something like that…


Count me in, too. I’ve been wondering for some time why we can’t have a Postcrossing stamp like other countries!


I will send a postcard! :And if we also choose a collective date later on, I will send a second card then also.

On my card, I’ll say something about the many benefits of Postcrossing and why it’s worthy of a special stamp. It might be an idea for all of us to do this – beyond simply making the request, that is. If we all make a persuasive case, it can’t hurt!

P.S. There is a nice profile about the new director here.


The stsmp would advertise for writing more cards and that would rise the profit of Canada Post, so they benefit from publishing Postcrossing stamps!
I shall write a card to the stamp service guy as soon as the German PC stamp is out!


Maybe we could send them a postcard for World Postcard Day!


How can we address the 2nd and 3rd points that Canada Post requests when suggesting a stamp?

From the Canada Post website:
Making suggestions for a stamp subject

We encourage Canadians to participate in proposing stamp subjects. Suggestions should include:

  • A brief description of the subject.
  • Its importance in the Canadian context.
  • Any significant anniversaries or upcoming events.

Is there any historical Canadian postcard-related milestone that’s about to celebrate its 100 year anniversary? I tried doing a quick google search but didn’t come up with much.