Sending Mail from Egypt

Just found the Postal Monitor page.
EGYPT is on one of my MOST WANTED list but Egypt can’t send mail to the US!!!
Why? We are the only country they don’t send to.

Edited by moderator:
Every other questions about sending mail from Egypt are welcome.


Even if Egypt was sending to USA, you will need great luck to get a mail from there. I have a friend in Egypt, she won’t send me paper mail because there rates are too high and service very poor :slight_smile:


Oh this makes me so sad!!
How much does it cost for a postcard sent from Egypt?

You may refer to Prices of stamps for postcards in all countries/territories (wiki) - Egypt shows up in the wiki as 80 EGP ($2.59 US)


Maybe someone from Egypt already explained in this thread

I would second the comment about needing great luck to receive postal mail from Egypt. I have a former colleague who was travelling back to Egypt to visit family this past summer; she attempted to send me 2 postcards over the course of the summer but neither arrived to the US (yet) despite being sent May-July.

I’m not sure how accurate she was in saying this, but according to her family who continues to live in Egypt… she said that there’s powerful people in Egypt who can intercept mail and/or say that they’re a post office but never actually send any of the mail; they keep it all for themselves, or sell it as intelligence, or what have you. She said that unfortunately, “Egypt is very corrupt” - her words.

Not sure what this is worth - you should probably do your own research too.



Well, if you send a card from Egypt, you have to give it to the Egyptpost employee, because they don’t check the mailboxes every day/week/month…

So, in the main post office of Cairo my cards arrive in 7 days (it can be longer in other cities like Luxor or Aswan), but 2 or 3 weeks if I but it in a mailbox, and sometime it never arrive…


Zacharie - so there ARE cards coming out of Egypt, just not to the US? :0(

@isignaslily I looked at the Postal Monitor. I think that restriction is obsolete. It was placed on March 2020 - at the height of the Pandemic. I think if mail is sent from Egypt to the US, it will go through.


I sent cards last February. Still waiting…

Mail from Egypt is possible, but improbable. The cost alone is prohibitive for most folks to maybe have something make it. Sending to Egypt, funny enough, seems to work quite well. I do so quite often :joy:


Well, I never tried to send egyptian cards to USA, but I don’t know why it could not be done: Egypt is in good terms with the US, and there is a lot of american tourists there.

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The Postal Monitor was implemented around that time, hence the date. However, that restriction (as a few others) is older than the Postal Monitor page.

Although we don’t have an official source/confirmation, over the years several different members from Egypt have contacted us saying that it is not possible to send postcards to the USA. We haven’t found an official source for it (unlike for countries who don’t recognize each other), but our data confirmed that the vast majority of postcards were expiring, so we have put that block in place.

Would be great to learn it’s not true — or if we would get a confirmation it doesn’t work from an official source. But lacking better evidence, we are keeping that in place for now.


I just remembered that @TwasBrillig was not so long ago in Egypt organizing a local meetup. Maybe she knows more about this?

Probably @Aguaroble would know more as he was there for several months. He ( and other PCers who’d tried mailing cards from Egypt ) said don’t bother mailing from there, as it was too unreliable so wait till you get home. So we wrote our cards and used beautiful Egyptian stamps as stickers and mailed the cards from the US when I got home.


Thank you @TwasBrillig for letting me know about this topic :blush:
So, basically, to answer @isignaslily:
people in Egypt usually don’t send postcards because prices have increased eightfold these last years. It is now 80 Egyptian pounds (sometimes it is said that it’s 85 Egyptian pounds, depending on the post office you go to), which may not seem that much, but to give you a point of comparison, an average lunch would cost around 20 Egyptian pounds.
As for mail from Egypt to the US; they are still technically possible, but Egyptian senders have to pay even more (the cost of a registered mail).
When it comes to the reliability of the Egyptian postal system; for postcards (the situation seems to be different for letters in envelopes), I would say that around 80% reach their destination. But if you are unlucky and give your postcards to postal employees who put them in a mysterious place and never send them, then the situation is a bit different :upside_down_face:


I’m fortunate. Some Egyptian stamps to wet your whistles! :joy:


@kissthebeehive I bought some of those Egyptian Tunisian maxicards too - partly because @Aguaroble pointed out the spelling error - Egyptain - fun!


Hey hey everyone. I’m here in Egypt and tomorrow will search for the real prices and understand if it’s possible to send some postcards and letters around the world.
Anyone interested in some swap??
My real address is in Italy.
I will send just local postcards that I will buy here in this area so no many choices.
I’m in Alexandria.
I will send you photo to show that I’m sending it. But if doesn’t arrive it won’t be my fault :broken_heart:
If interested contact me and I will let you know if we can swap something :crossed_fingers:t4:

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I was finally able to mail my postcards today from Cairo. All post offices I tried before either only had oversized 10 LE stamps, wanted to send it in an envelope as a registered letter for 203 LE, or even as a parcel for 700. I’m happy to say that this post office knows what to do with postcards and had some 40 LE stamps of small size to go along:

Of course, I cannot say whether they arrived yet, but I would say that this office is a good bet to anyone visiting Cairo.