Sending Mail from Egypt

Update: Today, my parents received their Postcard to Germany. I’m still waiting, as I live in Denmark. So yeah, the post office listed above seems to be good for sending from Egypt.

Update 2: Today, 3 days later, my Postcard from Egypt arrived to Denmark.


Hi all,

has anybody found difficulties sending postcards from Egypt? I was there a few months ago and sent several postcards from Luxor. I sent them from the post office (the person in charge told me to put them in the mailbox just outside the office) and none of them arrived, after more than six months… they were sent to several destinations, so it looks like it was a problem at departure. I just wondered if anybody else has experienced the same, and if you have any suggestion for the next time. Thank you

Hi @mdella !

I had the exact same experience in Luxor in 2023 and 2024 : postcards doesn’t arrive if you put them in the mailbox, but the guy in the office tell you to put it in the mailbox…

The best (if you can next time) is to post them in a Cairo post office, or perhaps a smaller post office in Luxor (I never tried yet, but they don’t have mailbox, so I guess they must take the postcard at the desk), or the Luxor Airport mailboxes.
In any case, it’s better to post the cards from a post office, because they don’t often check the mailboxes.

Good luck !


I did try to avoid the mail box, I went straight to the mail person, with postcard written, bought the stamps from him; gave him the stamped postcards and he still refused to take them!

Oh well, another time i will wait until i am in Cairo. Glad (but sad) that i was not the only one.

i hope this is not off the main topic. i had a friend who was a tour guide in egypt in the early 2000’s and told me that when sending anything from there, be sure to put an X over the stamps and have the clerk cancel them in front of you or they will just remove the stamp and resell it. hope this is helpful (true or not).

Hello! I’m in Cairo now and sent two postcards from an Egypt Post office near Nasr City in Cairo. The price is now 85 LE for international. The postal worker was friendly and eager to help. The highest denomination of stamps that he had on hand was 5 LE, so he offered envelopes and affixed 17 of them on the back of them after I inserted the postcard and rewrote the address on the front. He even wrote the country names in Arabic to help them on their way. It is too early to tell if they’ll arrive but I’ll circle back like @nicki419 did if (no, when!) then do.


Follow Up #1. My first postcard reached it’s destination, EG-6185. Sent July 10, received July 31. Not too bad. After my original post, I sent 8 and then 10 cards at a time. When I went to the post office then, the clerk put them all unstamped in an envelope with my postage paid receipt stapled to it, effectively asking another clerk at the central office to stamp and put them in international mail. Those are 20 and 17 days in the world now. Fingers crossed!

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