[RR] 🇺🇸 US to US Surprise Me -Themeless Fun From Hawaii to Maine - We Want YOU! (Part 1)

Group 1300 received from

@esca0417 - a beautiful view of the St Louis Arch - my Dad went to St Louis on business when I was a kid and he went up the Arch. I’ve never been but it’s on my list :slight_smile:

Reporting in on 2 cards received! Group 1308

From @hootnoodle a gorgeous card of Mt Ranier. I was lucky enough to stay at the lodge 3 years ago with one of my best friends for a “birthday trip”. It was amazing!

From @MichelleW a great card from Alaska. I’ve never been but on my “to do” list! No fires currently near us but having to rethink our last short getaway due to location of fires and dryness!

@clouisesz That’s great that you know about Stoughton! :+1:

Here’s the link to the meetup :love_letter:

yes, thank goodness. I am being scheduled for one day a week now that we are fully staffed, but so far I have been called in several extra days each week. I just hope that when my dad is on vacation I really do get to stay home and get a TON done when I can work at all hours and make a huge mess without having to clean it up daily. I work best alone and truly hope he can come home to a different house with some finished projects. :slight_smile:

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USxUS Milestone 1300 Group. All cards received! :heart:

Wonderful detailed California map! I’m so happy to add this beauty to my collection. Glad you were able to relax for the 4th. Ours was relaxing … we went to our neighbors for pizza and beer and watched neighbors down the street light their fireworks from the driveway. Great tortoise postage. Thank you Carrie Jean!

Hearts, hearts, and more hearts! Can’t tell if they are made of wood or ceramic but very sweet. Summer is slow-paced since my husband retired and we’re keeping busy with things around the house. I love a good road trip and it’s been a couple of years since our last one. I love the new heritage commemorative stamps. Thank you, Elizabeth!

@MichelleW … Please add me to the following group. 1313 is a fun number. Thank you! :smiley:

Group 1313 :smiley:
1 sannah82

Can I join the next small group please?

Next group please

Received two cards from Group 1310.

From @uconn A color negative (is that right?) of the night drawbridge at Mystic, Ct. I enjoy places like that with lots of touristy shops featuring jewelry and art from local artists. It’s been SOO long since I’ve done that because of the dread C_V_D.

From @ellistrations A 4-panel cartoon of a women writer unwriting her previously written backwards novel. Say that real fast.

Thanks guys; good to hear from you.


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I knew I was gonna miss something.

All my cards for this group (#1310) will go out in the mail tomorrow, Monday, July 26th.

Group 1302

@anon68172931 What a beautiful card! Two lovely ladies in long, white, flowy dresses, with big floppy hats and an umbrella, on the beach. Just looking at this card refreshes me, and makes me feel instantly relaxed.

@Cmleonard630 A really cute pun card about coffee. A Griswold style vacation sounds awesome! Lol I’ll be looking forward to future cards telling me about your trip!

Group 1303

@anon68172931 Thanks for the good vibes - I’m feelin 'em! :grinning:

Just to clarify, that was my only reason to insist on 1313 - no offense to those signed up for 1312!

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#1304 @sraelling truly love the fruits :yum: yum. Thank you Kate.

#1304 @lyndylou5 a freight train they are loud. Thanks you

#1304 @clouisesz union pacific railroad you are right Michelle is a darling making the rr great. Thank you.

1311 in the mail

Group 1311 is in the mail.

Next 2 groups, please!

Group 1310: All cards written and starting their journey tomorrow AM (July 26.) :clap:t2::partying_face:

Please add me to Group 1313, thank you!

Thank you to:

Group 1307 @clouisesz sent a rt 66 postcard, I recall those road trips too! I was raised on those roads and pecan rolls. :relaxed: Thank you

Group 1310 @uconn sent an abstract painting by O’Keeffe from the New Britain Museum of Art. I have not seen this painting before and it’s one of the reasons I love this artist. She always mixed things up! :relaxed: Thank you

:rose:to all

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