[RR] šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø US to US Surprise Me -Themeless Fun From Hawaii to Maine - We Want YOU! (Part 1)

Please add me to group 1311 OR 1312.


@Crystalinne sends a card that she drew a nice campsite with Happy Postcrossing. Thank you so much I like it. Have a great summer.

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Could I please join any open group? Thank you so much!

Group 1300
@esca0417 - camera, thank you! This is a great card! Haha, I keep revisiting the USPS site and picking out which stamps to order next, especially before the price increase. I canā€™t really decide since none of them really excite me. The MO ones would be perfect for you!

Group #1300 @esca0417 beautiful monarch butterfly. I also have milkweeds for the butterflies. Thank you

Group 1300, I received from @esca0417 a lovely addition to my Bibliophile collection! Weā€™ve been getting tons of rain here in Ohio as well - Iā€™m not a farmer so I canā€™t speak for soggy fields, but all my normal hiking spots are muddy as heck and my dog and I are going a little stir crazy!

Thank you!

Milestone Group #1300
@esca0417 sent a fabulous looking heart-shaped pizza, which is the perfect choice for answering my poll question! Thanks for your response - for me, itā€™s a ā€˜noā€™, but Iā€™m truly amazed at the number of folks who love it!

Group 1308
Received from @hootnoodle a neat arcade game card, thanks!


Iā€™m not sure what was going on the first couple of weeks in June - but mail delivery was really slow both incoming or outgoing! Things seem to be back on track!

Group 1311 closed and I just sent the address list -

And it included a newbie! Welcome, Agneau!


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Join 1312 please

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Hello all! Back from my mini vacation to California and have some new postcards to report!

Milestone Group 1300 (all cards received for this group)

@jocrafts sends a great illustrated postcard of a kitchen shelf with different condiments. I recognize some of those and actually have many of them in my pantryā€¦haha. The meal prep company sounds great! I need to head to the grocery store this weekend. I spent some time this morning cleaning out my refrigerator and getting rid of expired condiments, etc. It is so clean and shiny now!

@esca0417 sends a card with Little Miss Sunshine on the front. She is so adorable. The Covid numbers are surging here, too. I am concerned about going back to teaching on August 23rd. We cannot ask college students to be vaccinated, so I am going to try to take an anonymous poll on the first day of my classes. There is a lot that I will do for my students, but Iā€™m not going to die because of them.

@TandemStoker sends a card from the Eltz Castle in Germany. I love these castles so much! Iā€™ve never even heard of Bishop Castle. I looked it up (yay, Google) and it looks so awesome. I might have to visit next year when Iā€™m in Colorado. Also, love the New Zealand stamp. NZ is my favorite place I have ever visitedā€¦the south island. Gorgeous!

Group 1310
@uconn - carousel of shoes, thank you! I know a few people who would love one of these in their closet, haha!

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Group 1310:

@uconn sent a really cool Vanity Fair card. Portland is northwest of the fires so we are not experiencing the poor air quality the rest of the country has. Last year, we had fires very close to us and the sky was a sienna color. It was very hazardous to go out.

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recā€™d 1307
@KristinaGisela Funny rubber ducky and cat postcard. So cute. I know exactly where Stoughton is. My parents use to have a trailer in Milton on LAKE KOSHKONONG My brother still has a place there and so do a few of my cousins. I also go up to Milton regularly to a place called Land of Giants to buy hostas. I would love to hear more about the meet up, It not even a 2 hour drive. I love walking around Madison.

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I have received many cards!

Group 1305 - all!

@clouisesz Mary Bly quote card. Very funny! I donā€™t really post a lot of videos on Instagram about my music, but I can find a few videos for you. I will check out your sonā€™s page!

@uconn Card of a wandering violinist in Hungary, 1921. Great card and stamps!

@HoosierWyomingite Card of Spirit of St. Louris from Smithsonian Natā€™l Air And Space Museum. I have been here before! Itā€™s always a lovely sight.

@MichelleW Card of Bartok from the World of Classical Music card set. Bartok has some interesting music. I havenā€™t listened to much of him, but a lot of his style is similar to those Bohemian composers like Dvorak.

Group 1306

@anon68172931 Card of Pismis 24 Constellation. Glad to hear youā€™ve been getting better weather!

@HoosierWyomingite Card of Amelia Earhartā€™s Lockheed 5B from Smithsonian Museum again. Airplane cabins are very compact at times! Amtrak is much better comfort wise.

@carolreader Card of Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Sounds like youā€™ve got some great environment for running in where you live! Great card.

Thanks all, and Michelle, please put me in another group.

Dear Michelle, please put me in group 1313 (not 1312!)!

1313 it is!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks, everyone FlowerSmiley.jpg

Please put me in another small group!
