[RR] US to US Surprise Me -Themeless Fun From Hawaii to Maine! (Updated)

Received from Group 1738:
@Monkeyflower , a card that promotes Fair Trade goods and an important message about pesticides. Thank you very much!
(There is no date or group number on this card, but I assume it is for 1738 as it closed before 1740.)

@sleepyhippo1 , a beautiful cat atop a stack of colorful books. Wow, four people quit! I am glad you snagged those 2 1/2 days off! When you say you have a lot of new stuff to learn, I hope that means you got a promotion. Thank you!

Cards for 1739 are in the mail.

Thank you to @TeachLittleKids for this great card. I love our parks, in particular state parks.

@MichelleW - Please mark me all received for 1732


1736 @JudyFL I hope you are staying safe in this crazy hurricane. I think it’s great that your husband is taking in household tasks. Thank you so much for this Frida card.

I have finished sending my cards for 1740!
I have received 4 cards for 1740

@steresem lavender is my heart!

@Nauti_Dogs Thanks for telling me what you think of for Indiana. It’s always fun to read.

@uconn Cool choice! So I never watched anything with Miss Rita, but I’ve heard a bit about her story and her hardships in life. Thanks, and thank you for these cool stamps.

@Cynovian OMG the homemade rainbow kitties then on the opposite side you decorated it so thoughtfully. Thank you!!!
I love the song Fairytale, and absolutely everything about the performance. What are those moves?! Eurovision has everything. I only stumbled upon Eurovision this year and I’ve not been the same since lol.

Thank you all so so much!!


From @LLAcademy - Texas! I love these cards, too! I think the state info cards that I have came from postcardmarket.com.
I will have to look into that book- my 9 year old loves birds! Thanks!

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@uconn - Orvis - I have not seen a fish like this. I kind of hope I never do.

@Nauti_Dogs - Mark Twain family cabin. I never knew that either.


@steresem awesome card. Thanks


Yes we are good! Thanks for thinking of us. We had a big high tide but flooding wasn’t as bad as they thought it’d be.

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Oeps!! When you asked for a link, I sent you the wrong one! How embarrassing. I’ll make a note to update this info on the Alphabet RR. In the meantime and for the future, the link to the Alphabet RR is NA Alphabet Round Robin

Group 1742?? - @DerbyGirl13 sent a wonderfully comprehensive card with map of Florida and a bunch of the cities/towns there! I think we learned a lot over the last week about the North Gulf Coast side! Remember that probably the most important thing to include with your message is the RR Group Number. (USxUS 1742) Thank you! :heart:

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Updated - thanks, everyone! FlowerSmiley.jpg

Open Groups!

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May I please join 1741 & 1744?

Thank you!

First-of-the-month happiness at the mailbox today…


@steresem shares a trio of mask-wearing girlfriends getting cozy. Thank you, Stephanie! I’ve been meaning to put a Redbubble order in for months…but with about 400 unwritten postcards in my stash, I’m trying to exercise restraint :cowboy_hat_face:


@jendallas sent a wonderful Lantern Press card from Gettysburg National Military Park. Thank you, Jennifer! I had no idea James K. Polk’s birthplace is in Charlotte…and I feel like I missed a chance to visit when I lived back east.

GROUP 1740

@lyndylou5 shared a picturesque view of the harbor at Mackinac Island, Michigan, as seen from the top of the Fort. Thank you, Lyndy! I envy your passion (and talent) for watercolor artistry…I have always lacked the talent (or confidence…or both) for any artistic endeavor. Would love to see some of your work! :paintbrush:


@sleepyhippo1 we’ll have a nice weekend until back in the 90s on Sunday
Thanks for this great cave card

@uconn sent the Poky Little Puppy! I haven’t seen this art in such a long time! I hope the fields aren’t too muddy if you wind up going to the agricultural festival! We have a couple around us where everyone parks in the grass, and some years you leave looking like you went off-roading!

Thanks so much!


Group 1734 (all received)
I was so happy to receive a handmade collage from @Cruzin ! The fall colors make me wish for some cooler weather.

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@Blue_Fox - Precious Wentletrap - I too am traveling to see family this weekend.

Shesa-Renegade reporting in with received cards this week!

Group 1730
@steresem sends a card from the Grand Tetons. This is by far my most favorite mountain range. The mountains are just go gorgeous. I hope you had a great time with your friend!

Birthday Greetings
@steresem send a fun polka dot birthday card. Thank you!! It was a great day, indeed.

@Cruzin send a card with happy elves wishing me a happy birthday. I love the glitter accents on this card, too. What fun that I share a birthday with your Mom. It is a very good day for a birthday!


Please add me to a new group, @MichelleW :bouncing:

Group 1741 closed and I just sent the address list!

I received a card for Group 1742 from @Beachblonde that’s beautiful and intriguing and I’ll be doing some research into Laimonas Šmergelis. I LOVE this card. (And your husband is right…you cannot sign up to volunteer for anything else!) Luvya :heart:

My heart absolutely stopped when I saw the headlines this morning that Mr. Margaritaville, The Big Parrothead, my long-time favorite songwriter, fabulous showman, Jimmy Buffet, is now forever in Paradise. I loved his celebration of the casual, craziness of not taking yourself too seriously. He had great ballads and maybe he’s standing on the coast of Marseille with his African Friend. I will miss knowing that he’s sitting somewhere in Key West, watching a sunset.

Missing you, JB…

Would you be remembering me?
I ask that question time and again
The answer came and haunted me so
I would not want to think it again
No, I would not want to think it again
You make it so hard to forget
I haven’t stopped lovin’ you yet.


Open Groups!


I was in total awe watching (on TV) the last solar eclipse as it crossed the Grand Tetons. It must have been sheer magic to be there!

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