Recipient deleted image

Had you written this information earlier, it would’ve been easier to know it might not be a case of damaged card :slight_smile:

They do actually write over 90% comes damaged and that they like to keep their wall almost empty. (Behind the link, where they have their profile, but I assume you did read it, when you chose a topic they wished.)

Reading this, I would not expect to see my card on their wall, or at least it is more likely they don’t keep it there, than they do. Perhpas, if it looks like the recipient is likely to not keep the picture on their wall, and I would like to have it, I’d send something that I have doubles, maybe already showing on my sent wall.


Is this the same person you are now remembering again?
I wonder did they combine their possible two profiles, because I can’t see how to send cards so fast. (Edit. I don’t know if it’s possible to combine profiles :slight_smile: )

But like I’ve already answered earlier, they have their pictures elsewhere, obvieusly they have every right to do so and there is no bad intentions in taking the scan away. And, from what I understand, it won’t be a surprise to the sender (like I understood from your later message you sounded surprised that they didn’t keep the image, and it was a different person, but I think it’s the same and you still feel bad about this).

But I see this has been hurtful to you, and I feel sorry for that.

I just replied to suggestions that they plan to upload a better picture. The info wasn’t on the profile when I sent the card but that’s a good suggestion, ty.

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I have seen many times pictures of cards destroyed by the mail sorting machines, they “eat” the cards, letting only bits and pieces…maybe it was what happened with your card?
(Almost all the handmade cards I received were inside envelopes and I’m grateful for that as they arrived perfectly :relaxed:)

Ew creepy postcards are the worst.

I’m glad I’ve not received any of those.

But then I don’t upload any of my postcards before I send them. Mostly because I think if the recipient likes what I sent (and yes I read their profile including a look at their wall for any favourites before I choose a card to send them)… they will upload it themselves.

If they don’t upload that’s okay too. I really don’t mind. I’m also not that great with tech due to injuries so there are days just getting a postcard registered is the most I can manage on my smartphone :joy:

So I’m open minded to whatever the process is. That said there are some that turned up so mangled I uploaded the awesome stamps because I figured the sender must have made a huge effort (not that I could see the front of the card). It came from the US


yes, really, think about it this way, you are from Australia. you would not want an Australian teenage tv idol girl wearing bikini image pre-uploaded by some males in other Oceanian countries on your wall, right ? dont you just go like , what ???

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I recently sent a postcard to someone. I uploaded the photo of the card, but when it was registered, the photo was gone.
I really uploaded it, because I check it multiple times. But when I looked closer into the account of the receiver, I saw he only had photos on his ‘received-cards’ wall of cards that match his preferences one way or another. In other words: he didn’t like my card and just deleted my photo…
I already emailed him asking if he could upload a photo again, since it is my only missing photo on my wall.
He didn’t replace it so far. But what do you think about this? Is he right for deleting the photo or should you always just keep the photo in place?


Check in here


Thank you for point that topic out! I’m going to have a look there.

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That doesn’t have to mean he didn’t like your card, perhaps he just likes to have his wall sorted in a special way?

I understand that you’re feeling disappointed - many Postcrossers make this experience, me too. A formerly uploaded photo is missing on the wall, and we just have to accept it because the receiver is “master” of the walls as soon as the postcard has arrived. Don’t worry too much about the reasons… :wink:

I keep uploading my cards, and most pictures stay on the wall.


In my opinion it is just rude if the receiver of a postcard deletes the image uploaded by the sender. I only find it justified if the receiver replaces it with a scanned image of better quality or if the received postcard contains an offensive / inappropriate / distasteful image.
There is a favorites wall to highlight examples of what kind of cards one likes, after all.
It is not in the interest of the receiver either to delete uploaded images of received postcards one does not like, as there is a higher risk of receiving unwanted duplicates in the future. :grinning:
I am also surprised by the fact that - as a sender - you’re not allowed to add any (short) description of the postcard you are sending (for example an English translation of a national quote or just mentioning some interesting short explanatory notes).


That’s a good idea

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@Violet2022 …you are a relatively new PostCrosser. You may think it isn’t inappropriate for your card to be deleted by the receiver; but the fact is that once it leaves your possession and becomes theirs, they are entitled to do with it as they please.

The majority of people here are wonderful. But you have a few who are snarky. On a couple of occasions, I registered then deleted two cards. One person inquired about that. I told him the reason in a respectful way why I did it. He then replied attacking my nationality. Jerk. In a couple of instances, I got postcards sent via third-party services (e.g. Touch-Note). PostCrossing thinks they are fine; I don’t. I registered the card, deleted the image and threw the cards in the circular file.


@CaptainSoul Thank you for sharing your views, but I respectfully disagree with the content of your message.
I sent my previous reply to a specific Postcrosser, sharing my own opinion with him, following his question.
Please note that new Postcrossers may also have useful input and feedback to give, as they look with a fresh pair of eyes at how things work in practice.
My own mindset is that of continuous improvement in a constructive and innovative way, in any case. :grinning:


I have got thousands of postcards. I have deleted some pictures because 1) I received another card than the scanned one or 2) the picture was brutal. What is brutal in a postcard for me: a bloody head of an animal, a skull with the devil’s horns, male genitals, inappropriate text on the front of the card. No need to apologize.


I can’t agree with this sentiment enough. I think that Postcrossing is about sending out joy. Once you send a card out, it no longer ‘belongs’ to you. The recipient should be able to do with it what they please, since the sender’s personal information normally isn’t on it - be it scanning on PostCrossing or another image hosting service, or deleting it, or even recycling the card itself.

I spent time scanning and uploading each sent card in a hi-res image, but personally don’t take offense to the act, as I notice a lot of PC’ers host their images on external sites. I don’t know what kind of organizational system they use, if any. I also really don’t know what the recipient might find offensive, everyone has very different backgrounds and stories - I don’t think they need to explain or justify this.

I do understand if a sender is disappointed by this, but if someone really wants to keep track of their own sent cards, scanning it and keeping it on an external site is always an option (there’s plenty of free image hosting services out there).

A majority of PC’ers I’ve interacted with (mostly on the forums) are lovely, interesting people. In fact, I’m sure that I’ve swapped way more cards on the forums than on the official site. I think the good greatly outweigh the bad here.

On a logistic side - I imagine it wouldn’t be cost efficient for PC to host two separate images for every postcard, along with separate comments; and I doubt people would be willing to pay the additional fees that would come with that.

I like the current system a lot, so both parties can see comments and favorites. I’d also hate to see the gallery flooded with doubles of cards (as most people don’t delete the images).


I totally agree with you!

Once I sent out a card it’s no longer up to me what the recipient does with it.

I also think that my time is too limited to care about any longer after the card was registered.


@Violet2022 …my comment about you being a new PostCrosser…I did not mean imply your opinion is not valuable. I just stated that because after a few years, you will come to realize that not everyone here is as open-minded about this subject. :smiley:


@anon95027724 …No worries, I noticed several interesting things already (as you have since joining in December 2020). Have a good weekend :grinning:

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I know that the Postcrossing as a rule, that say, when you send a postcard, while it’s travelling you can upload an image of it. But after it gets to it’s destine, the person who receives can delete it or replace the image.

I think it’s unfair to give the opportunity to delete, because:

1st. The sender had the work of take pic or scanning the post card

2nd. It changes the wall of the sender, decreasing the pics of the sending postcards

3rd. I think it’s not ok, having others change your wall, by deleting the previous work we had.

I love the opportunity to showcase all the postcard that I send (without others deleting) and also to showcase the ones I got.

When I got a postcard that does not have a pic, I scan it and upload it, because I think it’s a way to thank the sender.

So my suggestion it to preventing the deleting of the postcards that people have so carefully uploaded.