Pickle Festival Meetup🥒 | Mount Olive, NC | April 27, 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Mount Olive, North Carolina, USA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Cafe 506 @ The Warehouse |
506 N Breazeale Ave, Mt Olive, NC 28365
:calendar: DATE: April 27th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 8:30AM - 10:30 AM EST
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: :cucumber:Pickles, Socializing, Postcards, and stamps! (possible special pictorial USPS cancel in the works - TBD)

This is my first PostCrossing Meetup. Depending on location, and for me to not get overwhelmed my first go, I need to limit to max 12 as FCFS

Celebrating a huge day in Mount Olive, North Carolina with an annual pickle festival! Find more info about Mount Olive Pickle Festival Here (https://ncpicklefest.org/) or on their social media pages.

What to Bring?
A pen will get you very far at Meetups. If you just want to sign a few cards, write some postcards to send, and just share stories - you’re set for a good time! Some folks will get a little custom rubber stamper made - something that has their username or even something that identifies with them as a means of signing other Meetup cards. If you have something in mind, feel free to bring it with you and any other decorating tools you like to use!

Meet Up Card:
A special :cucumber:pickle :cucumber: themed meet up card will be designed for this meeting. I am also working with the event manager in creating a Pickle Pictorial cancellation. We are in the beginning stages of designs and would have to go through USPS for approval.

The Plan
To spend a couple hours at Cafe 506, socializing and signing cards. If the USPS Pictorial cancel is approved, afterwards, mozy on over to the USPS booth to get the cards cancelled.

Trash and Treasure
Bring any cards, washi tape, stickers, pens, or any other kind of postcard writing supplies you no longer want or need. It may be the perfect find for someone else! We’ll have a table set up where you can leave behind your unwanted cards and supplies and look for some new items for yourself.

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


This meetup sounds GREAT- at the Pickle Festival! Unfortunately, this will be too far for me (I’m in NYC) but I would be interested in purchasing some blank cards from your meetup and also donating some washi for you! I’ll send a message to you!
Good luck with the planning!


Excited for pickles! Will update with card when approved for PC logo use :slight_smile:

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This looks exciting! Never heard of the pickle fest, but I’d be excited to go, and to have a PC meetup on top of it. Looking forward to seeing you again & thanks for hosting! :smile:

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Great! Looking forward to seeing you there :grin::cucumber::cucumber:
*Edited to say I figured out RSVP items

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It is a bit of a trip from Greensboro- but i am putting it on my calendar!


Mark me down, I would love to go!! :cucumber:
Thanks for putting together this awesome event!

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I’m in! Hope you have room for me!

Terri Greenberg

Will you confirm the space?

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Hi! I’m interested in attending! This will be my first meetup :slight_smile:

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@TurtlesOfCatan We are so lucky to have you join us for your first meet up!:cucumber::heart:

@TerriGreenberg added you in under the RSVP. The cafe is confirmed for now as a FCFS space, however, if I can get my hands on something more private, I’ll be sure to update:)

@greetingsfromNC - Woohoo! Looking forward to meeting some NC PostCrossers!

@Monsoon74 Looking into holding a Raleigh Durham event soon too!

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Great news! I’ll freshen up the ink in my stamp!

I’m very excited to meet other postcrossers! Does anyone have recommendations for where to order a stamp?

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I ordered mine from Riley Print on Etsy! Would be my first

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Happy happy pickle meetup! :cucumber:
I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed on attending :cupid:
It’ll be my fourth meetup!
I can’t wait! :heart_eyes:


The Pickle Festival Postcrossing Meet Up Cards Designs:

Every day I am getting more and more excited, y’all.:smiley:

See you there!


@AnxiousHuman- We met in DC last summer. I am a maybe for the meetup. It is about a 4 hour drive south for me. I will let you know when it gets closer. I love your meetup card.

@mustardandpickles omg Nicole is this mega far for you .