20 April 2024 - Beaufort, South Carolina Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Beaufort, South Carolina
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Beaufort Public Library Meeting Room; 311 Scott Street; Beaufort, SC 29902
:calendar: DATE: April 20, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m./noon (EST)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Beaufort, South Carolina Postcrossing Meetup!

Meetup postcards will be available for you to sign and send off or keep for future use. We will have light snacks and drinks, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. We will have the room from
10 a.m. to 12 p.m./noon. The library is in downtown Beaufort with restaurants and shopping adjacent to the waterfront park & marina which are all just around the corner – it’s a charming, small-town!

What will we be doing?
* Spending time to get to know fellow Postcrossers
* Sharing Postcrossing experiences, ideas and/or suggestions
* Signing pre-designed Postcrossing Meetup cards

What to bring? (suggestions, only)
* Pens, markers, avatar stampers, washi tape, decorative stickers, etc.
* Postage stamps
* Postcards collections you want to show others
* Postcards you want to trade or swap
* Cell phone if you want to connect to Postcrossing.com

Hunting Island State Park is approximately a 20-minute drive from the library. Hilton Head Island is about a 35 mile drive in the opposite direction. Both have pristine white sandy beaches and tranquil waters. April is a great time to visit the area, with average temperatures in the 70s and warm sunshine.

If you’d like to receive a postcard from the Meetup, message me at “Rocky” on Poscrossing.com or
e-mail your name & mailing address to “eileencantrell@yahoo.com” and I’ll send one off to you! Contact me if you have questions or to RSVP. I hope to see you soon!

Eileen Cantrell


Hi Eileen- I would love to go, but this is the same weekend as the meetup in Bordentown, NJ. Bordentown is near where I lived as a child, so I normally go up there.

Hi Linda – Good to hear from you! No worries about the Beaufort Meetup. I completely understand going to the Bordentown one and hope you have a great time. Take care – Eileen

HI! Check this out! I am not sure if I can make it yet.

I’ll be there! Thank you for organizing!

Oh bummer! I wish I had seen this before booking my flights. I won’t be returning to SC until that evening. :confused:

I did receive the invite and my husband has to be in Charleston the 12th of April so I am trying to wait until a little closer to the date to decide if we can swing back down (as I’m in the upstate) the next weekend for the meetup. I have never been to one and it sounds exciting! I love Beaufort as well! My mom lived there for a while and I loved visiting her! Thank you again and I will try to RSVP in the next week.

Thanks for your message about the Beaufort meetup! I apologize for responding sooner. I’ve been out of town and just now getting to check the Postcrossing site for messages. I hope it will work for you to come; we’d love for you to experience a meetup with us! I’ll keep a spot open for you and will get back in touch sooner to the date. Take care – Eileen

Hi Amanda – Thanks for your message about the Beaufort Meetup. I apologize for not responding sooner, but I have been out of town and just now getting to check on Postcrossing messages. Hopefully we’ll have another Meetup again and it will be workable with your schedules to attend. Take care – Eileen

Hello I’m in Darlington S.C
And I’d love to attend it will be my first one

Excellent! We’re happy you plan on coming for your first Meetup! It will be a fun time and a nice way to meet other Postcrossers in SC. This will be a first for Beaufort, so we’re excited that people are coming from parts of the state. If you have questions, let me know. Looking forward to meeting you soon! – Eileen

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Hi is this by invitation only?

Hi there and thanks for your message! Not, it is not invitation only. We have a number who have responded directly rather than on this area of the site, so there a number of people planning to attend. Y’all are welcome to come on over from Ridgeland! Be sure to bring some pens and/or stampers so you can sign the postcards as we pass them around. Then you can leave with some to send out with signatures of the various attendees. Let me know if you have any other questions – Eileen

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I’ll attend! Coming down from the Upstate.

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Yay! Look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Rocky! Thanks so much for putting the meetup together! Was so nice to come down to Beaufort and meet everyone. I appreciate all your hard work putting everything together. The postcards are fantastic and your cake was soooo yummy. Take care.

-Ed Clapper

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I really enjoyed meeting everyone at the meet up …
The cake was really beautiful and delicious
The Cards you created were so beautiful
Thanks for making it so Welcoming for everyone…

God Bless you all

One of the meetup postcards I sent arrived, in China: Postcard US-10341370 :raised_hands:t2:

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