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Hello everybody! Tell me, is this the official postcrossing mailing address - “”?

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That is the email address that Postcrossing support uses, but the best way to contact them is by using the contact form on the main website under the help tab. Different support people respond to different needs, so using the contact form will direct your message to the support person who will be most helpful for your need, and will help them send you a response faster. If you sent an email it would take longer for your message to be directed to the best person to help you.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Questions about the forum

I searched the forum and Googled it, but I couldn’t find what I needed. I would like to know how many kilometers my cards have travelled all together. I haven’t sent or received that many cards yet, but I’m still very curious.

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For your officials, yes

If you hover around your sent and received numbers, you’ll see a total.
Here’s mine as an example



Hope this helps!


Thank you so much! So weird that I never saw this before. I always try these kind of things but it turns out I was hovering over the wrong part lol.

Hi how does IT Work on my Smartphone? Thx

I don’t think anyone can help me in particular…I’m just disheartened.

For about a month now I’ve had a seemingly permanently unbalanced ratio when it comes to cards sent and received. At best, I have sent +9 cards than I’ve received. Usually it hovers around 10. Right now, that’s where it is: 447 sent, 437 received.

I suspect the issue could be Canada Post, though I am receiving mail from friends overseas rather quickly, so I don’t know if that’s true.

But I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was making me not that keen to send out any new cards. I mean, my cards seem to be arriving just fine; I’ve got three to do right now, and could send three more.

I’ve also received a similar number (10) of cards as I’ve sent (11) in the month of May. But that doesn’t make the numbers even if I’m already awaiting an additional 10 cards.

Anyway, I guess it’s just bad luck, but some days it really bugs me. Like all of you, I go through a lot of effort (and money) to send cards, and I’d just like the numbers to be roughly equal on an ongoing basis. Like many, I happily donate as a supporter, except right now I’m not feeling too happy.

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But itsn’t it actually normal to have more cards sent than received? After all, technically, one of your cards has to arrive first before you are sent one back. I always have more sent than received and I actually worry when the numbers start to even out or the received cards even overtake the sent cards.


I’ve been unbalanced like that too but it always seems to even out. I got a card recently that took over 80 days to get to me!

I suggest try to be patient and wait, you should get all cards you are due! :slight_smile:

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The way the system works is that you have to have at least one more card received than sent in order to be eligible to receive a postcard. For those who only send one postcard at a time, and wait to receive one back before sending again, things will stay pretty even all the time.

But for folks who like to send postcards pretty constantly, and especially for people like me who end up doing it in batches, you can get pretty wild swings because all your postcards sent at the same time start arriving at their destinations before the ones you’re due to receive in return have even started travelling. So there’s always a lag between your sent number increasing and the received number increasing.

If you ever want to just wait a bit for things to even up, that’s totally valid; Postcrossing works to get the ratios to about the same over time, and just waiting a bit will let the international mail catch up.

It is difficult to wait sometimes and sometimes it’s horribly slow: some countries have quite a slow mail system, and sometimes there are mail disruptions due to local strikes or disasters, etc – but these things are out of Postcrossing’s control, unfortunately.


I find this common, and like others have said sometimes it’s more sent, other times more received, but it does balance out. Not long ago I didn’t receive any cards for a month then last month I received 29. I suspect it has something to do with the postal service as well as pure chance, but there’s nothing I can do about it.
As long as the cards that I send are received (which as we all know isn’t always) then I’m happiest.

The fact that you have fewer cards received than sent is completely normal, as your sent cards first have to be registered before your address is sent out to other users.
Your last 10 cards have only been registered in the last 5 days - so cards to you have only been on their way for a short time and can’t have reached you yet.
So please be patient - you will definitely get one back for every card you send.

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You need to shift your expectations a bit - there can be unequal numbers frequently for a variety of reasons in how the algorithm & postal systems works.

Sometimes the algorithm needs to give out your address beyond what cards you are owed, sometimes it’s equal & sometimes it’s imbalanced the other way plus all the variables of what affects mail delivery in many countries at any one time.

It’s not useful to expect that your numbers are going to be equal always - there are just too many variables in the system for that and and any kind of imbalance doesn’t always mean you are “owed” cards.

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Our kinder account - @LochPreschool - has been blocked because the address was seen as unsatisfatory. According to guidelines, we need to provide the name of a person or group. I would have thought the kindergarten’s name would have been classed as a “group?” I changed it to “Loch & District Preschool” instead of just “Loch Preschool” in the address for accuracy. This is how the school successfully receives much of its postal correspondence.

We didn’t want to add a teacher’s name because the postcards are suppost to be fore the entire class - not just one teacher. Has anyone had a similar experience? Do I have to attach the head teacher’s name to the address?

Kind regards,
Leah Broadby

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Your account has probably been automatically blocked by the system.

Maybe you can give the name of the administrative employee who generally takes care of your mail and add a c/o addition

First name … Surname
c/o class.xy or c/o Loch Preschool

If that don’t work or you don’t want to do it this way please contact the support team and ask for help :arrow_right: Contact us

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I’m not the one moderating this address, but in general, the point is that someone needs to be responsible for the cards, even with a group, to be sure that the postcards get to the right class and don’t just get set aside or perhaps ignored by someone who isn’t aware of the activity, etc (and then you’d write in your profile about being a group). But I’ve approved addresses like “Class Five, Such-and-Such School, Imaginary Road, Little Town, Postcode, UK”, so the class number or something may be enough – and it may depend on the guidelines for your country. I think I saw that you emailed as well, which is most likely the best way to get an answer from the person moderating the address.

FYI for @Bille – apart from not allowing a duplicate of an address already used, addresses are moderated manually. There isn’t a “system” blocking things; the messages people receive when addresses are rejected are sent by the person moderating addresses for that country.

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