NA Alphabet Group Round Robin 🔤

Group M-40 from @virgomar0918
M is for Mexico

I love the stamps. Thanks so much!


Group V-40
From @CalicoBeer
V is for vegetables

From @nursegarry

Vis for Varsinais Suomi region in Poland and for the Vega tables grown there

Thank you so much guys!


Nice card but I didn’t send it!

Group A-41 has been mailed.

V-40 from @l2y Lisa sends Venice Beach! Thanks! I can’t wait for a beach trip this summer!

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@Allayne22 Thank you for the San Francisco Sutro Heights Park card! I love all the S stickers and papers on the back!

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@prssrp sent Wonderland Way. This is a great card! I agree choosing not to clean is always a good idea

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B-41 please.

Two cards from @MichelleW - Water for W-40 and xylophone for X-40. What an awesome find for that one.

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Who mailed this lovely card to l2y??

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Whoa, Nelly!!! I play hooky for a day and the posts triple and multiple groups close!! Should I skip out more often?

Groups NameGame-40, B-41 and C-41 closed and I sent the address lists.

I received two cards!

Group W-40 - @Hazygirl sent a beautiful look at peaceful waterfalls! Loved your W alliteration - good job!! :ok_hand:

Group X-40 - @kanosis knows X is for xeriscape! I love panoramic cards. More and more houses in our area are redesigning their yards - it’s pretty evident that our summers are getting hotter and longer and that’s not going to change. Thanks, Maria! :cactus:

Thanks for all the great posts! ABC

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)


@MichelleW sent Wolf. No wolves or coyotes around here!

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Please add me to E-41 & F-41 thank you!


Received a wonderful Zoo card from Garry. Living Desert Zoos are fun to visit. Love to hear about your own Backyard Zoo. Thank you! :chipmunk::rooster::rooster::cat2:

All of V-40 went out today!
I would like to join D-41 and F-41

Shout-out to @nursegarry - your card received! :grin: :grin:


Sunny Sundays!!

Group D-41 closed and I sent the address list.

Thanks for the updates and please enjoy the day!


Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)

I would like to join groups


I am so sorry everybody.
The Mexican heart card I received for M-40 was from


I must have been looking at one line and typing from another. I am so sorry for any confusion.


No worries!:blush:

Name game 40 & B-41 cards in the mail