NA Alphabet Group Round Robin 🔤

Group V-40 are going out tomorrow.

Updated - thanks!!

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)

L is for Love


is in the mailbox for Monday’s pickup.

X and W 40 are in the mail.

R-40 received from @jendallas !

Thanks for the beautiful rose card & the birthday wishes! You remind me it’s been years since I went to Zoo Atlanta – I should go before it gets too hot!

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@kanosis sent TWO TIGERS. Thank you!
@Susaninutah a fun TIME TRAVEL card. Cute!
@TeachLittleKids Ring ring ring, it’s a banana TELEPHONE! So cute! I love it!

Got it - thank you! ABC

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)



Received a sun spot postcard :flushed: At first I thought it was a sunflower, but on closer inspection in the inscription, it is indeed a sun spot! The songbird stickers are very sweet! Hope your sewing project is a success! Thank you, Tia…

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Can I join groups Y-40 and Z-40?

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Long time, no see! Welcome back!

Is your address the same (Delaware Ave)?


There are 3 people in Group Y and Group Z. If you like to fill one or both to the normal 4 participants, please join!!!

:yellow_circle: :zebra: :yellow_circle: :zebra: :yellow_circle: :zebra: :yellow_circle: :zebra: :yellow_circle: :zebra: :yellow_circle: :zebra:

I received a card for Group W-40 from @nursegarry with photos of the Wright brothers. It seems like for every famous inventor, there’s a “not really - Georgie Porgie was first,” story. I’m suddenly curious how early aviators got the gliders in the air. Just have others push you off a cliff??? Will have to look it up! Thanks, Garry!

Updated - thanks! ABC

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)

Hi Michelle… I can join both Y and Z groups.

As for the gliders… they used hot air balloons! Which also caused many crashes!!!


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if there is room, I’d like to join y and z, or it’s okay if I can’t either!


@kanosis - a blue cat with an armful of TULIPS. Adorable! Thank you. This card is postmarked January 30, but didn’t arrive before we left on our trip April 13.

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Hi, Mary!


You’re in Z! Zoom Zoom!

Both groups closed and I sent address lists with special note to @Maslover12 :wink:


Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)


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@nursegarry sent W for walnut. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a walnut tree in person The squirrels got all of the apples are our apple tree this year we only ended up with one. Anhhh Nature for sure

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W-40 - @nursegarry - The Earth feom the Air - Buccaneer Archipelago - West Kimberly - I bet there is some great snorkeling there too. I will take a pass on those crocodiles though.


Z-40 ready to mail!!