NA Alphabet Group Round Robin 🔤

T-40 @AccentOnHakes Thank you for the beautiful and very different looking lighthouse! This one looks really interesting!
P-40 @Susaninutah Thank you for the pioneer card! I used to love watching Little House on the Prairie and dreamed of riding in covered wagons.
T-40 @Susaninutah Thank you for the T card. I love tomatoes and am in the process of planting my garden with several varieties of tomatoes!
U-40 @CalicoBeer Thank you for the u card! I am waiting for swimming this summer!

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Group X-40 filled - thank you @prssrp! (Address list sent.)

I’ve opened the Name Game-40 group! Sign up and have fun!

Updated - thanks, everyone ABC

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)

@prssrp and @salemhouse sent me to the Olympics, which I enjoyed more than I thought I would when Salt Lake hostedin2002 .
Perfect choice…my birthday month!

@l2y sent this sweet peeker.
@TeachLittleKids gave me something to think about.

@virgomar0918 I haven’t seen Roman Holiday. Might have to plan a trip,though.
@prssrp I agree that a road trip off highways would be awesome.

@kanosis Tigers on the front, all sorts of Ts on the back. Arrived canceled but without a postage stamp. Neat trick!

Thanks, everyone!


I’d like to join W-40 and Name Game 40 please

R-40 from @prssrp - Relaxation!
I am counting down to my July beach trip!

And also R-40: from @Susaninutah - Mount Rainier!

Thanks for the great cards!

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R-40 card received from @prssrp tha is for the recipe roll card. I too wish I have recipes written from my grandmother and mother.

U-40 card rcvd from @kanosis . Thanks, I love the colorful umbrellas on front & stickers & glittery underwater tape on the back! Fun!!

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Thank you, Kai, for the great truck card. It so unique. Didn’t know of a truck museum! And the Hank Williams stamp is a perfect pairing! Love his music.

Thank you, Victoria, for the great Utah card. So many cool things to see in the greater Southwest. :cactus:

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Group K-40 - a keen Keep Calm from @kanosis! This card works - I’m very calm now!! Thanks, Maria! :heart:

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

Wonderful!! Group W-40 closed and I sent the address list :laughing:

Updated - thank youABC

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)

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I’d like to join Name Game 40 and A 41, please!

A-41 for me, please!

Card for R-40 received from @Susaninutah

Thank you, Susan, for the great Rawson’s Seeds card & the fun R alliteration. I’m down for a Righteous Rhino! Lol

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@kanosis send a San Diego Stamp Meetup card! Thank you!

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P-40 @susaninutah sent a Peter Peter Picks a Pumpkin House postcard and penned a pleasant paragraph perpetrated with the letter P. Thanks so much it put a smile on my face

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I’m having technical problems with editing, so I’ll just keep it short 'n sweet! Updated - thanks! ABC

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)

X-40 is going out today!

It’s been a while! Please add me to group Y-40. Thanks!

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Updated - enjoy your weekend!

Currently open groups!

Traveling Groups (check your status)

Hello…Please add me to Y-40, Z-40, and Name Game - 40. Thanks!

Y-40 and Name Game 40 please.

R-40 @jendallas - retriever (golden) - going to my parents in Arkansas in a week and Belize in June. Can’t wait.