:postcard: Mail Suspension Alerts



Since 28.10. Poland can send again to:

Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chad, Fiji, Gabon, Grenada, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Panama, Central African Republic, Seychelles, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent Islands and Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.


Please, update with new 22 countries release for mail! Dat was on October 27th


I contacted the Federation BiH Postal Services in Sarajevo and they were kind to inform me that the updated list will be posted very soon.
And here it is:


:white_check_mark: List on the first post was updated on October 30, 2021 at 06:38 UTC.
(Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Poland) + Cyprus/to be updated on Nov.1

@Drakon75 thank you so much for contacting the BH Post!! It is updated, Yay! :+1:
Now It’s Поште Српске’s and Hrvatska pošta Mostar’s turn to update theirs.

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@Chieusa I’m glad to be of help🙂 As for Poste Srpske, they updated quite recently (August), and while I was in their PO ,a couple of days ago, I could see that they were still using that list to check the allowed destinations for outgoing mail.


:white_check_mark: List on the first post was updated on October 30, 2021 at 10:46 UTC.

That’s true. Thank you for the verification.
May I ask if my interpretation is corret: Srpske does not send postcards (regular letters) to France.

од данас, вршимо за сљедеће земље:
Француска, FRANCE Дозвољен пријем само: препоручена писма, вриједносна писма и пакети масе до 15 кг и највеће дозвољене дужине 1 м а збир дужине и обима на најширем мјесту 1,5 м

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Yes that is correct. I even called their office for Intl shipping this morning and they confirmed it :disappointed:


Sri Lanka Post has resumed airmail to Finland, Kuwait & Nigeria from today (Nov. 01) onwards.


Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Albania, Germany, Israel, Maldives, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.

@Drakon75, thank you for the confirmation.


Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Austria, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Thailand.

Hi, this is the new updated list from Brunei’s postal services. Please see attached photo.

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Hello everyone.
Every mail can be sent and received from Andorra to Spain and viceversa. I have sent postcards from Andorra to Spain and to some other countries and I have no problem. In fact, the Spanish post operator, Correos, also work in Andorra as do it in Spain. La Poste France, also operates in Andorra as well as it do it in France, so the mail restrictions of Spain and France are the same than in Andorra.


Hi, @rohana.
Isn’t it a list for EMS? We are not keeping track EMS because we don’t use it for sending postcards.
We are monitoring regular mail (letterpost).

@esteeban_02 , Postal Monitor was updated for Spain.

Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Estonia, Malawi, Netherlands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, UK

Hi @Chieusa! This includes both EMS and regular mail. They have lifted restrictions. This was posted by the Brunei’s Postal Services. :grinning:

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Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Brunei, Georgia, Switzerland

Thank you, @rohana.

Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Dominican Republic, Macao, Vanuatu

At present, surface mail sent from Jiangsu Province, China to areas other than Chinese mainland cannot be sent normally. The status of airmail is not clear for the time being. The current situation may be caused by the recent COVID-19 epidemic in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

Postal Monitor has been updated for:

@FoxPos As mentioned in the first post, Postcrossing’s system handles country-to-country suspensions, not local/provincial.
Also, if either Surface or Airmail work, it will not be listed on Postal Monitor. It will be listed only when both are suspended.
We are monitoring 中国邮政 website. If you find more information, please post the URL (source of the information). Thank you.
Hope everything goes back to normal before the Winter Olympics :crossed_fingers: