[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

Maybe should also celebrate unbirthdays! Everyone gets a card! Birthday people get birthday cards, unbirthday people get nice cards too.


Brilliant idea !! Since the price rise I’m looking to do more in the UK, so this is definitely up my street!


I am completely lost now :rofl: I take on all your experiences & very valid opinions - I have literally only just began my Postcrossing journey, and probably a little naive to it all.
I would very much like the birthday list @EmmaG - thank you :star_struck:
I was also thinking of something very informal.
Love @FairyFoot s idea (hello btw, nice to meet you).

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Hello everyone, I’ve missed all this discussion - I need to change my watch settings on this thread!

I was also thinking about trying to send birthday cards, although I’m always worried I’ll somehow miss one.

If anyone does want to set something up then I’m all for it but if not I will try to organise myself and remember to send a card.

Like many others, I’m trying to do more in the UK because if the postage increases. The BI groups are so friendly!


I just lost out on a PHQ job lot on eBay - if you’re the lucky buyer, congratulations! :tada::partying_face:

(It was 73 mint sets from 1978 to 2002)

No worries - onto the next bid! :sunglasses:


Hello again, following a conversation with some of you last week, and listening to/reading lots of messages, I have created the British Isles Celebration [BIC] pilot thread. Please take a look, and see what you think.
Big thank you to @EmmaG & @jobloggs who have both helped to really shape this :sparkles:


Why?!? :cry: x


What a shame! That is such a beautiful postcard! :pensive:


Thankfully I managed to rescue it, I heated the sticker with a hairdryer & it peeled off :grin::grin::grin: it left a little bit of glue, but I can live with that x


It says security inspection passed and the location, but goodness knows why they chose to stick it there!


Has anyone ever used the Repeated Countries feature? I’ve been considering using it but would be interested in other people’s experiences. I’m wondering if I used it whether all my cards would go to the exact same country or whether, I’ll draw several addresses to one country in a row, then several to another etc.

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Thank you :blush: I can’t imagine why a postcard needs a security inspection, there’s nothing hidden! x


I have used it @geo_, but I got so many Russian and German addresses I got bored and turned it off… I mean I get a lot anyway without that option on!


I used to have it switched on, but when a lot of countries stopped sending to Russia, nearly every single card was going there, so i switched it off!


I only ever use it in January as many German Postcrossers are due lots of postcards after that charity thingy they do leading up to to Christmas,

…but like the others above have said, just end up with lots of Russia.


I have it on and have done most of my time on the site. I find most cards at the moment end up going to Germany and not nearly so many but still quite a few to USA and Russia.

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I had this on for ages - Germany great as post fast until I reached the point all were travelling to Russia and Belarus :snail: so slowly :snail: I had no slots free for weeks ! so I took it off.


I dread to think how many of my cards would end up going to Russia if I turned on repeating countries - I’ve got 12/32 travelling there so far - all under 60 days old.



Hi All :wave:t3:

Can I interest anyone into taking the last spot on the BITE 98 - Worldwide Maxi a BITE for Maxi cards from the British Isles and other countries. I’d love to get it sent out this week :postbox: x