[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

Have that set somewhere… and there were some silly little airmail sized labels with silly sayings!

I have this card - happy to send it to you if you’d like one of your own!

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This reminded me of the video I saw online from The Evening Show with Arjen Lubach (think of it as the Dutch version of late night talkshows)

(I don’t understand Dutch either, I translate the captions into English and find that it’s good enough for me to understand it)

I laughed at the line “PostNL - what you do not send is always on time” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I had that stamp (and the others in the set) a little while ago x

Oh wow! I had my first ever time having more than 1 postcard to the same country yesterday, 2 cards to the USA). Now I feel very lucky this hasn’t happened more to me

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I had perhaps my strangest ever experience posting a card today.

I travel a lot for work and often take cards with me to drop in a box I might pass on the road. I didn’t see any that had parking today so when I got home, I ran round to a box in the middle of town. It’s one of those hole in the wall types built into the local sorting depot. It’s split into 1st/2nd. (Side note, how do others post international cards in split boxes like this? I usually put economy as 2nd, standard as 1st, but I’m not sure it matters).

Anyway, they collect at 5:45 and I got there at 5:30. I had two cards and put the first in the 1st slot, when I felt something grab it. I put the other in the 2nd and saw (and felt) a postal worker on the other side had grabbed the card! Clearly it was being emptied 15 mins early and they caught it before it went in the sack! I’ve handed cards to posties collecting from a box before if I bump into them, but I’ve never handed it through the slot to a waiting hand!



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Does anyone like/grow green gooseberries? We’ve only got red ones I think! Wondering how gooseberry green the gooseberries are in comparison to that new £2.50 stamp!

We used to grow them on our allotment and they were like green grapes in colour. So nothing like the stamp :rofl: definitely more bronzey!

154 days to China… according to Google maps it would have taken “only” 143 days to walk there to hand deliver the postcard! :laughing:


Ive often wondered with very slow cards if it would be quicker to walk!


My worst is 78 days to Germany. Even I could have walked with that one


Hello does anyone know where u could get a rubber stamp and ink of a British postbox ? So I could stamp them on my postcards? Apologies if this isn’t the right area!


I found this postbox stamp on Etsy: London Postbox Rubber Stamp BR065H - Etsy UK


Hello :raising_hand_woman: I realise I haven’t met everyone, but I have certainly enjoyed ‘meeting’ many of you over the last few weeks on RR and BI Tag.
I’ve had a thought… I wondered if there might be a place for a BI Birthday Tag? Each month a host could announce the birthday’s for the BI forum, and other’s can send the flurry of postcards?? For example, happy birthday to @Natea for tomorrow… (:innocent:)
I guess the host would keep all the birthday’s and announce them monthly? Then usual tag request for address if that was the first card you have sent them?
I have no idea how to set up a new tag, to pin it to the BI forum (happy to learn), or if anyone is interested, but I thought I would ask? :blush:


I think that’s a lovely idea :blush: I suggested it when we were discussing new RR’s but assumed it wasn’t practical, given how few of us there are. So I made my own list by looking at people’s profiles. Unfortunately not everyone has their birthday listed, or for some people I don’t have their addresses, but I’ve privately sent cards to those I could over the last few months x


Thank you Emma. Look forward to hearing other’s thoughts. I suspected that it wasn’t a new idea :smiling_face: x


I have never understood how a Birthday RR would work, It has been suggested a few times in the past, and I even have been a recipient, of a Birthday Tag/Random Act of Kindness RR, but if there is a demand and someone can show me what would be needed, I can certainly list one.


I think this is a really nice idea @EmmaEirene @EmmaG Maybe it could be done separately from the RR and people could sign up for it if they’re interested (I would be!)


Just thinking that it’s not an RR as such as it doesn’t close?