Brazil - 2nd Curitiba Meetup - 18th March 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Curitiba, PR
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Museu Oscar Niemeyer MON - Address
:calendar: DATE: 18/03/2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00 am - 01:00 pm (Brasília time zone)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We are glad to organize the 2nd Meetup at Curitiba :smiley: . We will meet at one of the most beatiful Museums of the city.

Postcard sign;

Postcard swap;

More to come…



Here is our Postcard, only sold under request with @FerSyski (contact her as soon as possible up to 7th March :slight_smile: ). It will not be sold in the day of the meetup.

Postcard by Dani Dagnoni art from Clayton Rucaly.

Pessoal, os postais serão vendidos somente antecipadamente, portanto, não teremos estoque no dia do encontro! Caso tenha interesse mande uma mensagem até dia 7 de março para @FerSyski e reserve os seus com antecedência.

Por favor confirmem a presença clicando no botão GOING no topo dessa postagem :slight_smile:


HI, I would love to have our group participate. Can you tell me more details on how to do that?

I do not have a lap top computer.

I am looking forward to this. Our postcard is at the printers.


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Hello Demaris,

As far as I understand you will be in Curitiba/Brazil on March 18, I got right what you mean? If is that, it would be a pleasure to have you as our guest at the meetup.
About the official’s postcard meetup they will be produced/printed by ourselves so do not worry about that. Soon the postcard will be here on the official page.

Stay safe,


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I will not be in Brazil. I will be having a meetup in Houston Texas on the same date March 18.

I was wondering how we could share the meetups. I am not tech savvy. I am 77 years.

I with I could be there though.
Sorry for mix up.

We could swap meetup postcards between the participants of both events :slight_smile:

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I would love to do that. Please tell me how that would take place?


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For this second meetup at Curitiba we will not invite the local postcard sellers as in the 1st one because of the area we will meet. Below you can find their contacts to buy the postcards from Curitiba. Feel free to comment other Curitiba postcard sellers :slight_smile: (maybe I forgot some)

Lembranças do Paraná


@carameljuniper Dani

Projeto papel de carta

Galeria Portfólio

Nesse evento não teremos os convidados que produzem e vendem os postais como no primeiro evento. Mas acima vocês encontram o contato de cada um (se tiverem outras dicas de postais curitibanos podem comentar abaixo, posso ter esquecido algum)

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any one interested for swap from UAE. I have few recent Meetup card which happened in Sharjah,UAE

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Pessoal que for participar:

vamos fazer uma troca com outro encontro que acontecerá no mesmo dia que o nosso? A ideia é mandar um do nosso e receber um do deles.

esse encontro na França:

quem quiser participar preencha o formulário abaixo para eu mandar para a organizadora, ela já pegou o dos interessados deles.


Que a terra do champagne renda muitos brindes bacanas no encontro de vcs!


Hello Fernanda, I’d like to ask you about the meetup card :slight_smile: Is it posiible to swap? Best wishes from Poland, Joanna


Hello Joanna! How are you?

Yes, it is possible to swap :smiley:
Please send me your address and I’ll send on Tuesday after the meeting.

Best Wishes,


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Hello ~
Anyone like to swap meetup cards from Taiwan ?
or you can check my swap list Postcard for swap | Flickr
Thank you !

Ivy ^^


Estarei em Curitiba, mas só chego à noite - e isso se a BR-376 reabrir até lá…
alguém tem cartões pra trocar países raros? América Latina exceto Brasil, Ásia Central e Oriente Médio, África e Oceania?

Good afternoon. I want to get this card, who wants to swap with me? I will select a postcard for you according to your wish list.

Hello Mararisha,

unfortunately we cannot send postcards to Russia, shipping has been restricted since last year.

Best Wishes

Muito bom o encontro de ontem!!

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HI Henrique,

Please send a postcard to

Trevor Bills
11323 Cypress Creek Lakes Dr
Cypress, TX 77433

He will send one in return

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a @FerSyski fez o post sobre o encontro no blog dela : Segundo encontro Postcrossing em Curitiba (

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HI All,

Thank you for the wonderful meetup postcard you sent. It was a pleasure to have a meetup in Houston, Texas at the same time. I hope my postcards have arrived.

Enjoy the day!

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