Birmingham meet-up 7th October 2023

Hi @glitter_ Welcome to the forum! You will be very welcome at the meet up, @MoominMog and I are co-hosting and we’ve never been to a meet-up either, in fact it’s going to be the 1st meet-up for a few of us!

Also check out the British Isles forum for fun and games at cheaper prices than international rates! :hugs:

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Hello!! We would love for you to join us! :relaxed:

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Hi everyone, just decided to check on the chance that there was a meet up nearby and as a Brummie, I am thrilled! Is it too late to sign up to come? And get some postcards? I have so many questions but I’m excited!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No not too late at all! I haven’t even finished designing the postcards, you can have as many or as few as you’d like, and we’d absolutely love to see you there! :relaxed: ask away for any questions, @jobloggs and I are organising it and have never been to a meet up so we will be winging it :rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’ve never been to one either, I somehow assumed they would all be further away - but I am super excited :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I will put myself as attending once I’m able, I only just joined the forums too, so don’t believe I can yet. Can I have 20 postcards please? Let me know where to send funds :slight_smile:


Oh welcome to the forum as well!! We do lots of different postcard swaps on the British Isles part if you wanted to do anything like that, it’s good fun!!!


Will put you down for 20 postcards and message once I have ordered them with bank details!! X


Welcome @rusticbouquetxo - it would be great to see you at the meet-up! As @MoominMog said, we are co-hosting despite never attending a meet-up, we noticed there weren’t any Midlands meet-ups planned, and so there are quite a few people coming that have never been to a meet-up before, we’ll muddle through together! :hugs:

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I’m super excited, I’ve booked my rail tickets!


Yayy! :partying_face: It’s 2 months tomorrow :hugs:

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Will you post a picture of the design here? What sort of thing will it be?

I will yes! Just a standard meet up card with a nice pic of brum or the ikon gallery and the postcrossing logo! I had a design but it was only available to be printed on Zazzle which was coming up as 65p per postcard and I thought - no one needs to pay that! So once I’ve sorted my life out I will design a new one and get it printed elsewhere for cheaper, of course I’ll post here as soon as :blush::star:

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Hi all, I will post the new card design later, it is much cheaper to print it with Vista Print so the price will come down for us all. It’s just going for it’s final quality control with my glamorous co-host @jobloggs :slight_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The new design!

Please let me know if you’d like any or if your amount has changed.

Cards are 20p each.

I have the following orders already:
@moominmog - 25 postcards
@minimog - 10 postcards
@xxxxyyyyzzzz - 4 postcards
@MaiJN - 10 postcards
@jobloggs - 20 postcards
@rusticbouquetxo - 20 postcards
@Natea - 10 postcards
@constanze - 10 postcards
@mattressy - 10 cards
@mousewithapen - 10 cards
@SashaUA17 - 20 cards
@ZoeJN @BriJN - 10 cards
@geo_ - 5 cards

Maybe attending
@Maddymail - 10 postcards
@shaleen - 20 postcards (tbc)

Not attending but would like cards:
@charzevans - 5 postcards
@caramilk_king - tbc


Hi all, just to say I am also getting some WPD postcards printed and if you wanted any I am happy to order you some - details on this post -

@MaiJN @glitter_ @rusticbouquetxo @charzevans


Can I order ten of the meet up cards please @moominmog? x


Added you to the list x


Could I change my order to 20 please?
I can give the money to @minimog along with my stamp to use.

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Oooo, can I be added to the list as attending please?!?


And can I have ten cards please!

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