[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

Yes of course, shall I just add on 2 for you? @roving

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Yes please, and let me know how I should pay you.


@MoominMog Thank you so much and thank you for organising!


Thank you for organising, @MoominMog ! May I order 5 postcards, please?


Thanks so much @MoominMog for arranging this, it will save us all a lot of money with you buying in bulk! :kissing_heart:

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No problem guys! There are enough people now for me to justify ordering 100. This is going to cost me £22.
So it will be 22p per postcard plus £1.15 postage (2nd class large letter). If you want to change your order numbers let me know.

Please can you message me for payment details and number of cards you want, PayPal preferred but can do bank transfer if you detest PayPal!! :rofl::blush: @jobloggs @RyanR @geo_ @Florallle @xxxxyyyyzzzz @chrisbonham11

I will not order these now until Friday so if anyone else wants to purchase a few let me know.

P.s. if anyone wants a meet up card from the Birmingham meet up I am co-organising then please let me know at the same time and I can add that on to this Birmingham meet-up 7th October 2023 - #75 by MoominMog


Heya @MoominMog would I be able to order 10 please? Only if there are enough free.

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Yes there are please do!! :heart:

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If you have any left I would like some - 6 maybe but if fewer left whatever you have - Thankyou & let me know how to pay you

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6 is great I have enough for you @tesc :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Have you placed your order yet @MoominMog ? Postcrossing has taken down the blog about this year’s winning entry. Someone has pointed out that the winner has used a standard image from the internet. It’s not their own unique image at all. Might be worth holding off ordering until the situation is clarified.


Oops! That will put the cat amongst the pigeons

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This is what Paulo has said:

"As it has already been mentioned, we have removed the blog post with the announcement of this year’s contest winner while we investigating an issue with the design.

We are acting as fast as we can, on what is a complicated and difficult situation. For the moment we ask you to not print the design. As soon as we make a decision about this, we will issue a statement with more information."

It’s in the thread “Show us your World Postcard Day 2023 designs” if you want to read more.


And I already sent in an order for that card…
And it already got shipped out :rofl::rofl::rofl:

At least it was just 36!


Not ordered anything yet. Thank goodness. Once they release a new design I can either continue with the order or I will refund those who have already sent me money if you’d prefer. Sorry about this!


What a scandal! My goodness.

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It’s not your fault! Are you happy to keep the money till we know what the new design is like?


It’ll be a collector’s item. Use it for lotteries etc. And it’s possible it will still be usable for official postcrossing, because it was an image that could be used freely from the internet.


I was going to offer it as part of a giveaway for WPD :rofl:
So participants would either get the winning card or my friend’s design (no choosing of course)

Back to the drawing board for now…