World Postcard Day 2021! 🎉

This is from last year. It is taken from our school’s instagram. I hope it works to share here.


I have seen the Papersisters in Germany have World Postcard Day designed postcards.


It’s lovely, bravo!

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Yes, they released it on Friday. Can’t wait to see what other shops will design for WPCD :relaxed:

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I really love the winner card for this year´s World Postcard Day, it is really cute - so please don’t get me wrong, but am I the only one who wonders that the Eiffel Tower (Paris - France :fr: - EUROPE) and the Statue of Liberty :statue_of_liberty: (New York - USA :us: - AMERICA) are on the same continent :question:


I think that’s just because the space is too limited to make each continent.


I looked at that too. Then, I thought, “How lovely”. It seemed to show to me how integrated our world is. It doesn’t matter which continent you’re on. We’re all part of the same thing.


If it really bothers you, why not think of it as the same statue (but smaller in size) you can find in Paris? :wink:

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Or both miniature versions in Las Vegas :wink:


Pity the comment on the blog homepage is closed! But here it is still open. :slight_smile:

I don’t want the card either. With only one design to homeprint I fear my letterbox will be floaded with it in October and the following month. Boring!!

I hate selfprints. And the so called meeting cards with logo as well. Those are not postcards to me.

The solution is to go in Travel Mode or inactive. As I do have not negative sent instructions in my userprofile.

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I think we’re perhaps overestimating people’s willingness to go through the trouble of printing a postcard… :sweat_smile: Did anyone receive an avalanche of postcards with the same design last year, in postcards with Postcard IDs?


Last year I received not one, and I so wanted to !!! :sob:
Luckily later last year someone offered the card as a direct swap. :balloon:

I now added the wish for a commemorative postcard in celebration of World Postcard Day on my profile !
Fingers crossed I will receive at least one with the official design ! :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:


I received one through the official site and one through the forum last year.

And I’ve sent around a dozen as officials. Professionally printed by a printing company on proper postcard stock, with a glossy front and non-sealed backside!

This year, I will do the same with the official design, but also send alternative cards designed by a German company to recipients in Asia.

@anon7793644: Great idea to add something about the day and commemorative cards to the profile :+1:


Hi so as far as I’m aware, and correct me if I’m wrong, but… In order to keep the badge I earnt last year I need to participate again this year, yes? I don’t like this idea, as a former Scout, if I earnt a badge I got to keep it for life! I know some training you have to repeat in order to stay up to date, but this is something for doing an event, which I did last year and want to keep the badge to show that I did it in 2020. So can I keep the badge? maybe add the year 20200 to it or for this year the badge should be blue or another colour and same for each year? maybe if I did WPD five years in a row I get a special badge? What do you think?



We haven’t yet decided how the World Postcard Day badge will be implemented this year — but it’s either a new badge, or maybe a little number on the current badge to show how many years they’ve participated. So no need to stress too much about it! You’ll still have your current badge, even if you don’t send some postcards this year. :slight_smile:


When printing the card, is it necessary to print the design on the back of the card as well? (Due to copyright issues etc.) For me, the printing outline at vistaprint cuts off the edges of the card’s design, which is kind of alright on the front of the card, but on the back, everything is then decentred and cut off. (I hope this is understandable, I don’t know how to describe it well!)

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Hi @Ezri ! I’m afraid the backside should be the one provided… Can you give it a try with the PDF version that is here? It has a margin around the design, which you might be able to crop on Vistaprint to make things fit. If it still doesn’t work, let me know — we’ll see what we can do.


Thanks for the advice! :slight_smile: With the CMYK-PDF version, it’s working!


Last years design is still being sent by members, they must have a large stock of them.

I still have some left from last year. :blush:

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