Where do we find our postcards?

Hi all - this popped up on Facebook today: https://www.alexiaclaire.com/get-free-postcard-pack/

I know quite a few of you are fans of her postcards (@SailingBy) so you can grab this beautiful pack (which I actually ordered before Christmas!) for just £3.99 :slight_smile:


Wow thank you for the tip @candyflosscurls! I too bought these a while back but you can never have too many, so ordered another set :grin:! Recipients so far have all been very happy.

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Thanks for the link! I already have 2 sets of these from Etsy but one more definitely won’t hurt, they are beautiful! But of a spammy looking website though, but hopefully fine :laughing:

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Lol yes don’t worry about it - these artists create specific websites like this for deals. There was this guy called happy art prints who gave away prints and the website was exactly the same but I got some beautiful prints :slight_smile:

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Yes, I got that free pack of Alexia Claire’s and all was fine. I then ordered two more packs and some loose ones from her website because they’re so beautiful.

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I have just received my order of Peter Adderley postcards (bought via amazon) and thought I’d share them with you. I just love the quirky and cheerful seaside designs :heart_eyes:.

, and he was kind enough to enclose an 11th card as well as a book mark for free. I am a happy lady.


I’ve never heard of the artist, but they’re so bright and cheerful. Really appealing… I’m off to Amazon to see if I can find them.

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Oh my god everyone - I got to do some actual in real life postcard shopping on Sunday!

We visited a gardens near us in Surrey and their gift shop was open (not sure if it should have been…) and then we stopped off at RHS Wisley’s garden centre on the way home where I picked up a couple more! So exciting.


Thought you British Isles lot may also be interested in this postcard & print Kickstarter that I discovered today: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/josemontero/a-visual-collection-of-pillar-boxes


I was visiting my parents last week and collected these which I bought in a charity shop a while ago - a few missing but bargain for 50p…they’re a bit of a laugh!

So glad the charity shops are open again…might have to go on some postcard hunting this weekend!


So good!! Couple more weeks before the charity shops open up here in Scotland - Definitely can’t wait!

You should feel free to send me one of those in the next RR! I’m sure you can crowbar them into any theme really…:joy::two_hearts:

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Hi Folks, have any of you tried Ebay? I’ve bought 2 bundles of unused post cards, the first was all about the postal service, everything from postcard versions of special stamps to pictures of the underground sorting train in London! to the oldest postbox in England! The second was a mix of art, design, classic Hollywood stars and Astrology cards, all excellent quality.


Yes! I’ve bought some nice vintage Scottish Highlands and Islands cards from a big seller on eBay, and I think from the same seller a big bundle of random Royal Mail PHQ cards, which are so great when you draw an address with really unusual postcard interests that I wouldn’t otherwise have! Will have a look for the name, this person had so many good listings!

Edited to add: https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/martynspostcards :star2:


I love MogCherie’s postcards - they recently did some new designs of different UK postboxes which are beautiful and I’ve sent off one already. She also does designs of lots of different European postboxes! https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MogCherie?ref=search_shop_redirect&section_id=30015039


We buy our postcards in box sets from amazon.co.uk. They are cheaper than almost everywhere else.

I paid a visit to the town museum shop on Saturday to stock up on some local interest cards. First trip there since it reopened last month.

I went on the pier!! Like a tourist!! And bought these! In a little souvenir shop.

First time buying postcards in an actual shop :blush:


Thanks for the recommendation for Origins.
I hadn’t realised that they would sell small quantities on line

I came up to London for work today. Had a spare half an hour at Victoria whilst I was waiting for my train so did a spot of postcard shopping in Paperchase and WH Smith!


Wow London shops are clearly in a different league than our local branches!