Where do we find our postcards?

It’s a regular question from fairly new Postcrossers: where do I go to find nice postcards?

So I thought this thread would be useful. It begins with a poll, but if you want to reply with any suggestions you have for great places to buy postcards across the British Isles, please do. With the loss of some of the traditional tourist postcard manufacturers in recent years, we sometimes have to use some lateral thinking to find a great postcard! :postbox:

Poll: Where do you buy most of your postcards for Postcrossing?

  • Local shops
  • Tourist attractions
  • Online (postcard sites)
  • Online (other)
  • Somewhere else

0 voters

Once you have voted, please tell us below where you like to buy postcards, and I’ll do the same. :slightly_smiling_face:


If I’d voted in a poll like this in 2019, I would definitely have chosen “local shops”. But because of lockdown, this year I’ve been sourcing postcards online. Origins has quite a long list of postcards with stunning images of Wales, principally Snowdonia. :mountain_snow:

It’s also worth reminding people (in the UK) that Royal Mail produce postcards to match their stamp issues, which are available at many Post Offices.


Origins have fantastic views, cheapest I’ve seen these out and about is 25p, but more like 30-35p. Some Spar shops sell them!

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I’ve voted local shops. There’s a few shops in town to cater for the tourists. One of them had cards at 6 for 50p and of course, I stocked up.

I recently bought a postcard box from a charity shop - cookbook/recipe ones. I’ve also got boxes through Amazon (Pixar ones were really cheap whenever that was, and it was mentioned on the old forum way back when). TK Maxx sometimes does the postcard boxes.

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Hi is this an online shop? Never seen postcards in a Spar shop, but might have to look next time near one…

I too have voted local shops as I would estimate over 50% of my cards are the tourist variety that I can only get in person, plus the ones from local museums (all pre-lockdown…). My favourite little newsagent in town stocked up on Salmon cards when they closed down two (?) years ago so I’ve been buying those every time i passed that way. Unfortunately the green map design that was a favourite with many recipients has finally run out now I think. I’ll need to go on another shopping expedition after lockdown ends. Online I buy random collections of art cards or PHQ cards, and the occasional box set, I loved the one of V&A designs.



Beautiful views!

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You probably won’t find Origins in Spar over in England. I wonder if they’ll have other local photographic postcards instead.

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Yes, Origins is an online shop (mentioned in my post above) that sells postcards of Welsh scenery. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I ordered really beautiful Scottish viewcards from Scottish Bookstore

Was very happy with the selection of cards available.


They’re gorgeous. The image of Skye :heart_eyes:

I buy many of mine of of Etsy or small business shops that I see on Instagram. For Seattle/WA ones I go into the city and find these or I find them at vintage stores. I’ve gotten them at thrift stores too but you just have to know where to look.

I usually get mine off of Etsy to help with small business’s during these times.


Exactly! I can recommend this seller:


I tend to go to our local bookshop https://www.easons.com/ where they have a good selection of Irish views. For more specialist items I go to www.postcardsmarket.com or www.postallove.com

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Hi! Very new to this new blog, and am still trying to understand it. I’m Ashby48. But you all sound friendly, and I’ve really enjoyed Postcrossing since joining up, so here goes… I have a stash of post cards, bought over the years, mainly from museums, but including freebies from cinemas, advertising ones, and inheriting ones that my daughter collected, but left behind when she left home. I’m seriously short of animal and bird ones (I like to fit in with peoples’ preferences if I can), so am thinking I need to buy some shortly. My daughter gave me a lovely set of Botanicum ones, from Kew - some a bit OTT - but I’ve used them a lot. Any ideas for internet shopping? Thanks for any help. [BTW - hope this is the sort of thing to write…?] G.


Yes, it’s absolutely the sort of thing to write :slight_smile: Welcome to the forum.

As for buying postcards online, Postallove is a popular destination for postcards, based in Poland. I’ve ordered from them a few times, all went smoothly. :+1:

Galleries and museums such as The National Gallery, the Tate, the Natural History Museum and many others often have postcards for sale on their website shops.

Paperchase has some contemporary, cute and funny postcards for sale online.

Hopefully someone can suggest a good source for bird & animal postcards for you below! :crossed_fingers:

I usually buy things online.I took part in group buying. Many people buy postcards of the same brand together. If a certain number of postcards can be discounted, each of us, on average, will be cheaper than buying them individually.
There are many original postcards produced by original brands in China. The quality of postcards is very good.
Some postcards produced by the post office can only be purchased at the post office, such as the annual Zodiac postcard and stamps.

Hello and welcome.

I had forgotten about the freebies from cinemas! I remember sending the lovely Constanze some of them.

As for online, a while back, a certain online store (beginning with A…) was selling the box of Pixar postcards rather cheaply! The call went out on the forum, and they quickly sold out at £4.68 for 100 postcards in 2009! Just had a peek for postcard box, they’ve got a Animalium Postcards (Welcome To The Museum) box on a Cyber Monday deal.

Thanks for the tips, and apologies for the late reply - my reaction to lockdown is to be more forgetful, and withdraw, so will try to work against that! Do you know Bibliophile? They had a box of Science `Museum cards that I might go back and look at - but thanks to you, I’ve discovered that A**z*n have lots of card boxes! Who knew? But I shall try and resist them (I think it’s the ease of ordering that just convinces me…), and explore local places now lockdown is over. Happy Christmas to you, if it’s not too early. Our road is full of outside decorations, and we’re adding to it this week! Best wishes, Gina