What's your writing desk like?

The desk is 90 cm deep, so there is plenty of space for almost anything. I am quite sure I can fit myself in one of the double drawers if really needed. :thinking:

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So do I. :slight_smile:

Im currently at the kitchen table with my christmas cards, stationery and winter/christmas craft supplies. My desk I usually use is a hot mess with other stationery etc. Who wants to help me tidy up there???

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elainei, me too!!! (Do write in the bed.)

I was just randomly going through the forum. I’m a new postcrosser and excited to read everything I can about it. I thought your desk looked familiar, then it hit me that I saw it on your youtube channel!

Here’s my messy desk :tada::memo::scissors::pushpin::art::heart::sparkles:


:sweat_smile: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

Here’s mine :pencil2::scissors::paperclip::pushpin:
Actually this place is the most nervous and the most relaxing for me at the same time. I do my lovely hobbies here: postcrossing, reading novels, watching series, knitting and ect. And also I am preparing for exams here. Sometimes I don’t even want to come from kitchen or living room back to this corner because it’s full of big student’s books unread yet. This makes me realize the awfulness of my laziness… :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Love your desk! It looks so homey and comfortable and seasoned.

my desk is in my small, crammed library. I don’t have a computer here, it’s downstairs in the office.
At my desk i only work with my tablet, that’s perfect for Postcrossing.On the left you can see some of the postcard boxes with unwritten cards. Too much…:joy::joy::joy:


i dont have writing desk :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Me too :wave:

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After I got married last year, I was finally able to afford buying my dream desk. :love_letter:
Love sitting here for any bit of work I have to do, lol, but especially writing.


This is my desk at its messiest:

It’s just a simple IKEA desk that I have had forever.
And at its cleanest:


Here’s my desk, it’s like some of you, often in a mess because I’m always doing things there and I don’t take the time to put it away! :woman_facepalming: Well, I’ve got two days off maybe I’ll take advantage of it. I like the fact that it overlooks the window and that there is a ray of sunshine depending on the time of day. You can see that there is a bit of everything: pebbles to paint (left), stamps and inks, envelopes, a large kit made by one of my Canadian correspondent, dictionaries… in short, yes, there are too many things …
In any case, thank you for this topic, it’s interesting to see how each of us is organized …
Have a good day :smiley:


Wow. I love it too


I love this topic! Even though I am new to Postcrossing I wanted to share my desk with you. The spinner rack actually is full of greeting cards. Postcards are in the top drawer of the plastic drawers. Some of my favorite accessories are the miniature recycle bin, surfboard pen case, and flamingo tape dispenser. The stamp art is from IKEA. Can you tell I live in Florida?


I love all about your setup — it’s so colourful and cheerful! You might want to stop over at What's inside your pencil case? too and tell us about all those lovely pens you have on your desk… :stuck_out_tongue:


My crafting room is under construction, but I have a little mail slot station that is serving me well in the meantime.
I have gained some ideas from seeing all the amazing writing station setups here! I can’t wait until my countertops are installed and I can share the finished creative space!


I have crafting room that is also pet room for my three rodents. So there is a lot of dust from their bedding all over my furniture haha no matter how often I deep clean everything. :smiley:

I also have a lot of storage space and closets where I keep my crafting items, like stickers, postcards and other stationery. Most of my stuff are bought from second hand stores, flea markets, handmade or received from penpals and swap partners. I try to keep my desk as clean as possible so there is enough space to work with all kind of crafting projects.