What ratio of popular/ sent postcards do you think is normal?

Also some members don’t upload (all) cards, so the amount or ratio is not true if compared just to sent amount instead of the sent ones in the wall.

I have 3519 sent on my wall, 2017 of these are popular.


60% of my sent cards are popular (2508 out of 4120). I upload all my outgoing cards previously, that is helping for sure, and sometimes I advertise cards with no likes in a topic in the forum

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I upload all cards as well; sadly, one recipient has the habit of immediately removing all images upon receipt.

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I have 171 popular out of 329 sent. Only one card has no picture.
So about 51%.

Yes, same for me! Do you have idea of why?

I personally have 72 “popular” postcards out of 94 on my gallery.
And I guess you might be interested in this topic: Beautiful cards with no favourites - Postcards & Mail / Postcard chat! - Postcrossing Community :blush:

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No, it was a very nice card. I had another, which the next person registered. I add received cards without pictures, unless damaged.


By the way, the saying “sex sells” also works for Postcrossing, I guess. I noticed that the most favorite of my sent postcards are nudes. :smile:


:laughing::laughing::laughing: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

584 sent, 371 popular, but some are dupicates

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440/1100 of mine are listed as popular. But a lot of those are duplicates so I don’t know the number if you combined those.

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I have 95 out of 150. Several of those are likes that were received on the same card but sent to different people, but just based on the total number that ratio is 63%.

That said, I don’t spend too much “emotive reflection” on that, because I had cards that I was just SURE were going to be the favorite of Postcrossers world-wide and all I have is a cricket chirping in the corner.

I do maintain curiosity about which particular card is most liked. For a while it was the MotW of New Zealand (I sent out several when I was in Travel Mode), but lately, it has become one I never would have guessed… a drawing of a cat sitting on a chair holding a ukulele, and an apple on the seat next to him. Who knew?

I also use it sometimes to help decide which cards to spend a few more bucks on when I buy cards to send out.


I have 146 ‘popular’ out of 172 sent.

I do find it interesting to see which of the postcards I send out are popular with others, because I like to send out things that people like. I’m also very much a pictures person. So I like to learn about what pictures or motifs other people enjoy.

I do agree with other comments above though that it’s hard to get an accurate picture because some people never ‘heart’ cards that they’ve received because they use their wall as an indicator of what they’d like to receive. I found it very frustrating that we can’t have a wall of cards we like AND a wall of cards that we would like to receive. But I got over it…eventually.

I have noticed that some people who I think might otherwise have ‘liked’ the card I send them, will go and look at my sent wall and like a couple of other cards for their ‘Wishlist’ wall. I think that’s a nice thing to do…although they will then probably unlike it once they receive it themselves so…swings and roundabouts.

It’s also quite apparent that mentioning a card in the forum, with a link to it, will also increase the likes a card will receive. This is especially true of mentions in the ‘cards with no likes’ topic. I mentioned a card in there back when cards with no likes troubled me, and it now has 22 likes! It not my favourite card by any stretch of the imagination…but it now looks like my most awesome card ever :rofl:.

And I’ve noticed on occasion a little run of likes on particular cards that I figured must have been mentioned by someone somewhere…maybe to a group of friends.

I spend less time mulling over cards no one appears to care for now. But I still enjoy getting that email mid-morning saying ‘It’s a favourite’, it makes me smile and I always look at it to see what card was liked.

Fun topic, I’ve enjoyed reading here. Thank you!


Thank you all for your replies! Currently about half of my cards are ‘popular’ but I´m still relatively new to PC so your replies really gave me a better picture :grinning:
For example I didn´t new that some people use their favorite wall as a wish list. And yes of course some are enthusiastic in their messages but don´t favorite the card. As usual everyones´s different :upside_down_face: .

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I have been keeping this statistic monthly since 2018. It as been consistently 53% or 54% Popular to Sent.


Hi. I’m new to this. Why would someone delete the image of a postcard they received? Just curious. Thank you

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I don’t know why they did that. They deleted ALL received cards so not just me. I cannot answer your question.

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I find it very odd.

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I have 397 out of 638

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I’ve seen the blue Delete link under pictures, I’ve never clicked on it but if I did click it would a warning message come up? Something like “are you sure you want to permanently delete this image?”. I’m wondering if people click on it out of curiosity or by accident . :thinking:

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