What ratio of popular/ sent postcards do you think is normal?

I´m just curious… :wink:


More than half of my sent cards that have a photo are “popular”. We can’t see the info for anyone else so it’s hard to guess what’s normal.


Countries with difficulty in buying a variety of cards domestically tend to receive lesser likes too. From the favorite tag, my country is often not favorited or the cards favorited are quite old/rare.

It’s difficult to favorite every single country though, so I understand

Personally, I have 23 cards with at 1 fav or more, but none got more than 5 favorites.


Same here - 1463/2704 to be precise.

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Really interesting question because only the account holder can see the total number of “favourited” cards that show as popular.

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I have 106 out of 249 that are popular.

I am at 132/220

I am at 745 popular out of 1255 uploaded.

333 have only 1 heart.
412 have 2 or more hearts.
228 have 3 or more hearts.
131 have 4 or more hearts.
85 have 5 or more hearts.
56 have 6 or more hearts.
17 have 10 or more hearts.

It’s kind of interesting seeing the similarities and differences between the most popular postcards I’ve sent! I’m still surprised that the postcard on 1st and 3rd place has 83 likes in total! It’s a postcard I would have expected to be average, like 2-3 likes.


Am at 99 popular from 108 sent. 305 “favourites” in total.


Also some members don’t upload (all) cards, so the amount or ratio is not true if compared just to sent amount instead of the sent ones in the wall.

I have 3519 sent on my wall, 2017 of these are popular.


60% of my sent cards are popular (2508 out of 4120). I upload all my outgoing cards previously, that is helping for sure, and sometimes I advertise cards with no likes in a topic in the forum

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I upload all cards as well; sadly, one recipient has the habit of immediately removing all images upon receipt.

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I have 171 popular out of 329 sent. Only one card has no picture.
So about 51%.

Yes, same for me! Do you have idea of why?

I personally have 72 “popular” postcards out of 94 on my gallery.
And I guess you might be interested in this topic: Beautiful cards with no favourites - Postcards & Mail / Postcard chat! - Postcrossing Community :blush:

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No, it was a very nice card. I had another, which the next person registered. I add received cards without pictures, unless damaged.


By the way, the saying “sex sells” also works for Postcrossing, I guess. I noticed that the most favorite of my sent postcards are nudes. :smile:


:laughing::laughing::laughing: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

584 sent, 371 popular, but some are dupicates

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440/1100 of mine are listed as popular. But a lot of those are duplicates so I don’t know the number if you combined those.

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