What is your favorite postcard box?

I know some folks prefer to purchase their postcards individually, but I like postcard boxes because I can get a bunch of postcards on similar themes at an economical price. My favorite postcard box is probably the one I’ve paid the most for so far: The 100 Postcards: Animals by Higuchi Yuko which I found at a Japanese bookshop. It’s great art that’s both cute and whimsical. And it genuinely makes me feel happy sending these out because I get to share some great art with a stranger.

I’m always on the look out for great postcard boxes to add to my collection. What’s your favorite?


I totally fell in love with the Wild Animals of the World: 50 Postcards Box.


This one:

Those photos are amazing.
(There’s a fire in the background!!! :see_no_evil:)
Alas, I only have two cards left :cry:
Maybe I should buy the box a second time so that I can send the cards again…


And here’s another box I have on my wishlist (but I’ve not seen the cards in real, so I can’t tell about the quality or how many not so nice cards are in the box): Fantastically Great Women 100 Postcards

edit: it’s 50 different cards, so every card has 2 copies.


Did you know that most larger cities in Germany have exact these type of boxes? So just saying if you like the style, but want a wider variety :wink:


Please do. So I won’t feel like a sad person for buying the Wild Animals of the World box again…

That box obviously.

And the one box I fell in love with before it was even released…

I love LEGO. Ever since I was a child. This box brings together my love of LEGO, postcards, colours, art, photography and collages all at the same time.

Oh my. Look at those cards. They look amazing. :star_struck:



Yes, but I only live in Berlin and know most of those places and can tell stories about the photos, that’s what makes the box so amazing!


I love the Higuchi Yuko cards! :heart_eyes: I happened to order Cats & Other Creatures recently, and the cards are absolutely stunning. They are quite large and exceed USPS parameters for what is considered a “postcard” (i.e., they would require 55¢ instead of 35¢ if sent within the country), but if sending outside the US, the postage is the same for postcards and standard letters.

(The set @syaffolee mentioned happens to be at the top of my birthday/Christmas list that I just sent to my family. :smile:)

Rock ‘n’ Roll Cats by Satoru Tsuda is another that I cannot stop sending to anyone who is remotely interested in goofy cats. :rofl:

(The few typographical errors in the English text make them all the more delightful, in my opinion!)


Those look great. I may have to put that on my list to get if I see it.

Ha! I happened to order two copies of that one.

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You were wise to order two; you won’t regret it! :relaxed:

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I have Disney and Harry Potter postcard boxes. They are usually warmly received when I send them.


This is a dangerous topic to follow for my wallet :wink: but soooo interesting! :star_struck:


I have a Postcards from Puffin-box. In the box are 100 cards with covers of children’s books. I have a little collection of classic English children’s books, so when I saw this box I just had to have it. Not all cards will be send, though! Some I will keep to myself, as the book keeps a special place in my heart.


I don’t have many postcard boxes, but my favorite is probably this one with japanese woodblock prints

which can be bought at The Victoria and Albert Museum’s webshop. I don’t use these a lot for postcrossing though, as many people prefer to receive something related to the country I’m sending from (Denmark).

…which is why @nekelin 's post made me so happy.

I love the cards in this box! I’m getting it right away. Always nice with a chance to brag about what is probably the best invention to come out of your home country :laughing:


Those are really cool. I think I’d rather frame them than send them out. :laughing:

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I actually do have one of them framed:

It perfectly reflects my theis-writing mood :sweat_smile:


Oh, those are beautiful! I wish they were easily purchasable in the states! Some of my favorite boxsets include:

The Snooty Bookshop

Naughty Little People

Salt Fat Acid Heat


Of course it’s the Flower Fairies One Hundred Postcards! I’m always a flower fairies fan. :fairy:

And I got interested in Urban Sketching: 100 Postcards : 100 Beautiful Location Sketches from Around the World after I got 1 from a RR. :smiley:


I adore these art cards about books and authors. Most of them are stacks of books, some are interesting libraries, authors’ studios, and a few other things. I love them so much it’s very difficult to send them out to other people. :sweat_smile:
